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Whether the 10U God of War can return depends on how much the boss will pay for my goods tomorrow.
Whether the 10U God of War can return depends on how much the boss will pay for my goods tomorrow.
大选最后冲刺!川普VS哈里斯,谁能登顶?🤔币圈心声:辩论后胜负更迷离,但降息利好加密货币!🌟 哈里斯若胜,短期回调风险大!华尔街放水欲望难挡💰 美联储若刹车,华尔街或导演恐慌大戏!💥 数据背后的真相?世界,有时就是这么奇妙!🌍 面对回调,稳住!坚持就是胜利!🏆 在这种不上不下的猴市阶段可以考虑BNB一鱼多吃的玩法,ListaDAO推出了最新产品—clisBNB,简单来说就是用clisBNB质押获得质押收益以外,然而你的BNB依然可以参加Launchpool新币挖矿收益,对于BNB和LISTA都是双重利好。 Lista DAO 的产品特色 - 创新的流动性质押机制: - 释放资产流动性:用户在传统的质押方式中,资产会被锁定一段时间而失去流动性。但是 Lista DAO 的流动性质押允许用户在质押加密资产(如 BNB 等)后,获得相应的流动性代币(如 slisBNB)。这些流动性代币不仅可以在 Lista DAO 平台内使用,还可以在其他 DeFi 平台进行借贷、提供流动性等操作,让用户在享受质押收益的同时,仍能灵活使用这些资产进行其他 DeFi 活动,极大地提高了资产的利用率。 - 拓展质押资产范围:除了支持常见的加密资产如 ETH 和 BNB 的质押,Lista DAO 还设立了创新区,允许用户抵押如 Etherfi 的 weETH、Stakestone 的 stone 等创新型流动质押资产,为用户提供了更多的抵押品选择,进一步增强了系统的灵活性和资本效率。 - 独特的稳定币借贷模式: - 超额抵押确保安全性:Lista DAO 采用超额抵押模式来发放其去中心化稳定币 lisUSD。用户需要抵押价值高于所借稳定币价值的加密资产,才能借入 lisUSD。这种机制可以有效降低借款违约风险,保障系统的稳定性和安全性。 - 去中心化的特性:lisUSD 作为一种去中心化稳定币,不完全依赖于与法定货币的绝对价格挂钩,允许一定的价格波动,更能反映市场的实际情况,在保持去中心化的同时,为用户提供了一种相对稳定的价值储存和交易媒介。 - 清晰的代币经济学模型:Lista DAO 拥有双代币模型,lisUSD 和 lista。lisUSD 主要用于借贷和价值储存,而 lista 代币则具有治理和激励的功能。用户通过参与平台的各种活动,如提供流动性、借贷等,可以获得 lista 代币奖励,从而参与到平台的治理中,这为平台的发展提供了强大的社区支持和动力。 Defi 创新方向的见解 - 与现实世界资产的结合更紧密:未来的 DeFi 项目可能会越来越多地探索与现实世界资产的结合,例如将房地产、大宗商品等传统资产代币化,并纳入 DeFi 生态系统中。这样可以为 DeFi 带来更广泛的资产类别和更稳定的价值支撑,同时也为传统资产的投资和交易提供了更高效、透明的方式。 - 增强的隐私保护:随着用户对隐私的关注度不断提高,DeFi 项目需要加强隐私保护功能。采用零知识证明、同态加密等隐私保护技术,确保用户的交易信息和资产状况得到更好的保护,同时不影响交易的验证和结算,这将是 DeFi 创新的一个重要方向。 - 跨链互操作性的提升:目前区块链网络众多,不同链之间的资产和信息交互存在一定的障碍。未来的 DeFi 项目需要不断提升跨链互操作性,使用户能够在不同的区块链之间自由地转移资产和参与各种 DeFi 活动,实现更广泛的资产配置和更高的资金利用率。 - 更智能的风险管理:DeFi 市场的波动性较大,风险较高。因此,未来的 DeFi 项目需要引入更智能的风险管理工具和机制,如基于人工智能和大数据的风险评估模型、自动化的风险对冲策略等,帮助用户更好地管理和降低风险。 - 加强与传统金融的融合:DeFi 与传统金融之间的融合将是未来的一个趋势。一方面,传统金融机构可以利用 DeFi 的技术和模式,提高金融服务的效率和透明度;另一方面,DeFi 项目可以借鉴传统金融的监管和风险管理经验,实现更健康、可持续的发展。 clisBNB 的推出的影响 - 对 Lista DAO 的影响: - 增加平台吸引力:clisBNB 的推出可能会为 Lista DAO 带来更多的用户和资金流入。作为一种与 BNB 相关的创新产品,它可以吸引那些持有 BNB 的用户参与到 Lista DAO 的生态中,提高平台的活跃度和用户参与度。 - 丰富产品体系:进一步丰富了 Lista DAO 的产品体系,为用户提供了更多的投资选择和策略。用户可以通过参与 clisBNB 的相关活动,获得额外的收益和价值,增强了平台的竞争力。 - 提升品牌影响力:如果 clisBNB 能够取得成功,将有助于提升 Lista DAO 在 DeFi 领域的品牌影响力,吸引更多的项目和合作伙伴关注,为平台的长期发展打下坚实的基础。 - 对 BNB 生态的影响: - 拓展 BNB 的应用场景:clisBNB 的出现为 BNB 持有者提供了一种新的资产利用方式,拓展了 BNB 在 DeFi 领域的应用场景。这有助于提高 BNB 的需求和价值,进一步巩固 BNB 在币安生态系统中的核心地位。 - 促进 BNB 生态的发展:吸引更多的开发者和项目参与到 BNB 生态的建设中,推动 BNB 生态的不断发展和壮大。同时,clisBNB 的推出也可能会带动其他与 BNB 相关的创新项目的出现,为 BNB 生态带来更多的活力和创新。 - 增加 BNB 生态的复杂性:随着 clisBNB 的推出,BNB 生态中的产品和服务将变得更加复杂多样。这对用户的认知和理解能力提出了更高的要求,同时也可能增加生态系统的管理和监管难度。 - 对 DeFi 的影响: - 推动 DeFi 创新:clisBNB 作为一种创新的 DeFi 产品,为整个 DeFi 领域带来了新的思路和模式。它的推出可能会激发其他 DeFi 项目的创新热情,推动 DeFi 技术和产品的不断发展和完善。 - 加剧市场竞争:吸引更多的资金和用户参与到 DeFi 市场中,加剧了 DeFi 项目之间的竞争。这将促使各项目不断提升自身的产品质量和服务水平,以吸引更多的用户和资金。 - 提高市场风险:虽然 clisBNB 为用户带来了更多的投资机会,但同时也增加了市场的风险。由于 DeFi 市场的波动性较大,新的产品和模式可能会带来更多的不确定性和风险,需要用户和市场参与者保持警惕。 Lista DAO 与其他 DeFi 协议的优势和劣势 - 优势: - 强大的背景支持:Lista DAO 获得了币安 Labs 的战略投资和支持,这为其提供了强大的资金和技术支持,以及丰富的资源和用户基础。相比一些缺乏强大背景支持的 DeFi 协议,Lista DAO 在项目的推进和发展上具有更大的优势。 - 创新的产品设计:如前文所述,Lista DAO 的流动性质押和稳定币借贷机制具有创新性,能够为用户提供更高的资产流动性和更多的投资选择。其创新区的设立也为用户提供了更多样化的抵押品选择,满足了不同用户的需求。 - 良好的用户体验:从抵押到借贷,再到还款与取回,Lista DAO 的流程简洁明了,操作方便快捷,每一步都透露着对用户体验的极致追求。同时,其清算机制也能够确保平台的稳健运行,保障用户的资金安全。 - 劣势: - 市场认知度较低:与一些较早成立的 DeFi 协议相比,Lista DAO 的市场认知度相对较低。用户对其了解和信任程度可能需要一定的时间来积累,这在一定程度上限制了其用户规模的快速扩大。 - 监管风险:作为一个 DeFi 项目,Lista DAO 面临着监管的不确定性。不同国家和地区对 DeFi 的监管政策各不相同,未来可能会出台更加严格的监管措施,这可能会对 Lista DAO 的发展产生一定的影响。 - 技术风险:虽然 Lista DAO 在技术上具有一定的创新性,但 DeFi 领域的技术发展迅速,新的技术和安全漏洞不断出现。Lista DAO 需要不断加强技术研发和安全防护,以应对可能出现的技术风险。 Lista DAO 未来的发展展望 - 产品和服务的不断升级:继续优化其流动性质押和稳定币借贷产品,提高产品的性能和用户体验。同时,不断推出新的产品和服务,满足用户日益多样化的需求,如探索更多的创新抵押品类型、推出更多的投资策略等。 - 拓展合作伙伴关系:与更多的 DeFi 项目、区块链平台、传统金融机构等建立合作伙伴关系,共同推动 DeFi 领域的发展。通过合作,可以实现资源共享、优势互补,提高 Lista DAO 的市场影响力和竞争力。 - 加强社区建设:社区是 DeFi 项目的重要基础,Lista DAO 需要加强社区建设,提高社区成员的参与度和忠诚度。可以通过举办社区活动、开展空投等方式,吸引更多的用户参与到社区中来,共同参与平台的治理和发展。 - 应对监管挑战:密切关注监管政策的变化,积极与监管机构沟通和合作,争取在合规的前提下开展业务。同时,加强自身的合规管理,提高项目的透明度和可信度,为用户提供安全、可靠的服务。 - 全球化发展:随着区块链技术的不断发展和普及,DeFi 市场的全球化趋势越来越明显。Lista DAO 可以积极拓展国际市场,吸引全球用户的参与,提高项目的国际化水平和影响力。 关于 的见解 - 积极方面: - 为 BNB 用户提供新的服务 作为链上 BNB 质押平台,为 BNB 用户提供了无缝质押解决方案,优化了 BNB 在 DeFi 领域的效用。用户可以通过该平台更方便地参与 BNB 的质押活动,获取质押收益,进一步提高了 BNB 的使用价值和吸引力。 - 促进 BNB 生态的发展 的出现有助于推动 BNB 生态的不断发展和壮大。它为 BNB 生态中的项目和用户提供了更多的机会和选择,吸引了更多的开发者和项目参与到 BNB 生态的建设中。 - 潜在的合作机会 可以与其他 BNB 生态中的项目和平台进行合作,如 Lista DAO 或 Pancakeswap 等,共同打造更加丰富和完善的 BNB 生态系统。这种合作可以实现资源共享、优势互补,为用户提供更好的服务和体验。 - 可能存在的挑战: - 竞争压力:随着 DeFi 市场的不断发展,越来越多的 BNB 质押平台和相关项目可能会出现, 将面临激烈的竞争压力。需要不断提升自身的服务质量和竞争力,以吸引用户和项目的参与。 - 技术和安全风险:作为一个区块链项目, 面临着技术和安全方面的风险。如智能合约漏洞、网络攻击等问题可能会影响平台的正常运行和用户的资金安全,需要加强技术研发和安全防护。 - 监管不确定性:与其他 DeFi 项目一样, 也面临着监管的不确定性。监管政策的变化可能会对其发展产生一定的影响,需要密切关注监管动态,积极应对监管挑战。#ListaDAO将Launchpool收益引入DeFi @lista_dao $BNB


Lista DAO 的产品特色

- 创新的流动性质押机制:
- 释放资产流动性:用户在传统的质押方式中,资产会被锁定一段时间而失去流动性。但是 Lista DAO 的流动性质押允许用户在质押加密资产(如 BNB 等)后,获得相应的流动性代币(如 slisBNB)。这些流动性代币不仅可以在 Lista DAO 平台内使用,还可以在其他 DeFi 平台进行借贷、提供流动性等操作,让用户在享受质押收益的同时,仍能灵活使用这些资产进行其他 DeFi 活动,极大地提高了资产的利用率。
- 拓展质押资产范围:除了支持常见的加密资产如 ETH 和 BNB 的质押,Lista DAO 还设立了创新区,允许用户抵押如 Etherfi 的 weETH、Stakestone 的 stone 等创新型流动质押资产,为用户提供了更多的抵押品选择,进一步增强了系统的灵活性和资本效率。
- 独特的稳定币借贷模式:
- 超额抵押确保安全性:Lista DAO 采用超额抵押模式来发放其去中心化稳定币 lisUSD。用户需要抵押价值高于所借稳定币价值的加密资产,才能借入 lisUSD。这种机制可以有效降低借款违约风险,保障系统的稳定性和安全性。
- 去中心化的特性:lisUSD 作为一种去中心化稳定币,不完全依赖于与法定货币的绝对价格挂钩,允许一定的价格波动,更能反映市场的实际情况,在保持去中心化的同时,为用户提供了一种相对稳定的价值储存和交易媒介。
- 清晰的代币经济学模型:Lista DAO 拥有双代币模型,lisUSD 和 lista。lisUSD 主要用于借贷和价值储存,而 lista 代币则具有治理和激励的功能。用户通过参与平台的各种活动,如提供流动性、借贷等,可以获得 lista 代币奖励,从而参与到平台的治理中,这为平台的发展提供了强大的社区支持和动力。

Defi 创新方向的见解

- 与现实世界资产的结合更紧密:未来的 DeFi 项目可能会越来越多地探索与现实世界资产的结合,例如将房地产、大宗商品等传统资产代币化,并纳入 DeFi 生态系统中。这样可以为 DeFi 带来更广泛的资产类别和更稳定的价值支撑,同时也为传统资产的投资和交易提供了更高效、透明的方式。
- 增强的隐私保护:随着用户对隐私的关注度不断提高,DeFi 项目需要加强隐私保护功能。采用零知识证明、同态加密等隐私保护技术,确保用户的交易信息和资产状况得到更好的保护,同时不影响交易的验证和结算,这将是 DeFi 创新的一个重要方向。
- 跨链互操作性的提升:目前区块链网络众多,不同链之间的资产和信息交互存在一定的障碍。未来的 DeFi 项目需要不断提升跨链互操作性,使用户能够在不同的区块链之间自由地转移资产和参与各种 DeFi 活动,实现更广泛的资产配置和更高的资金利用率。
- 更智能的风险管理:DeFi 市场的波动性较大,风险较高。因此,未来的 DeFi 项目需要引入更智能的风险管理工具和机制,如基于人工智能和大数据的风险评估模型、自动化的风险对冲策略等,帮助用户更好地管理和降低风险。
- 加强与传统金融的融合:DeFi 与传统金融之间的融合将是未来的一个趋势。一方面,传统金融机构可以利用 DeFi 的技术和模式,提高金融服务的效率和透明度;另一方面,DeFi 项目可以借鉴传统金融的监管和风险管理经验,实现更健康、可持续的发展。

clisBNB 的推出的影响

- 对 Lista DAO 的影响:
- 增加平台吸引力:clisBNB 的推出可能会为 Lista DAO 带来更多的用户和资金流入。作为一种与 BNB 相关的创新产品,它可以吸引那些持有 BNB 的用户参与到 Lista DAO 的生态中,提高平台的活跃度和用户参与度。
- 丰富产品体系:进一步丰富了 Lista DAO 的产品体系,为用户提供了更多的投资选择和策略。用户可以通过参与 clisBNB 的相关活动,获得额外的收益和价值,增强了平台的竞争力。
- 提升品牌影响力:如果 clisBNB 能够取得成功,将有助于提升 Lista DAO 在 DeFi 领域的品牌影响力,吸引更多的项目和合作伙伴关注,为平台的长期发展打下坚实的基础。
- 对 BNB 生态的影响:
- 拓展 BNB 的应用场景:clisBNB 的出现为 BNB 持有者提供了一种新的资产利用方式,拓展了 BNB 在 DeFi 领域的应用场景。这有助于提高 BNB 的需求和价值,进一步巩固 BNB 在币安生态系统中的核心地位。
- 促进 BNB 生态的发展:吸引更多的开发者和项目参与到 BNB 生态的建设中,推动 BNB 生态的不断发展和壮大。同时,clisBNB 的推出也可能会带动其他与 BNB 相关的创新项目的出现,为 BNB 生态带来更多的活力和创新。
- 增加 BNB 生态的复杂性:随着 clisBNB 的推出,BNB 生态中的产品和服务将变得更加复杂多样。这对用户的认知和理解能力提出了更高的要求,同时也可能增加生态系统的管理和监管难度。
- 对 DeFi 的影响:
- 推动 DeFi 创新:clisBNB 作为一种创新的 DeFi 产品,为整个 DeFi 领域带来了新的思路和模式。它的推出可能会激发其他 DeFi 项目的创新热情,推动 DeFi 技术和产品的不断发展和完善。
- 加剧市场竞争:吸引更多的资金和用户参与到 DeFi 市场中,加剧了 DeFi 项目之间的竞争。这将促使各项目不断提升自身的产品质量和服务水平,以吸引更多的用户和资金。
- 提高市场风险:虽然 clisBNB 为用户带来了更多的投资机会,但同时也增加了市场的风险。由于 DeFi 市场的波动性较大,新的产品和模式可能会带来更多的不确定性和风险,需要用户和市场参与者保持警惕。

Lista DAO 与其他 DeFi 协议的优势和劣势

- 优势:
- 强大的背景支持:Lista DAO 获得了币安 Labs 的战略投资和支持,这为其提供了强大的资金和技术支持,以及丰富的资源和用户基础。相比一些缺乏强大背景支持的 DeFi 协议,Lista DAO 在项目的推进和发展上具有更大的优势。
- 创新的产品设计:如前文所述,Lista DAO 的流动性质押和稳定币借贷机制具有创新性,能够为用户提供更高的资产流动性和更多的投资选择。其创新区的设立也为用户提供了更多样化的抵押品选择,满足了不同用户的需求。
- 良好的用户体验:从抵押到借贷,再到还款与取回,Lista DAO 的流程简洁明了,操作方便快捷,每一步都透露着对用户体验的极致追求。同时,其清算机制也能够确保平台的稳健运行,保障用户的资金安全。
- 劣势:
- 市场认知度较低:与一些较早成立的 DeFi 协议相比,Lista DAO 的市场认知度相对较低。用户对其了解和信任程度可能需要一定的时间来积累,这在一定程度上限制了其用户规模的快速扩大。
- 监管风险:作为一个 DeFi 项目,Lista DAO 面临着监管的不确定性。不同国家和地区对 DeFi 的监管政策各不相同,未来可能会出台更加严格的监管措施,这可能会对 Lista DAO 的发展产生一定的影响。
- 技术风险:虽然 Lista DAO 在技术上具有一定的创新性,但 DeFi 领域的技术发展迅速,新的技术和安全漏洞不断出现。Lista DAO 需要不断加强技术研发和安全防护,以应对可能出现的技术风险。

Lista DAO 未来的发展展望

- 产品和服务的不断升级:继续优化其流动性质押和稳定币借贷产品,提高产品的性能和用户体验。同时,不断推出新的产品和服务,满足用户日益多样化的需求,如探索更多的创新抵押品类型、推出更多的投资策略等。
- 拓展合作伙伴关系:与更多的 DeFi 项目、区块链平台、传统金融机构等建立合作伙伴关系,共同推动 DeFi 领域的发展。通过合作,可以实现资源共享、优势互补,提高 Lista DAO 的市场影响力和竞争力。
- 加强社区建设:社区是 DeFi 项目的重要基础,Lista DAO 需要加强社区建设,提高社区成员的参与度和忠诚度。可以通过举办社区活动、开展空投等方式,吸引更多的用户参与到社区中来,共同参与平台的治理和发展。
- 应对监管挑战:密切关注监管政策的变化,积极与监管机构沟通和合作,争取在合规的前提下开展业务。同时,加强自身的合规管理,提高项目的透明度和可信度,为用户提供安全、可靠的服务。
- 全球化发展:随着区块链技术的不断发展和普及,DeFi 市场的全球化趋势越来越明显。Lista DAO 可以积极拓展国际市场,吸引全球用户的参与,提高项目的国际化水平和影响力。

关于 的见解

- 积极方面:
- 为 BNB 用户提供新的服务 作为链上 BNB 质押平台,为 BNB 用户提供了无缝质押解决方案,优化了 BNB 在 DeFi 领域的效用。用户可以通过该平台更方便地参与 BNB 的质押活动,获取质押收益,进一步提高了 BNB 的使用价值和吸引力。
- 促进 BNB 生态的发展 的出现有助于推动 BNB 生态的不断发展和壮大。它为 BNB 生态中的项目和用户提供了更多的机会和选择,吸引了更多的开发者和项目参与到 BNB 生态的建设中。
- 潜在的合作机会 可以与其他 BNB 生态中的项目和平台进行合作,如 Lista DAO 或 Pancakeswap 等,共同打造更加丰富和完善的 BNB 生态系统。这种合作可以实现资源共享、优势互补,为用户提供更好的服务和体验。
- 可能存在的挑战:
- 竞争压力:随着 DeFi 市场的不断发展,越来越多的 BNB 质押平台和相关项目可能会出现, 将面临激烈的竞争压力。需要不断提升自身的服务质量和竞争力,以吸引用户和项目的参与。
- 技术和安全风险:作为一个区块链项目, 面临着技术和安全方面的风险。如智能合约漏洞、网络攻击等问题可能会影响平台的正常运行和用户的资金安全,需要加强技术研发和安全防护。
- 监管不确定性:与其他 DeFi 项目一样, 也面临着监管的不确定性。监管政策的变化可能会对其发展产生一定的影响,需要密切关注监管动态,积极应对监管挑战。#ListaDAO将Launchpool收益引入DeFi @ListaDAO $BNB
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My friend gave me a Bitcoin.I lost a lot of money speculating in the A-share market, and my life was very tight. Once, at a gathering, a friend who I hadn’t seen for many years talked about Bitcoin at the dinner table. At that time, I knew nothing about Bitcoin, but he had been speculating in it, and I heard that he made a lot of money. After learning that I lost a lot of money speculating in stocks and my life was not going well, he took the initiative to help me and said that he would give me a Bitcoin to help me get through the difficulties (the Bitcoin was 55,000 US dollars at that time 💲). I was so happy that I took the initiative to swipe my credit card to pay for the party, and then took him to KTV to invite him to sing and ordered two duck heads. The total cost of eating and singing was more than 8,000, but after the song, he fulfilled his promise and gave me a Bitcoin. After returning home, I took the Bitcoin he gave me and looked at it carefully. The workmanship was fine, and every detail revealed the exquisite craftsmanship (as shown in the picture)

My friend gave me a Bitcoin.

I lost a lot of money speculating in the A-share market, and my life was very tight. Once, at a gathering, a friend who I hadn’t seen for many years talked about Bitcoin at the dinner table. At that time, I knew nothing about Bitcoin, but he had been speculating in it, and I heard that he made a lot of money. After learning that I lost a lot of money speculating in stocks and my life was not going well, he took the initiative to help me and said that he would give me a Bitcoin to help me get through the difficulties (the Bitcoin was 55,000 US dollars at that time 💲). I was so happy that I took the initiative to swipe my credit card to pay for the party, and then took him to KTV to invite him to sing and ordered two duck heads. The total cost of eating and singing was more than 8,000, but after the song, he fulfilled his promise and gave me a Bitcoin. After returning home, I took the Bitcoin he gave me and looked at it carefully. The workmanship was fine, and every detail revealed the exquisite craftsmanship (as shown in the picture)
See original
Recently, I feel that the market volatility has made everyone's mood a little depressed. Is it because of the bad market or other reasons? What do you think? Are you currently holding short orders or short positions in spot? Or are you in a full position in spot but temporarily stuck and not saying much? In this stage of the monkey market, you can consider the game of BNB to eat multiple fish. ListaDAO has launched its latest product - clisBNB. In short, in addition to using clisBNB to pledge and obtain pledge income, your BNB can still participate in the Launchpool new coin mining income, which is a double benefit for BNB and LISTA. 1. The impact of clisBNB: The launch of clisBNB may enhance Lista DAO's position in the BNB ecosystem, providing more efficient liquidity management and revenue optimization. For the BNB ecosystem, it can attract more users to participate in decentralized finance (DeFi) and promote more application scenarios of BNB tokens. For the entire DeFi industry, the launch of clisBNB represents a technological innovation that helps improve capital utilization and promote more cross-chain cooperation. 2. Comparison with other DeFi protocols: Lista DAO may have more innovative liquidity management tools (such as clisBNB) than other protocols, providing users with more customized income options. At the same time, Lista DAO focuses on the BNB ecosystem, giving it a unique advantage in the BNB network. The disadvantage may be that compared with the broader, multi-chain supported DeFi protocols, Lista DAO may be slightly limited in cross-chain expansion. 3. Development Outlook: Lista DAO's future potential lies in further optimizing its liquidity tools, increasing cross-chain compatibility, and attracting more developers and users to join. The continued expansion of the BNB ecosystem will bring more opportunities for Lista DAO. If it can achieve technological innovation and cooperation, Lista DAO is expected to take the lead in the DeFi field. 4. About may serve as a platform to explore and showcase innovative projects within the BNB ecosystem, helping more users discover and use BNB-based decentralized applications (dApps). It may further promote the expansion of the BNB ecosystem and help developers and projects grow by aggregating resources. Overall, Lista DAO has potential in the BNB ecosystem through innovative tools such as clisBNB.#ListaDAO将Launchpool收益引入DeFi @lista_dao
Recently, I feel that the market volatility has made everyone's mood a little depressed.

Is it because of the bad market or other reasons? What do you think?

Are you currently holding short orders or short positions in spot?

Or are you in a full position in spot but temporarily stuck and not saying much?

In this stage of the monkey market, you can consider the game of BNB to eat multiple fish. ListaDAO has launched its latest product - clisBNB. In short, in addition to using clisBNB to pledge and obtain pledge income, your BNB can still participate in the Launchpool new coin mining income, which is a double benefit for BNB and LISTA.

1. The impact of clisBNB: The launch of clisBNB may enhance Lista DAO's position in the BNB ecosystem, providing more efficient liquidity management and revenue optimization. For the BNB ecosystem, it can attract more users to participate in decentralized finance (DeFi) and promote more application scenarios of BNB tokens. For the entire DeFi industry, the launch of clisBNB represents a technological innovation that helps improve capital utilization and promote more cross-chain cooperation.

2. Comparison with other DeFi protocols: Lista DAO may have more innovative liquidity management tools (such as clisBNB) than other protocols, providing users with more customized income options. At the same time, Lista DAO focuses on the BNB ecosystem, giving it a unique advantage in the BNB network. The disadvantage may be that compared with the broader, multi-chain supported DeFi protocols, Lista DAO may be slightly limited in cross-chain expansion.

3. Development Outlook: Lista DAO's future potential lies in further optimizing its liquidity tools, increasing cross-chain compatibility, and attracting more developers and users to join. The continued expansion of the BNB ecosystem will bring more opportunities for Lista DAO. If it can achieve technological innovation and cooperation, Lista DAO is expected to take the lead in the DeFi field.

4. About may serve as a platform to explore and showcase innovative projects within the BNB ecosystem, helping more users discover and use BNB-based decentralized applications (dApps). It may further promote the expansion of the BNB ecosystem and help developers and projects grow by aggregating resources.

Overall, Lista DAO has potential in the BNB ecosystem through innovative tools such as clisBNB.#ListaDAO将Launchpool收益引入DeFi @ListaDAO
See original
Is the bull market really over? Is there still a last chance for the cryptocurrency world?If you understand the following ten points, you will understand everything. 1. Money does not come out of thin air, but you must learn to pursue the wind of opportunity rather than just focusing on money. 2. The total amount of wealth you can have seems to be predetermined, and it is not entirely determined by hard work. Don't worry too much about temporary gains and losses. If you are in the right direction, you can still gain something even if you buy a small amount or sell too early. 3. The bull market in new assets is the biggest opportunity. 4. The trend may not be completely new. The most profitable opportunities are often the second wave. 5. Purchase leading assets and develop a habit of buying leading companies. Only in this way can you continue to grow and your development space will always be broad.

Is the bull market really over? Is there still a last chance for the cryptocurrency world?

If you understand the following ten points, you will understand everything.
1. Money does not come out of thin air, but you must learn to pursue the wind of opportunity rather than just focusing on money.
2. The total amount of wealth you can have seems to be predetermined, and it is not entirely determined by hard work. Don't worry too much about temporary gains and losses. If you are in the right direction, you can still gain something even if you buy a small amount or sell too early.
3. The bull market in new assets is the biggest opportunity.
4. The trend may not be completely new. The most profitable opportunities are often the second wave.
5. Purchase leading assets and develop a habit of buying leading companies. Only in this way can you continue to grow and your development space will always be broad.
See original
The market in October is expected to fall first and then rise. The second half of the bull market is about to begin. Friends who are trapped should maintain a good attitude.After rising for a long time, everyone will naturally expect a pullback, and this may be an ideal reason for an adjustment, so that the bulls can be thoroughly cleaned out. The market does not always go up, nor does it have a trend of falling all the time. It is normal for the market to pull back after a long rise. If you are optimistic about the subsequent market, the pullback is an opportunity to enter the market; if you are not optimistic about the future, no matter how much analysis you do, it will be meaningless to you. I personally believe that Trump will win the US election. I have already deployed BTC around 61,000, and BNB is also a highlight, including LISTA. Because ListaDAO has launched its latest product - clisBNB. In simple terms, in addition to using clisBNB to stake to obtain staking income, your BNB can still participate in Launchpool new coin mining income, which is a double benefit for BNB and LISTA.

The market in October is expected to fall first and then rise. The second half of the bull market is about to begin. Friends who are trapped should maintain a good attitude.

After rising for a long time, everyone will naturally expect a pullback, and this may be an ideal reason for an adjustment, so that the bulls can be thoroughly cleaned out.

The market does not always go up, nor does it have a trend of falling all the time. It is normal for the market to pull back after a long rise. If you are optimistic about the subsequent market, the pullback is an opportunity to enter the market; if you are not optimistic about the future, no matter how much analysis you do, it will be meaningless to you.
I personally believe that Trump will win the US election. I have already deployed BTC around 61,000, and BNB is also a highlight, including LISTA. Because ListaDAO has launched its latest product - clisBNB. In simple terms, in addition to using clisBNB to stake to obtain staking income, your BNB can still participate in Launchpool new coin mining income, which is a double benefit for BNB and LISTA.
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Tomorrow I will propose marriage
Tomorrow I will propose marriage
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The position of 60,000 cannot be broken for the time being!The current support is indeed strong, and the bottom-fishing operation is also in place. As for ETH, there is no need to mention it, and its performance is still not ideal. If BTC breaks through the 60,000 mark, there may be a support range between 56 and 58, but once it falls below 56, the market may fall to the 40,000 range, and there will be basically no strong support in the 52-53 area. But then again, judging from the current trend, it will not break 60,000 before the end of the US election. If Trump wins the election, it is likely to break 73,000. If Trump loses, it is likely to fall back to 60,000. I personally am very optimistic about Trump's victory. I have already arranged BTC around 61,000, and BNB is also a highlight, including LISTA. Because ListaDAO has launched its latest product - clisBNB. In simple terms, in addition to using clisBNB to stake and obtain staking income, your BNB can still participate in Launchpool new coin mining income, which is a double benefit for BNB and LISTA.

The position of 60,000 cannot be broken for the time being!

The current support is indeed strong, and the bottom-fishing operation is also in place. As for ETH, there is no need to mention it, and its performance is still not ideal. If BTC breaks through the 60,000 mark, there may be a support range between 56 and 58, but once it falls below 56, the market may fall to the 40,000 range, and there will be basically no strong support in the 52-53 area.
But then again, judging from the current trend, it will not break 60,000 before the end of the US election. If Trump wins the election, it is likely to break 73,000. If Trump loses, it is likely to fall back to 60,000.
I personally am very optimistic about Trump's victory. I have already arranged BTC around 61,000, and BNB is also a highlight, including LISTA. Because ListaDAO has launched its latest product - clisBNB. In simple terms, in addition to using clisBNB to stake and obtain staking income, your BNB can still participate in Launchpool new coin mining income, which is a double benefit for BNB and LISTA.
See original
BNB will help you become a millionaire in this bull market!#ListaDAO将Launchpool收益引入DeFi BNB Launchpool is making big moves! Big news for BNB and LISTA! We will give you an in-depth interpretation of this important news. The sooner you read it, the sooner you will benefit! 1. The impact of the launch of clisBNB on Lista DAO, BNB ecosystem and DeFi As an innovation of Lista DAO, clisBNB may enhance its influence in the BNB ecosystem. By improving liquidity efficiency and reducing transaction costs, clisBNB can attract more users and developers to Lista DAO. For the entire DeFi ecosystem, clisBNB is expected to simplify BNB operations, improve the scalability and user experience of DeFi protocols, and further promote the development of the BNB ecosystem.

BNB will help you become a millionaire in this bull market!

BNB Launchpool is making big moves!
Big news for BNB and LISTA!
We will give you an in-depth interpretation of this important news. The sooner you read it, the sooner you will benefit!
1. The impact of the launch of clisBNB on Lista DAO, BNB ecosystem and DeFi
As an innovation of Lista DAO, clisBNB may enhance its influence in the BNB ecosystem. By improving liquidity efficiency and reducing transaction costs, clisBNB can attract more users and developers to Lista DAO. For the entire DeFi ecosystem, clisBNB is expected to simplify BNB operations, improve the scalability and user experience of DeFi protocols, and further promote the development of the BNB ecosystem.
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Fans often ask me what to do if I get stuck? How to get out of the trap? I have said it countless times I can't do anything if you get stuck! Ask it↓↓↓ It has more ideas
Fans often ask me what to do if I get stuck? How to get out of the trap?
I have said it countless times
I can't do anything if you get stuck!
Ask it↓↓↓
It has more ideas
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Now that I have the yellow robe, I can be considered to have made money in the cryptocurrency world.
Now that I have the yellow robe, I can be considered to have made money in the cryptocurrency world.
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How many bitcoins is my pigeon blood red worth?
How many bitcoins is my pigeon blood red worth?
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There is an iPhone 16
There is an iPhone 16
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I have money to trade in coins.
I have money to trade in coins.
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Europe cuts interest rates tonight!!
Europe cuts interest rates tonight!!
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In the b circle For most people who have less than 50,000 dollars in assets You should first find a way to reach an annual income of about 200,000~300,000 Because this number can make you live well in the city, and after reaching this goal, consider how to make 200,000~300,000, which can allow you to buy a house in most cities in full. After being able to maintain an annual income of 200,000~300,000 + buying a house, strive to make an annual income of more than one million, and then consider how to make more than 10 million. Don't think about going any higher. If you can get to this point, your ancestors will be in trouble. Break down your goals and take it step by step. 80% of the market only occurs in 20% of the time. Now is 80% of the garbage time. It is recommended to open the p station and enrich yourself. When you see a good project, you should actively participate, such as the dappOS project, which is carrying out a series of activities with Binance Web3 Wallet - an airdrop activity to share $500,000 USDC D! dappOS is an operating system-level protocol that aims to simplify and improve the user experience of Web3 applications. Its feature of "interest-bearing but unlimited usage scenarios" can have a profound impact on the Web3 industry, mainly in the following aspects: 1. Improve asset utilization: Allow users to obtain income through DeFi and other channels while holding assets without sacrificing the right to use these assets in other scenarios. It greatly improves the utilization rate of assets, and assets are no longer limited to a single purpose, thereby increasing the enthusiasm of users to participate in the Web3 ecosystem. 2. Enhance user stickiness and attract new users: By simplifying complex operating procedures, more users who are not familiar with blockchain technology can also easily participate in Web3 applications, which will greatly reduce the entry threshold of Web3 and attract more users to enter this field. dappOS is expected to become a leading project in the intent-related track in the future. There are two main reasons: 1. Technical advantage: The interest-bearing but unlimited usage scenario feature provided by dappOS is essentially an innovation in the management and use of blockchain assets. This technical advantage gives dappOS a favorable position in the intent track. 2. Market demand: With the rapid expansion of the Web3 ecosystem, users’ demand for convenient and efficient asset management continues to increase. DappOS just meets this market demand and therefore has broad development prospects.#dappOS意图执行网 #BinanceWeb3Airdrop
In the b circle

For most people who have less than 50,000 dollars in assets

You should first find a way to reach an annual income of about 200,000~300,000

Because this number can make you live well in the city, and after reaching this goal, consider how to make 200,000~300,000, which can allow you to buy a house in most cities in full.

After being able to maintain an annual income of 200,000~300,000 + buying a house, strive to make an annual income of more than one million, and then consider how to make more than 10 million. Don't think about going any higher. If you can get to this point, your ancestors will be in trouble. Break down your goals and take it step by step.

80% of the market only occurs in 20% of the time. Now is 80% of the garbage time. It is recommended to open the p station and enrich yourself. When you see a good project, you should actively participate, such as the dappOS project, which is carrying out a series of activities with Binance Web3 Wallet - an airdrop activity to share $500,000 USDC D!

dappOS is an operating system-level protocol that aims to simplify and improve the user experience of Web3 applications. Its feature of "interest-bearing but unlimited usage scenarios" can have a profound impact on the Web3 industry, mainly in the following aspects:

1. Improve asset utilization: Allow users to obtain income through DeFi and other channels while holding assets without sacrificing the right to use these assets in other scenarios. It greatly improves the utilization rate of assets, and assets are no longer limited to a single purpose, thereby increasing the enthusiasm of users to participate in the Web3 ecosystem.

2. Enhance user stickiness and attract new users: By simplifying complex operating procedures, more users who are not familiar with blockchain technology can also easily participate in Web3 applications, which will greatly reduce the entry threshold of Web3 and attract more users to enter this field.

dappOS is expected to become a leading project in the intent-related track in the future. There are two main reasons:

1. Technical advantage: The interest-bearing but unlimited usage scenario feature provided by dappOS is essentially an innovation in the management and use of blockchain assets. This technical advantage gives dappOS a favorable position in the intent track.

2. Market demand: With the rapid expansion of the Web3 ecosystem, users’ demand for convenient and efficient asset management continues to increase. DappOS just meets this market demand and therefore has broad development prospects.#dappOS意图执行网 #BinanceWeb3Airdrop
See original
What books should I read and learn when I first enter the cryptocurrency circle?Everyone asked what books to read when entering the cryptocurrency circle. I gave some references and strongly recommend that you read them. Phase 1: "Basic Knowledge of Bitcoin", "Secrets of Blockchain Investment", "Mastering Blockchain", "Byzantine Consensus Algorithm", "Blockchain Revolution", "NodeJS Development of Cryptocurrency", "Blockchain and New Economy", "The Age of Cryptocurrency", "Isolated Verification and Hardware Wallet", "Digital Giant Chain", etc.; The second stage: "Don't Get Angry", "Diamond Sutra", "Heart Sutra of Prajnaparamita", "Tao Te Ching", "Zhuangzi", "Bible", "Yellow Emperor's Inner Canon", "Thought and Politics", "On Protracted War";

What books should I read and learn when I first enter the cryptocurrency circle?

Everyone asked what books to read when entering the cryptocurrency circle. I gave some references and strongly recommend that you read them.
Phase 1: "Basic Knowledge of Bitcoin", "Secrets of Blockchain Investment", "Mastering Blockchain", "Byzantine Consensus Algorithm", "Blockchain Revolution", "NodeJS Development of Cryptocurrency", "Blockchain and New Economy", "The Age of Cryptocurrency", "Isolated Verification and Hardware Wallet", "Digital Giant Chain", etc.;
The second stage: "Don't Get Angry", "Diamond Sutra", "Heart Sutra of Prajnaparamita", "Tao Te Ching", "Zhuangzi", "Bible", "Yellow Emperor's Inner Canon", "Thought and Politics", "On Protracted War";
See original
5.79, encryption is dead, you can fly all over the country, and you can sell your butt
5.79, encryption is dead, you can fly all over the country, and you can sell your butt
See original
It's really disgusting. After playing for so long, they only give this much. The total supply is 600 billion, but they only give this much to beggars! It's far from the pattern of dogs! #Dogs
It's really disgusting. After playing for so long, they only give this much. The total supply is 600 billion, but they only give this much to beggars! It's far from the pattern of dogs! #Dogs
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Have you withdrawn all the U you deposited before the kiloex airdrop? I have withdrawn it for half a month but it has not arrived
Have you withdrawn all the U you deposited before the kiloex airdrop? I have withdrawn it for half a month but it has not arrived
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