If you invest 100 BNB in Binance Launchpool, which allows you to farm new tokens by holding BNB, you can earn about 0.1 BNB per day, or about 3 BNB per month, based on the current reward rate of 0.1%⁴. However, this amount may change depending on the project you support and the total amount of BNB staked by all users.
Zhao had an estimated personal net worth of $33 billion on March 8, 2024, up from $10.5 billion the same time last year, according to Forbes' World's Billionaires list, which ranks the richest peopole using stock prices and exchange $BTC
The average Binance salary ranges from approximately $5,979 per year (estimate) for a Recruiter to $307,380 per year (estimate) for a Project Manager. The average Binance hourly pay ranges from approximately $8 per hour (estimate) for a Software Developer to $8 per hour (estimate) for a Software Developer.