Has Anyone Else Noted this ? when you want to invest in a coin Binance feed is full of good and promising posts for that coin and these posta make you buy that coin.
once you are done duying/investing your feed gets filled with depressing posts and analysis which makes you close your trades in loss due to fear.
#HELP I have converted my USDT to USDC On web3 wallet on solana network. then I sent some Sol to web3 wallet to be used as gas fee. It converted these Sol to WSol which I can not use as fee to convert my assets to others assets. Suggest me a to pay fee as sol.
#USUAL Finally 1st good statement from usual team. Now is the time to buy usual. each usualx will give you 1 cent weekly meaning if you hold 1000 usual coins you will get 10 USD0 Weekly as per current market stats of usual.
$TRB Despite the strength of this currency, my luck is very bad with it. Every time I buy with it, I lose a respectable amount 😂 and I sell at a loss due to losing hope. Then, after a while, I find that it rises significantly. I regret selling it. I had 8 at $81, the purchase price, and I sold at $55. It was my biggest loss. I lost hope and sold. After that, every time I bought a currency, it fell. I had about $650, and my lack of patience ended up at less than $100. Now I am trying again with 1 trb at $67. Your prayers help me make up for the huge losses 😂
hold it , every new coin gets a rebound surge within a week
Crypto Analysis Today
LOSS ! I brought huge amount of $BIO for 0.75 but BIO is at 0.69. Losing Hope. Please tell me should I hold or sell BIO in loss! #CryptoReboundStrategy