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超级大毛!!三分钟瓜分50万油奖金池!人人一顿豪华猪脚饭!!!!鬼谷撸毛(两只手按头!!): 🥳鬼哥今天发现了一个大毛,如何只用币安Web3钱包,3分钟完成DappOS两个任务,就可瓜分百万奖励,我计算了一下,保守估计一顿情侣麦当劳,和妹子明天的大餐今天就靠它撸到了(先到先得,#撸毛养家) 😘撸交易所空投的宝子们,这次可得抓紧啊?10U流转一下,猪脚饭到手! 🙋‍♂手把手教学:视频教程两分钟完成,豪华猪脚饭到手!不懂随时评论区咨询! 🟦投研报告: @dappOS_com 🟦项目指数:🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 🟦项目赛道:#意图解决方案 🟦项目介绍:dappOS提供了通用意图解决方案,提供意图执行网络🙋‍♂意图是通过指定起点的意图和终点的结果来简化操作流程,从而改善用户体验。 🙋‍♂基于意图的应用就是给数字用户提供了一种执行应用,减少成本并提高效率的方法。基本上,意图可以被看作是一种数字匹配机制。它的原理是将用户的需求与可行的解决方案相连接,简化中间的复杂过程,提供一个简洁的最终结果。 🙋‍♂意图资产是dappOS平台推出的一项创新服务,它通过去中心化非托管的方式,允许用户在获取资产收益的同时,像原生资产一样无缝地在链上直接使用。这种资产的主要特点是将资产的收益性和可用性结合起来,为用户提供了一个全新的资产管理和增值方式。具体分析如下: 1⃣ 意图资产的工作原理 去中心化非托管:意图资产实现了在去中心化和非托管的前提下,使用户能够获得资产收益的同时,还能够无缝地在链上直接使用这些资产。大白话例如,intentETH不仅可以在去中心化交易(DEX)中用于添加ETH/USDT的流动性,或者直接作为ETH充值到中心化交易所(CEX)进行交易,还可以实时产生很高利息!是不是很爽啊! 2⃣意图资产的主要特点 收益性:意图资产能够为用户带来年化很高的利息收益,这为持有者提供了一种既安全又高效的资产增值途径。 可用性:用户可以无缝地使用意图资产进行各种链上操作,如参与流动性挖矿、作为交易对的一部分等,极大地提高了资产的实用性和灵活性!大白话:自己的资产想怎么用怎么用 🔥大白话:在dappOS内铸造intentBTC、intentETH、intentUSD后,再不会出现:你持有BTC,想做ETH的交易,要先将BTC提取到CEX或者跨链工具,然后在CEX换成ETH,最后提取到ETH链上,币圈十几年都是这么过来的,这中间造成了巨大的交易浪费! 我不知道怎么上传视频。。推特发了一个视频教程 #dappOS意图执行网络 #BinanceWeb3Airdrop dappOS:顶级机构支持的意图执行网络 dappOS 推出意图资产:兼顾生息和使用的资产创新 参与Web3钱包空投领取瓜分 500,000 美元 USDC 奖金池!






🟦投研报告: @dappOS_com



1⃣ 意图资产的工作原理



#dappOS意图执行网络 #BinanceWeb3Airdrop dappOS:顶级机构支持的意图执行网络
dappOS 推出意图资产:兼顾生息和使用的资产创新
参与Web3钱包空投领取瓜分 500,000 美元 USDC 奖金池!
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Some opinions on the cryptocurrency circle The current situation in the cryptocurrency circle is vc coins are not as good as meme coins Why do I say that? The value of vc coins is often hundreds of millions meme coins are community-driven, the chips are fairly distributed, and the market value is low In the long run, investing in meme has a higher return rate Take aevo for example, this stupid project has fallen tenfold and is still falling The most disgusting thing is that the project owner shows the transaction volume... There is really no bottom line
Some opinions on the cryptocurrency circle

The current situation in the cryptocurrency circle is
vc coins are not as good as meme coins

Why do I say that? The value of vc coins is often hundreds of millions
meme coins are community-driven, the chips are fairly distributed, and the market value is low
In the long run, investing in meme has a higher return rate
Take aevo for example, this stupid project has fallen tenfold
and is still falling

The most disgusting thing is that the project owner shows the transaction volume... There is really no bottom line
See original
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I feel like there are no more leeks in the market, all of them have evolved into kols, and I have become the easiest leek to be harvested. 1. Debox finally made some moves, and the official Twitter account released an introduction to $BOX Several important information - $BOX is the ecological governance token of Debox - It can be used for payment, staking, burning, lending, governance, and deflation - 5% is airdropped to users - vDBX is exchanged for $BOX at 1:1, and the exchange page is not open yet I have more than 20,000 vDBX that are not locked, and I hope to make some money. The others seem to be locked for 180 days 2. Fractal Bitcoin mainnet is online, and the $FB token economics are also announced, with 80% allocated to the community; 50% allocated to PoW mining, and 5% of the tokens are used for pre-sale. Airdrops have been issued one after another. I heard that the over-the-counter transaction price has reached 12u. After the mainnet is launched, inscriptions and runes have indeed started, and you can start squatting. 3. $ENA Season 2 airdrops will start checking today, and you can claim them on September 30; GammaSwap $GS can be claimed today. 4. Bitlayer’s official Twitter account forwarded a meme last night, and finally ran away with the platform. It is said that this platform has been around for more than a year and has run for about 20w u. Bitlayer’s solution is to compensate points and cash them out before and after tge 5. Friend. Tech platform is closed, and I haven’t sold my previous $frend. I am really an extremely low-priced diamond hand. Why don’t I like to sell coins? 6. I saw that the official Twitter account of 7007 posted a countdown of 3 days. Today is the last day. I don’t know what it is. You can pay attention to it.
I feel like there are no more leeks in the market, all of them have evolved into kols, and I have become the easiest leek to be harvested.

1. Debox finally made some moves, and the official Twitter account released an introduction to $BOX

Several important information
- $BOX is the ecological governance token of Debox
- It can be used for payment, staking, burning, lending, governance, and deflation
- 5% is airdropped to users
- vDBX is exchanged for $BOX at 1:1, and the exchange page is not open yet

I have more than 20,000 vDBX that are not locked, and I hope to make some money. The others seem to be locked for 180 days

2. Fractal Bitcoin mainnet is online, and the $FB token economics are also announced, with 80% allocated to the community; 50% allocated to PoW mining, and 5% of the tokens are used for pre-sale. Airdrops have been issued one after another. I heard that the over-the-counter transaction price has reached 12u. After the mainnet is launched, inscriptions and runes have indeed started, and you can start squatting.

3. $ENA Season 2 airdrops will start checking today, and you can claim them on September 30; GammaSwap $GS can be claimed today.

4. Bitlayer’s official Twitter account forwarded a meme last night, and finally ran away with the platform. It is said that this platform has been around for more than a year and has run for about 20w u. Bitlayer’s solution is to compensate points and cash them out before and after tge

5. Friend. Tech platform is closed, and I haven’t sold my previous $frend. I am really an extremely low-priced diamond hand. Why don’t I like to sell coins?

6. I saw that the official Twitter account of 7007 posted a countdown of 3 days. Today is the last day. I don’t know what it is. You can pay attention to it.
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80% of people who want to make money in the cryptocurrency circle have to go through three cycles: The first cycle is for experience, making small money and losing big money, or spitting out whatever you make. The second cycle is to consolidate your faith, make small money, get in touch with new things, summarize lessons, and form your own rhythm. The third cycle is to change your fate. Strategy + timing + discipline, plus luck, may make a fortune that can be called large. People who can make a lot of money and retire in the first cycle are really rare. Most of them are people who can't get to the other side without their capital. It's great to be able to hold on to the table. Anyway, in the upward cycle, everything looks awesome. In the downward cycle, everything looks stupid. Therefore, when information is overwhelming, you should be most cautious and cautious. The more you want to operate, the more you lose. Practice your good mentality, good discrimination, and concentration in doing things! #美国经济软着陆? #美国经济软着陆? #以太坊基金会 #BTC走势分析 #BNBChainMemeCoin
80% of people who want to make money in the cryptocurrency circle have to go through three cycles:

The first cycle is for experience, making small money and losing big money, or spitting out whatever you make.

The second cycle is to consolidate your faith, make small money, get in touch with new things, summarize lessons, and form your own rhythm.

The third cycle is to change your fate. Strategy + timing + discipline, plus luck, may make a fortune that can be called large.

People who can make a lot of money and retire in the first cycle are really rare. Most of them are people who can't get to the other side without their capital. It's great to be able to hold on to the table.

Anyway, in the upward cycle, everything looks awesome.

In the downward cycle, everything looks stupid.

Therefore, when information is overwhelming, you should be most cautious and cautious. The more you want to operate, the more you lose. Practice your good mentality, good discrimination, and concentration in doing things!

#美国经济软着陆? #美国经济软着陆? #以太坊基金会 #BTC走势分析 #BNBChainMemeCoin
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RSR Multiple tactics superimposed in actual combat In the early stage, a large number of articles were used to describe the moving average, bottom judgment, box, rising channel, naked K, and golden section tactics. Each tactic is a single practical method with a high probability of winning. If you need to increase the winning rate to a new height within your own cognitive range, you need to superimpose the above tactics for reference, and use six methods to analyze a coin at the same time. If all tactics meet the operational requirements, then boldly intervene. Can't see the current trend, is it rising or falling? Can't see the support and pressure levels? Don't know what level of buying and selling points are currently running? A complete set of AI trading strategies: "Multiple and short prompts for entry and stop loss"! Standardized formula, process replication, and rules to follow! "The destination of newcomers", the (good news) of analysts no longer need to draw lines, trading is very simple, solve the (upward and downward direction) support level of each cycle to go long, and the pressure level to go short! 👉Instantly become an analyst!
Multiple tactics superimposed in actual combat
In the early stage, a large number of articles were used to describe the moving average, bottom judgment, box, rising channel, naked K, and golden section tactics.
Each tactic is a single practical method with a high probability of winning. If you need to increase the winning rate to a new height within your own cognitive range, you need to superimpose the above tactics for reference, and use six methods to analyze a coin at the same time. If all tactics meet the operational requirements, then boldly intervene.

Can't see the current trend, is it rising or falling?

Can't see the support and pressure levels?

Don't know what level of buying and selling points are currently running?
A complete set of AI trading strategies: "Multiple and short prompts for entry and stop loss"!
Standardized formula, process replication, and rules to follow!

"The destination of newcomers", the (good news) of analysts no longer need to draw lines, trading is very simple, solve the (upward and downward direction) support level of each cycle to go long, and the pressure level to go short!

👉Instantly become an analyst!
See original
CARV went crazy killing witches. The final invitation ranking has been released. The studio lost all its money. CARV Binance WEB3 event invitations for order brushing have all been cleared. After comparing the list, the top ten people who had previously brushed orders were all killed, and the number of invitations for the first place winner was only 9440. All those who had better personal relationships than Musk before have all been exposed. According to the salted fish 0.01/head, the studio brushed more than 3 million people, lost about 30,000 yuan, and then got nothing, but the salted fish players made money. I forgot to take a screenshot on the last day, there are only screenshots of 300,000 people, and I remember that the top 3 were all invited by 600,000. The ranking list is still the same link. Some people may question that this is not the previous event ranking list. I invited 2 people (actually myself) in the last Binance event, and it was displayed normally on this list. If you invite more than 3 people, you can get into the top 5,000 and get 5 coins. I am so short of one person. According to the number of invitees (the total number of invitees is less than 100,000), the actual number of participants should be less than 200,000. According to the total number of 1.3 million, the number of participants should be more than 5. Attached is a screenshot of the final list of killing the witch, and a screenshot from a previous day (my number of invitees is 2) Marktowin-Project Investment Research The good news for the scoundrels is here. @CARV has started to check the witches. Self-reporting will be rewarded at 15%, and those who pretend to be dead will not be given. After killing the witch studio, the scoundrels can get more rewards. Binance's CARV event was made by the studio to show that there were only 0.5 per person. At that time, someone asked if it was still possible to scoop up so few. My answer was: Detecting witches is the project's business, and we scoundrels just need to do our own thing. The studio bought the invitation from Xianyu for 0.01-0.1 yuan, using an ordinary wallet, not a Binance MPC wallet, so it was so easy. I paid the tuition this time. The invitation of 600,000 people must cost thousands or tens of thousands of RMB. After this group of people are removed, we, the real users of Binance, should have a lot more coins per person.
CARV went crazy killing witches. The final invitation ranking has been released. The studio lost all its money.
CARV Binance WEB3 event invitations for order brushing have all been cleared. After comparing the list, the top ten people who had previously brushed orders were all killed, and the number of invitations for the first place winner was only 9440.
All those who had better personal relationships than Musk before have all been exposed. According to the salted fish 0.01/head, the studio brushed more than 3 million people, lost about 30,000 yuan, and then got nothing, but the salted fish players made money. I forgot to take a screenshot on the last day, there are only screenshots of 300,000 people, and I remember that the top 3 were all invited by 600,000.
The ranking list is still the same link.
Some people may question that this is not the previous event ranking list. I invited 2 people (actually myself) in the last Binance event, and it was displayed normally on this list.
If you invite more than 3 people, you can get into the top 5,000 and get 5 coins. I am so short of one person.
According to the number of invitees (the total number of invitees is less than 100,000), the actual number of participants should be less than 200,000. According to the total number of 1.3 million, the number of participants should be more than 5.
Attached is a screenshot of the final list of killing the witch, and a screenshot from a previous day (my number of invitees is 2)
Marktowin-Project Investment Research
The good news for the scoundrels is here. @CARV has started to check the witches. Self-reporting will be rewarded at 15%, and those who pretend to be dead will not be given. After killing the witch studio, the scoundrels can get more rewards. Binance's CARV event was made by the studio to show that there were only 0.5 per person. At that time, someone asked if it was still possible to scoop up so few. My answer was: Detecting witches is the project's business, and we scoundrels just need to do our own thing. The studio bought the invitation from Xianyu for 0.01-0.1 yuan, using an ordinary wallet, not a Binance MPC wallet, so it was so easy. I paid the tuition this time. The invitation of 600,000 people must cost thousands or tens of thousands of RMB. After this group of people are removed, we, the real users of Binance, should have a lot more coins per person.
See original
Shib and doge helped me achieve a class leap from 10,000 to 10 million In 2020, I was still an ordinary mother who took care of my baby full-time, living in daily chores. By chance, I came into contact with cryptocurrency online. At first, I just wanted to give it a try. I took out the only 10,000 yuan savings in my family and bought Dogecoin (DOGE) and Shiba Inu Coin (SHIB), two low-priced currencies that almost no one was optimistic about at the time. The market fluctuates up and down, and my mood also fluctuates greatly. I have questioned myself countless times and even considered stop-loss, but my inner intuition told me that if I persisted, there might be a miracle. In 2021, a miracle really happened! Dogecoin soared because of Musk's tweets, and Shiba Inu Coin also doubled thousands of times in a short period of time. In just a few months, my account number soared from 10,000 to 10 million. I could hardly believe that this was really happening to me. After cashing out some of my assets, I finally achieved financial freedom and was no longer burdened by financial pressure. I not only changed the lives of myself and my family, but also understood a truth: opportunities in life are often hidden in your inadvertent choices. As long as you dare to try, miracles may come in the next moment. This journey made me understand that even ordinary people who take care of their children at home may change their life trajectory by seizing opportunities. In the sluggish market, you might as well focus on airdrops, and dappos is a good choice. "Intentional assets" have emerged in Web3 and have attracted much attention for their profit potential and wide application. They can flow flexibly in multiple decentralized applications, enhance the adaptability of the ecosystem, attract developers, and bring more passive income opportunities to users. As the operating system of Web3, dappOS has significant advantages in supporting the application of "intentional assets" with its cross-chain integration function and modular design, providing a unified interface and smooth cross-chain experience, and is expected to become a leading force in the industry. The joint airdrop event with Binance Web3 wallet not only demonstrated the ecological construction strength of dappOS, but also attracted more users to participate, improve platform stickiness, promote cross-platform asset integration, and accelerate the development of Web3 ecology. #BinanceWeb3Airdrop #dappOS意图执行网络 @dappOS_com
Shib and doge helped me achieve a class leap from 10,000 to 10 million
In 2020, I was still an ordinary mother who took care of my baby full-time, living in daily chores. By chance, I came into contact with cryptocurrency online. At first, I just wanted to give it a try. I took out the only 10,000 yuan savings in my family and bought Dogecoin (DOGE) and Shiba Inu Coin (SHIB), two low-priced currencies that almost no one was optimistic about at the time.
The market fluctuates up and down, and my mood also fluctuates greatly. I have questioned myself countless times and even considered stop-loss, but my inner intuition told me that if I persisted, there might be a miracle.
In 2021, a miracle really happened! Dogecoin soared because of Musk's tweets, and Shiba Inu Coin also doubled thousands of times in a short period of time. In just a few months, my account number soared from 10,000 to 10 million. I could hardly believe that this was really happening to me.
After cashing out some of my assets, I finally achieved financial freedom and was no longer burdened by financial pressure. I not only changed the lives of myself and my family, but also understood a truth: opportunities in life are often hidden in your inadvertent choices. As long as you dare to try, miracles may come in the next moment.
This journey made me understand that even ordinary people who take care of their children at home may change their life trajectory by seizing opportunities.
In the sluggish market, you might as well focus on airdrops, and dappos is a good choice.
"Intentional assets" have emerged in Web3 and have attracted much attention for their profit potential and wide application. They can flow flexibly in multiple decentralized applications, enhance the adaptability of the ecosystem, attract developers, and bring more passive income opportunities to users.
As the operating system of Web3, dappOS has significant advantages in supporting the application of "intentional assets" with its cross-chain integration function and modular design, providing a unified interface and smooth cross-chain experience, and is expected to become a leading force in the industry.
The joint airdrop event with Binance Web3 wallet not only demonstrated the ecological construction strength of dappOS, but also attracted more users to participate, improve platform stickiness, promote cross-platform asset integration, and accelerate the development of Web3 ecology. #BinanceWeb3Airdrop #dappOS意图执行网络 @dappOS_com
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How much wealth does it take for an individual to hold one Bitcoin? The total number of Bitcoins is 21 million. Excluding Satoshi Nakamoto and the 23% that have been lost, plus the ones held by the government, commercial companies and exchanges, there are about 12 million. According to statistics, only 2% of the addresses hold more than 1 Bitcoin, which is about 240,000 people. If Bitcoin becomes the dominant asset in the future, then owning one Bitcoin may indeed put you in a very small part of the top of the global wealth. Even considering the impact of other assets, this level is quite impressive.
How much wealth does it take for an individual to hold one Bitcoin? The total number of Bitcoins is 21 million. Excluding Satoshi Nakamoto and the 23% that have been lost, plus the ones held by the government, commercial companies and exchanges, there are about 12 million. According to statistics, only 2% of the addresses hold more than 1 Bitcoin, which is about 240,000 people. If Bitcoin becomes the dominant asset in the future, then owning one Bitcoin may indeed put you in a very small part of the top of the global wealth. Even considering the impact of other assets, this level is quite impressive.
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In El Salvador, bread is legal tender. The general experience is as follows: A breakfast of $3 is about 0.000018 bread, Using bread to buy Coke or beer on the beach generally costs 0.00004 bread, And you can already use Bitcoin to pay rent, buy a house or buy Mayan pottery in the local market, The Salvadoran government has recharged each citizen's electronic wallet with $30, about 0.00018 bread. The main poor experience now: 1. Digital wallets have been hacked and transfers are slow. 2. Bitcoin even makes it more complicated to use ATMs. 3. There are still many local vendors who do not support bread payments. They don't have such good conditions as us to get airdrops, Binance and dappOS jointly launched a short project, you can check it out in the web3 wallet! The main benefit of dappOS to users is that it provides a convenient, secure and diverse Web3 application environment. Users do not need to perform tedious cross-chain operations. They can seamlessly access and use various blockchain applications (DApps) with just one wallet account and enjoy a one-stop service experience. dappOS adds a new layer between users and cryptographic infrastructure such as public chains and cross-chain bridges, virtualizing the public chain so that users can access various Web3 applications with one click through dappOS without having to worry about complex underlying technologies and operations. This experience is similar to calling mini-programs in WeChat, which greatly reduces the user's usage threshold. Intent-driven: Users only need to express their intentions, and dappOS can automatically execute all the complex transactions involved behind it, greatly simplifying the on-chain operation process. #dappOS意图执行网络 #BinanceWeb3Airdrop
In El Salvador, bread is legal tender. The general experience is as follows:
A breakfast of $3 is about 0.000018 bread,
Using bread to buy Coke or beer on the beach generally costs 0.00004 bread,
And you can already use Bitcoin to pay rent, buy a house or buy Mayan pottery in the local market,
The Salvadoran government has recharged each citizen's electronic wallet with $30, about 0.00018 bread.
The main poor experience now:
1. Digital wallets have been hacked and transfers are slow.
2. Bitcoin even makes it more complicated to use ATMs.
3. There are still many local vendors who do not support bread payments.
They don't have such good conditions as us to get airdrops,
Binance and dappOS jointly launched a short project, you can check it out in the web3 wallet!
The main benefit of dappOS to users is that it provides a convenient, secure and diverse Web3 application environment. Users do not need to perform tedious cross-chain operations. They can seamlessly access and use various blockchain applications (DApps) with just one wallet account and enjoy a one-stop service experience.
dappOS adds a new layer between users and cryptographic infrastructure such as public chains and cross-chain bridges, virtualizing the public chain so that users can access various Web3 applications with one click through dappOS without having to worry about complex underlying technologies and operations. This experience is similar to calling mini-programs in WeChat, which greatly reduces the user's usage threshold.
Intent-driven: Users only need to express their intentions, and dappOS can automatically execute all the complex transactions involved behind it, greatly simplifying the on-chain operation process.
#dappOS意图执行网络 #BinanceWeb3Airdrop
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🌟Super big hair, how does CARV subvert tradition?🙌🏻 Today I want to talk to you about a project that is leading the revolution in data exchange and value distribution in the fields of gaming and artificial intelligence——@carv_official. 🌟 How does CARV subvert tradition? The CARV protocol gives users complete control, allowing everyone to own, control, verify and monetize their own data. Whether you are a gamer or a developer, CARV allows you to truly control your digital assets. Through six core layers - data verification, identity authentication, storage, computing and training, execution and final verification, CARV has completely changed the way data is managed, enabling secure data exchange and fair value distribution between fields such as gaming and artificial intelligence.

🌟Super big hair, how does CARV subvert tradition?

🙌🏻 Today I want to talk to you about a project that is leading the revolution in data exchange and value distribution in the fields of gaming and artificial intelligence——@carv_official.
🌟 How does CARV subvert tradition?
The CARV protocol gives users complete control, allowing everyone to own, control, verify and monetize their own data. Whether you are a gamer or a developer, CARV allows you to truly control your digital assets.
Through six core layers - data verification, identity authentication, storage, computing and training, execution and final verification, CARV has completely changed the way data is managed, enabling secure data exchange and fair value distribution between fields such as gaming and artificial intelligence.
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Shocking! Insiders of the bank said that too many people across the country have stopped repaying their loans, and the number is so large that it is frightening, but no one dares to say the exact number. Faced with this situation, banks are trying to communicate with people and find ways to solve the problem. They would rather let them stop lending for two years than go through the court auction! Because there are too many houses being auctioned now, the price cannot be high, and the bank’s losses cannot be made up even if they are sold. House prices have been falling, and many people have lost so much that they can only cry. The down payment is gone, and their savings are gone. What’s worse is that some people have lost their houses and owe a lot of debts, and they basically can’t turn things around. Especially for those who bought houses in 2017, the current prices have fallen below the original price! People who are in a hurry to sell their houses can only reduce the price. Once the sale is completed, the price of the entire community will be lowered. People in the same community who bought in 2020 and go to ask the price now may be angry when they know the current transaction price! ! ! ! !
Shocking! Insiders of the bank said that too many people across the country have stopped repaying their loans, and the number is so large that it is frightening, but no one dares to say the exact number. Faced with this situation, banks are trying to communicate with people and find ways to solve the problem. They would rather let them stop lending for two years than go through the court auction!

Because there are too many houses being auctioned now, the price cannot be high, and the bank’s losses cannot be made up even if they are sold. House prices have been falling, and many people have lost so much that they can only cry. The down payment is gone, and their savings are gone. What’s worse is that some people have lost their houses and owe a lot of debts, and they basically can’t turn things around. Especially for those who bought houses in 2017, the current prices have fallen below the original price! People who are in a hurry to sell their houses can only reduce the price. Once the sale is completed, the price of the entire community will be lowered. People in the same community who bought in 2020 and go to ask the price now may be angry when they know the current transaction price! ! ! ! !
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What? Binance CEO confirms: CZ has been banned from managing or operating Binance for life? Binance's CEO confirmed that Zhao Changpeng CZ is now banned from managing or operating Binance for life. However, Zhao Changpeng is still a major shareholder of the company, so he still has a lot of say in the company. The description of this ban in the previous plea agreement reached between Binance and the Department of Justice was a bit vague, but now CEO Richard Teng has confirmed that the ban is indeed valid for life. At the same time, there are also big moves behind Binance and DappOS. Binance exclusively invested in @dappOS_com in the seed round. The new overlord of the intention asset track is about to emerge! dappOS is a protocol dedicated to simplifying Web3 operations and is known as the Web3 version of Android. It uses an intermediate layer to allow users to express their operational intentions without having to deal with tedious technical details, so as to easily manage on-chain assets, perform complex transactions, and seamlessly connect multiple dApps. The project has received support from many top institutions, raised $15.3 million in the A round of financing, and is valued at $300 million, with great development potential. Intent assets are a new type of asset management tool that allows users to earn income without affecting asset liquidity. Such assets can be used flexibly on the chain like native assets, such as adding liquidity or depositing in CEX, and still generate annualized income. Intent-based DApp interaction: The dappOS platform simplifies the use of cross-chain DApps. Users do not need to worry about gas fees and inter-chain compatibility issues. It also supports the use of multi-chain tokens or fiat currencies to pay fees, which greatly improves the convenience of operation. IntentEX: Intent network nodes help users achieve optimal transaction costs through fully automated processes. This feature not only saves costs, but also ensures efficient and economical transactions, providing an institutional-level cost optimization experience. Intent assets also combine income and liquidity, allowing users' assets to continue to generate interest and be available on the chain at any time, providing great flexibility. Its one-click interaction function simplifies complex operations and optimizes cost efficiency through automation. Through the OMS mechanism, nodes bear the risk of users using intent assets to ensure safety. dappOS also transforms pledged assets into flexible and available intent assets, increasing income and enhancing liquidity, and promoting the development of the Web3 ecosystem. $DOGS $LOKA $BNB
What? Binance CEO confirms: CZ has been banned from managing or operating Binance for life?
Binance's CEO confirmed that Zhao Changpeng CZ is now banned from managing or operating Binance for life. However, Zhao Changpeng is still a major shareholder of the company, so he still has a lot of say in the company. The description of this ban in the previous plea agreement reached between Binance and the Department of Justice was a bit vague, but now CEO Richard Teng has confirmed that the ban is indeed valid for life.
At the same time, there are also big moves behind Binance and DappOS. Binance exclusively invested in @dappOS_com in the seed round. The new overlord of the intention asset track is about to emerge!
dappOS is a protocol dedicated to simplifying Web3 operations and is known as the Web3 version of Android. It uses an intermediate layer to allow users to express their operational intentions without having to deal with tedious technical details, so as to easily manage on-chain assets, perform complex transactions, and seamlessly connect multiple dApps.
The project has received support from many top institutions, raised $15.3 million in the A round of financing, and is valued at $300 million, with great development potential.
Intent assets are a new type of asset management tool that allows users to earn income without affecting asset liquidity. Such assets can be used flexibly on the chain like native assets, such as adding liquidity or depositing in CEX, and still generate annualized income.
Intent-based DApp interaction: The dappOS platform simplifies the use of cross-chain DApps. Users do not need to worry about gas fees and inter-chain compatibility issues. It also supports the use of multi-chain tokens or fiat currencies to pay fees, which greatly improves the convenience of operation.
IntentEX: Intent network nodes help users achieve optimal transaction costs through fully automated processes. This feature not only saves costs, but also ensures efficient and economical transactions, providing an institutional-level cost optimization experience.
Intent assets also combine income and liquidity, allowing users' assets to continue to generate interest and be available on the chain at any time, providing great flexibility. Its one-click interaction function simplifies complex operations and optimizes cost efficiency through automation.
Through the OMS mechanism, nodes bear the risk of users using intent assets to ensure safety. dappOS also transforms pledged assets into flexible and available intent assets, increasing income and enhancing liquidity, and promoting the development of the Web3 ecosystem.
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Super big hair! ! 3 minutes to divide the 500,000 oil bonus pool! Everyone has a luxurious pork trotter meal! ! ! !#dappOS意图执行网络 #BinanceWeb3Airdrop Guigu Luma (pressing his head with both hands!!): 🥳Ghost brother found a big deal today. How to use only Binance Web3 wallet and complete two DappOS tasks in 3 minutes to share a million-dollar reward. I calculated it and conservatively estimated that a couple's McDonald's meal and a big meal with my girlfriend tomorrow can be won today (first come first served, #撸毛养家) 😘For those who are taking advantage of the exchange airdrop, you should hurry up this time! 10U will be transferred and you can get the pork knuckle rice! 🙋‍♂Hand-in-hand instruction: The video tutorial is completed in two minutes, and you can get the luxurious pork trotter rice! If you don’t understand, feel free to ask in the comment section!

Super big hair! ! 3 minutes to divide the 500,000 oil bonus pool! Everyone has a luxurious pork trotter meal! ! ! !

#dappOS意图执行网络 #BinanceWeb3Airdrop
Guigu Luma (pressing his head with both hands!!):
🥳Ghost brother found a big deal today. How to use only Binance Web3 wallet and complete two DappOS tasks in 3 minutes to share a million-dollar reward. I calculated it and conservatively estimated that a couple's McDonald's meal and a big meal with my girlfriend tomorrow can be won today (first come first served, #撸毛养家)
😘For those who are taking advantage of the exchange airdrop, you should hurry up this time! 10U will be transferred and you can get the pork knuckle rice!
🙋‍♂Hand-in-hand instruction: The video tutorial is completed in two minutes, and you can get the luxurious pork trotter rice! If you don’t understand, feel free to ask in the comment section!
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How to make money without losing money in the cryptocurrency circleI have been in the cryptocurrency industry for almost 5 years. I have made money and lost money. I have done ICO, Dogecoin, mining, etc., and have experienced three rounds of bull and bear markets. After summarizing my countless operations, in the end, there is only one way to make money steadily. That is simple and crude: Buy in a bear market and sell in a bull market, you will definitely make a profit. The bull market usually lasts for 6 months to 1 year, and the bear market usually lasts for 1 to 2 years. A bull-bear cycle lasts for 3 to 4 years. Seize the opportunity and earn at least 50%+ in each bull market, which is enough to outperform the returns of various financial management, stocks, and funds. Because this 50%+ return is certain to be earned, without any suspense.

How to make money without losing money in the cryptocurrency circle

I have been in the cryptocurrency industry for almost 5 years. I have made money and lost money. I have done ICO, Dogecoin, mining, etc., and have experienced three rounds of bull and bear markets. After summarizing my countless operations, in the end, there is only one way to make money steadily. That is simple and crude:
Buy in a bear market and sell in a bull market, you will definitely make a profit.
The bull market usually lasts for 6 months to 1 year, and the bear market usually lasts for 1 to 2 years. A bull-bear cycle lasts for 3 to 4 years. Seize the opportunity and earn at least 50%+ in each bull market, which is enough to outperform the returns of various financial management, stocks, and funds. Because this 50%+ return is certain to be earned, without any suspense.
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Guigu Lumao: 🥳Move your hand and win 45 USD pig's trotter rice BTC😛😛😛😛🥳🥳🥳 🟦Investment research report: @BitlayerCN 🟦Project index:🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 🟦Project track:#defi#撸毛 🟦Project introduction:🔥 @BitlayerCN The first mining festival has a million-dollar prize pool. Everyone is numb. Today, I saw that the BTC L2 public chain Bitlayer invested by Franklin Templeton in the United States held a free BTC draw event. The investment background is not bad. The total prize pool exceeds 100,000 USD, and the maximum draw is 10,000 USD super prize! I just opened the webpage to draw, charged 2U gas fee, and actually drew 45U! I still have a bit of koi physique, a pig's trotter rice! 🔥There is only one chance to draw a prize every day! Use Bitlayer points to directly participate in the prize draw. However, in order to allow more people to win the prize, the official has specially set up a friend invitation mechanism. Every time you invite a new person to play, you will get an extra chance to draw a prize, with a maximum of 50 times. In addition to BTC, you can also draw some ecological incentives such as Bitlayer points. The rewards are directly distributed to the account and displayed in real time;  🟦 Portal Event details:$10K_cn/ #bitlayer #bitlayer翻天乐
Guigu Lumao:

🥳Move your hand and win 45 USD pig's trotter rice BTC😛😛😛😛🥳🥳🥳
🟦Investment research report: @BitlayerCN
🟦Project index:🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟
🟦Project track:#defi#撸毛
🟦Project introduction:🔥 @BitlayerCN The first mining festival has a million-dollar prize pool. Everyone is numb. Today, I saw that the BTC L2 public chain Bitlayer invested by Franklin Templeton in the United States held a free BTC draw event. The investment background is not bad. The total prize pool exceeds 100,000 USD, and the maximum draw is 10,000 USD super prize! I just opened the webpage to draw, charged 2U gas fee, and actually drew 45U! I still have a bit of koi physique, a pig's trotter rice!
🔥There is only one chance to draw a prize every day! Use Bitlayer points to directly participate in the prize draw. However, in order to allow more people to win the prize, the official has specially set up a friend invitation mechanism. Every time you invite a new person to play, you will get an extra chance to draw a prize, with a maximum of 50 times. In addition to BTC, you can also draw some ecological incentives such as Bitlayer points. The rewards are directly distributed to the account and displayed in real time;
 🟦 Portal

Event details:$10K_cn/

#bitlayer #bitlayer翻天乐
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Today's Morning News September 4th 🤔Yesterday's TON event was really hot!! There were so many project parties! I am going to get my breasts done in Korea today. What size do you want? 1. Penpie hackers exchanged the stolen assets for more than 11,000 ETH, part of which has been transferred to Tornado Cash; 2. In the past 24 hours, the entire network has been liquidated for $194 million, and BTC has been liquidated for $52.8153 million; 3. Penpie (PNP) fell below 1 USDT, with a 24-hour drop of nearly 40%; 4. Ethereum L2 transaction fees have dropped significantly in the past 6 months, and L1 revenue has dropped by 99%; 5. Pendle: The protocol funds are safe, and all contract operations have been temporarily suspended due to the Penpie vulnerability; 6. US SEC: About half of Galois Capital's managed assets were lost due to the collapse of FTX in November 2022; 7. Market news: US SEC accuses crypto hedge fund Galois Capital of custody errors; 8. ZKsync development company Matter Labs announces layoffs 16%, the first layoff since its establishment 6 years ago; 9. Fundstrat Lianchuang: With the Federal Reserve's potential interest rate cut and the upcoming election, investors should remain cautious in the next eight weeks.
Today's Morning News September 4th

🤔Yesterday's TON event was really hot!! There were so many project parties! I am going to get my breasts done in Korea today. What size do you want?

1. Penpie hackers exchanged the stolen assets for more than 11,000 ETH, part of which has been transferred to Tornado Cash;

2. In the past 24 hours, the entire network has been liquidated for $194 million, and BTC has been liquidated for $52.8153 million;

3. Penpie (PNP) fell below 1 USDT, with a 24-hour drop of nearly 40%;

4. Ethereum L2 transaction fees have dropped significantly in the past 6 months, and L1 revenue has dropped by 99%;

5. Pendle: The protocol funds are safe, and all contract operations have been temporarily suspended due to the Penpie vulnerability;

6. US SEC: About half of Galois Capital's managed assets were lost due to the collapse of FTX in November 2022;

7. Market news: US SEC accuses crypto hedge fund Galois Capital of custody errors;

8. ZKsync development company Matter Labs announces layoffs 16%, the first layoff since its establishment 6 years ago;
9. Fundstrat Lianchuang: With the Federal Reserve's potential interest rate cut and the upcoming election, investors should remain cautious in the next eight weeks.
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The market has come to this point!!! The big one is coming -V God sold his ether to pick up girls Cz is waiting for prison release I am waiting to go home and sell sweet potatoes What about you? Delivery? Or security guard?
The market has come to this point!!! The big one is coming

-V God sold his ether to pick up girls
Cz is waiting for prison release
I am waiting to go home and sell sweet potatoes
What about you? Delivery? Or security guard?
See original
WTF!!! WTF!!!! Sony is going to make a web3 phone Sony’s Web3 ambitions. Sony has been very active in Crypto recently, from exchanges to public chains and popular applications. In fact, it started as early as 23 years ago, with hundreds of employees. According to an insider, “We are already number one in the Web2 industry, so Web3 can do the same.”
WTF!!! WTF!!!! Sony is going to make a web3 phone

Sony’s Web3 ambitions. Sony has been very active in Crypto recently, from exchanges to public chains and popular applications. In fact, it started as early as 23 years ago, with hundreds of employees. According to an insider, “We are already number one in the Web2 industry, so Web3 can do the same.”
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SATS is a new star in the bitcoin market. SATS is the abbreviation of satoshi, the smallest unit of bitcoin. As we all know, there are only 21 million bitcoins in total, but each one can be divided into 100 million sats. In other words, 1 sat is 0.00000001 BTC, which cannot be smaller. This is not only a unit of measurement for BTC, but also a tribute to the mysterious bitcoin founder Satoshi Nakamoto (also known as Satoshi Nakamoto). Why do we have SATS? Or because bitcoin is not worth money, it is inconvenient to trade. If you still need to use a whole bitcoin to buy a small item, it will take half a day just to count the last digit. With SATS, small transactions are much more convenient, and it is easy to count and look good. In this way, even if you only want to buy 1 USD of bitcoin, you don’t have to bite the bullet to round up 1BTC. To put it simply, when people say "buy Bitcoin" in the future, they can just mean buying a few BTC units or SATs. SATS tokens are directly born on the Bitcoin main chain, and their names and numbers are unique. After 7 long months of minting, the chain has recorded 21 million times, and this birth process is simply legendary. It is also the first time that people around the world can use such an intuitive way on the Bitcoin main chain to commemorate this great god who is destined to be remembered by human history~ #BTC☀#sats$BTC $BTC
SATS is a new star in the bitcoin market. SATS is the abbreviation of satoshi, the smallest unit of bitcoin.
As we all know, there are only 21 million bitcoins in total, but each one can be divided into 100 million sats. In other words, 1 sat is 0.00000001 BTC, which cannot be smaller. This is not only a unit of measurement for BTC, but also a tribute to the mysterious bitcoin founder Satoshi Nakamoto (also known as Satoshi Nakamoto).
Why do we have SATS? Or because bitcoin is not worth money, it is inconvenient to trade. If you still need to use a whole bitcoin to buy a small item, it will take half a day just to count the last digit.
With SATS, small transactions are much more convenient, and it is easy to count and look good. In this way, even if you only want to buy 1 USD of bitcoin, you don’t have to bite the bullet to round up 1BTC. To put it simply, when people say "buy Bitcoin" in the future, they can just mean buying a few BTC units or SATs.
SATS tokens are directly born on the Bitcoin main chain, and their names and numbers are unique. After 7 long months of minting, the chain has recorded 21 million times, and this birth process is simply legendary. It is also the first time that people around the world can use such an intuitive way on the Bitcoin main chain to commemorate this great god who is destined to be remembered by human history~ #BTC☀#sats$BTC $BTC
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