Binance Square
数字世界已来,工作的未来是 DAO. 探索炒币者转投从业者之路,开拓属于普通人的新事业! 长期主义者,相信时间的力量! #数字部落 #PermaDAO #DAO #空投
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The future of work is DAO. Is it possible to earn over 10,000 yuan a month in PermaDAO?The name of DAO is very popular! But is it just a new organizational form in concept? What does it have to do with ordinary people? This article sorts out my understanding of DAO and provides a best practice path for ordinary people - PermaDAO, contribution equals income! Are DAOs the future of work? If you are in the crypto world, you will be exposed to some novel, dazzling concepts and grand narratives that are said to be subversive every day. Since 2022, I have entered the crypto industry. At that time, the most popular narrative was DAO. DAO, a decentralized autonomous organization, is a native organizational form of Web3.

The future of work is DAO. Is it possible to earn over 10,000 yuan a month in PermaDAO?

The name of DAO is very popular! But is it just a new organizational form in concept? What does it have to do with ordinary people? This article sorts out my understanding of DAO and provides a best practice path for ordinary people - PermaDAO, contribution equals income!

Are DAOs the future of work?
If you are in the crypto world, you will be exposed to some novel, dazzling concepts and grand narratives that are said to be subversive every day. Since 2022, I have entered the crypto industry. At that time, the most popular narrative was DAO. DAO, a decentralized autonomous organization, is a native organizational form of Web3.
由来已久,个体依附于组织才能存活! 企业需要地区以及国家安全的保障! 个人需要企业或者组织给予的机会! 为什么? 因为资源导向型的结构中,谁拥有资源谁将是老大,而暴力是其中最根本、最直接、最有效的获取资源的方式! 所以,个体需要组织提供的保障,或者组织也因为有足够的实力才能成为如今的国家,也才有人愿意成为他的一份子,缴税、当兵… 而在未来,个体资产不再是实体货币的话,通过暴力抢夺他人资源的方式就不再有效,那时,个体是否有可能脱离组织而成为真正的主权个人! 个体真正靠自己的能力、知识、技能、技术,以我为主的进行贡献与收益,收割全世界的需求,让主权个人走向全球。 那时,个体无需组织的庇护!个体将结合更多因素选择居住地甚至国家组织! 未来的工作一定不是组织里的一种职位,而是松散的工作本身或者工作元,一种真正靠技术、靠能力的自由职业! #web3动态 #美国大选如何影响加密产业? {spot}(BTCUSDT) {spot}(BNBUSDT)










#web3动态 #美国大选如何影响加密产业?
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Make yourself a dark horseThere are many dark horses in the cryptocurrency world, but do you know what they are? How can you become a dark horse? ! There is a term called "dark horses," which refers to those winners in life that no one expected to succeed. What exactly is the dark horse? The term "dark horse" first came into common use in 1831, after the publication of The Young Duke. In this British novel, the protagonist bets on a horse race and loses badly because "unexpectedly, an inconspicuous dark horse wins the race."

Make yourself a dark horse

There are many dark horses in the cryptocurrency world, but do you know what they are? How can you become a dark horse? !

There is a term called "dark horses," which refers to those winners in life that no one expected to succeed.
What exactly is the dark horse?
The term "dark horse" first came into common use in 1831, after the publication of The Young Duke.
In this British novel, the protagonist bets on a horse race and loses badly because "unexpectedly, an inconspicuous dark horse wins the race."
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Use #费曼学习法 to quickly understand a concept! What is #黑天鹅 ? 🔍 Why (What does it have to do with me?) The concept of black swan is very important for understanding the uncertainty of the world and predicting future events. It reminds us to be cautious and prepared when facing unknown and unpredictable situations. 📚 What (definition, concept explanation, what can be done) Black swan is a term in economics and finance that refers to those extremely rare, unpredictable and high-impact events. These events can usually be explained and understood only after the fact, but are almost impossible to foresee at the time. 🛠️ How (step process method, and any subject content required for explanation. Including examples, metaphors, etc.) 1. Definition: Black swan events are those events that are beyond normal expectations. The probability of their occurrence is very low, but once they occur, they will have a huge impact on the market or society. 2. Example: The global financial crisis in 2008: Before the crisis, few people foresaw it would happen, but it had a profound impact on the global economy. The COVID-19 pandemic in 2020: This is a typical black swan event, which not only changed people's lifestyles, but also had a significant impact on the global economy and society. 🏆 How good (what benefits and changes can be brought to the audience.) Understanding the concept of black swan can help us: Improve awareness of uncertainty and enhance risk management capabilities. Take into account potential extreme situations when making decisions and avoid overconfidence. Be prepared for emergencies and reduce losses.
Use #费曼学习法 to quickly understand a concept!

What is #黑天鹅 ?

🔍 Why (What does it have to do with me?)
The concept of black swan is very important for understanding the uncertainty of the world and predicting future events.
It reminds us to be cautious and prepared when facing unknown and unpredictable situations.

📚 What (definition, concept explanation, what can be done)
Black swan is a term in economics and finance that refers to those extremely rare, unpredictable and high-impact events.
These events can usually be explained and understood only after the fact, but are almost impossible to foresee at the time.

🛠️ How (step process method, and any subject content required for explanation. Including examples, metaphors, etc.)

1. Definition: Black swan events are those events that are beyond normal expectations. The probability of their occurrence is very low, but once they occur, they will have a huge impact on the market or society.
2. Example:
The global financial crisis in 2008: Before the crisis, few people foresaw it would happen, but it had a profound impact on the global economy.
The COVID-19 pandemic in 2020: This is a typical black swan event, which not only changed people's lifestyles, but also had a significant impact on the global economy and society.

🏆 How good (what benefits and changes can be brought to the audience.)
Understanding the concept of black swan can help us:
Improve awareness of uncertainty and enhance risk management capabilities.
Take into account potential extreme situations when making decisions and avoid overconfidence.
Be prepared for emergencies and reduce losses.
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Important reminder❗️❗️❗️ Brothers: Have you backed up the mnemonics of the OKX Web3 wallet? Have you backed up the MPC private keyless wallet to the [cloud disk] (Google Drive/Apple Icloud)? Some brothers have already uninstalled the OKX exchange software by force or mistakenly because they used domestic Android phones and were prompted as virus apps by the risk control software! 😯😯😯 Because his Web3 wallet was directly generated in the exchange app to use, and he did not perform any backup mnemonics or cloud disk operations. [He thought the wallet went with the OKX exchange], as long as he logged in to the exchange account, the wallet was also there! ! ! The result is conceivable. The OKX trading software was uninstalled, so the Web3 wallet was also lost, resulting in the 1 million points account he had earned being lost, and the U and manta recharged in it were all unusable. This is a huge loss of time, energy, and money. Because the exchange is centralized, all your KYC information is stored in the exchange, and it can be retrieved through identity confirmation. [However], Web3 wallets are decentralized, and your identity confirmation tool is [mnemonic]. If your mnemonic is lost, the wallet will enter a black hole and cannot be retrieved. OKX just integrated the Web3 wallet into its own exchange APP, saving the trouble of making another wallet APP, and also making it convenient for exchange users to play and earn decentralized applications and projects. While it is convenient, it also brings new usage vulnerabilities! ⚠️⚠️⚠️ Therefore, I hope everyone will check their Web3 wallets immediately, whether you have a mnemonic or a private keyless wallet, and immediately check whether your mnemonic is properly backed up. Such as binance, okx, gate... In addition, for most domestic mobile phones, the first thing is to castrate the Google framework, which makes it impossible for us to use the Google Play store to install and upgrade mainstream APPs, causing great trouble and the risk of virus infection. Secondly, the rogue "control" software is integrated internally, which cannot be closed or uninstalled. It forces apps with no problems to be reported as viruses or even forced to be uninstalled, which is despicable. Finally, I recommend that you use Apple phones to play in the cryptocurrency circle. We are professionals and we must use tools specifically for the cryptocurrency circle. Be sure to pay attention! #加密市场急跌
Important reminder❗️❗️❗️

Have you backed up the mnemonics of the OKX Web3 wallet?

Have you backed up the MPC private keyless wallet to the [cloud disk] (Google Drive/Apple Icloud)?

Some brothers have already uninstalled the OKX exchange software by force or mistakenly because they used domestic Android phones and were prompted as virus apps by the risk control software! 😯😯😯

Because his Web3 wallet was directly generated in the exchange app to use, and he did not perform any backup mnemonics or cloud disk operations. [He thought the wallet went with the OKX exchange], as long as he logged in to the exchange account, the wallet was also there! ! !

The result is conceivable. The OKX trading software was uninstalled, so the Web3 wallet was also lost, resulting in the 1 million points account he had earned being lost, and the U and manta recharged in it were all unusable. This is a huge loss of time, energy, and money.

Because the exchange is centralized, all your KYC information is stored in the exchange, and it can be retrieved through identity confirmation.

[However], Web3 wallets are decentralized, and your identity confirmation tool is [mnemonic]. If your mnemonic is lost, the wallet will enter a black hole and cannot be retrieved.

OKX just integrated the Web3 wallet into its own exchange APP, saving the trouble of making another wallet APP, and also making it convenient for exchange users to play and earn decentralized applications and projects.

While it is convenient, it also brings new usage vulnerabilities! ⚠️⚠️⚠️

Therefore, I hope everyone will check their Web3 wallets immediately, whether you have a mnemonic or a private keyless wallet, and immediately check whether your mnemonic is properly backed up.

Such as binance, okx, gate...

In addition, for most domestic mobile phones, the first thing is to castrate the Google framework, which makes it impossible for us to use the Google Play store to install and upgrade mainstream APPs, causing great trouble and the risk of virus infection. Secondly, the rogue "control" software is integrated internally, which cannot be closed or uninstalled. It forces apps with no problems to be reported as viruses or even forced to be uninstalled, which is despicable.

Finally, I recommend that you use Apple phones to play in the cryptocurrency circle. We are professionals and we must use tools specifically for the cryptocurrency circle.

Be sure to pay attention!
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People on the road are dressed in colorful clothes Cars on the road are also of various brands and colors We black-haired people have different hairstyles Each leaf has its own different shape … This is the world, all-encompassing and diverse This is the magic, species individuals, naturally So, be yourself, the world gives us uniqueness Grow naturally and gain yourself, make your heart strong, be yourself Only when you are strong can you accommodate and understand external evaluations When you praise and compliment, be clear, modest and not arrogant When you belittle and slander, be calm, indifferent and not discouraged #非农就业数据即将公布 #Telegram创始人获保释 #美联储何时降息? $BTC $ETH $BNB
People on the road are dressed in colorful clothes

Cars on the road are also of various brands and colors

We black-haired people have different hairstyles

Each leaf has its own different shape

This is the world, all-encompassing and diverse

This is the magic, species individuals, naturally

So, be yourself, the world gives us uniqueness

Grow naturally and gain yourself, make your heart strong, be yourself

Only when you are strong can you accommodate and understand external evaluations

When you praise and compliment, be clear, modest and not arrogant

When you belittle and slander, be calm, indifferent and not discouraged

#非农就业数据即将公布 #Telegram创始人获保释 #美联储何时降息?
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Looking at the possibility of domestic opening up from the RWA charging pile project of Langxin Group!The possibility of domestic opening up can be seen from the RWA charging pile project of Langxin Group. Recently, the first domestic corporate new energy cross-border physical asset RWA (Real World Assets-tokenization) completed by Ant Digits and Longsin Technology in Hong Kong was officially announced. It is rumored in the market that the cooperation was jointly completed with the support of UBS Hong Kong. Ant Digits provided artificial intelligence, blockchain and IoT integration technology, and Longxin Group was the new energy asset party. The project uses blockchain technology to improve asset liquidity and reduce transaction and financing costs. The first round of financing is approximately RMB 100 million, which will be used in the energy storage and charging pile industries in the new energy field.

Looking at the possibility of domestic opening up from the RWA charging pile project of Langxin Group!

The possibility of domestic opening up can be seen from the RWA charging pile project of Langxin Group.

Recently, the first domestic corporate new energy cross-border physical asset RWA (Real World Assets-tokenization) completed by Ant Digits and Longsin Technology in Hong Kong was officially announced.
It is rumored in the market that the cooperation was jointly completed with the support of UBS Hong Kong. Ant Digits provided artificial intelligence, blockchain and IoT integration technology, and Longxin Group was the new energy asset party.
The project uses blockchain technology to improve asset liquidity and reduce transaction and financing costs. The first round of financing is approximately RMB 100 million, which will be used in the energy storage and charging pile industries in the new energy field.
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Daolang's 2024 online concert is about to end! Offline concerts are about to start across the country! The first snow in 2002...When the familiar melody sounded, in addition to humming, it felt like a lifetime ago! Twenty years have passed in a flash! The guy in the hat has been carved into a bald man with a beard! The original hairy guy has also become a greasy man! Time can change everything, but it can't change the experience you once had! How many more twenty years are there in life! Fight, friends! ✊✊✊ #刀郎
Daolang's 2024 online concert is about to end!

Offline concerts are about to start across the country!

The first snow in 2002...When the familiar melody sounded, in addition to humming, it felt like a lifetime ago!

Twenty years have passed in a flash!

The guy in the hat has been carved into a bald man with a beard!

The original hairy guy has also become a greasy man!

Time can change everything, but it can't change the experience you once had!

How many more twenty years are there in life!

Fight, friends! ✊✊✊

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On August 27, MakerDAO announced its plan to rebrand to Sky and upgrade its own tokens and stablecoins to the new names SKY and Sky Dollar (USDS). 1. MKR to SKY exchange: Every 1 MKR can be exchanged for 24,000 SKY tokens. This ratio is fixed, which means that MKR holders will receive a corresponding number of new governance tokens SKY after the conversion. 2. DAI to USDS exchange: The exchange ratio between DAI and USDS will be maintained at 1:1. This means that every 1 DAI held by the user can be directly exchanged for 1 USDS, ensuring the continuity of the stablecoin value.
On August 27, MakerDAO announced its plan to rebrand to Sky and upgrade its own tokens and stablecoins to the new names SKY and Sky Dollar (USDS).

1. MKR to SKY exchange:
Every 1 MKR can be exchanged for 24,000 SKY tokens. This ratio is fixed, which means that MKR holders will receive a corresponding number of new governance tokens SKY after the conversion.

2. DAI to USDS exchange:
The exchange ratio between DAI and USDS will be maintained at 1:1. This means that every 1 DAI held by the user can be directly exchanged for 1 USDS, ensuring the continuity of the stablecoin value.
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Back to school season, altcoins! No matter what the market is like, there are always things in reality that remind you of what you should do and what you have to do! Sometimes I always sigh that I am unlucky and have no opportunities. I envy those around me who build tall buildings, entertain guests, and even find successful experiences for others! Things go against one's wishes. Look outward and act inward. Only by exploring inward can there be a way out. The root of everything lies in ourselves! If one thing is done wrong, find the problem point, propose specific measures, implement each action, check each result, and look back to see if it meets the standard! According to this closed-loop method, no matter learning or doing things, there will always be spiral progress! Life is about self-exploration and growth. Even the smallest individual can have a sense of accomplishment! #Telegram创始人被捕 #美联储何时降息? $BTC $ETH $BNB
Back to school season, altcoins!

No matter what the market is like, there are always things in reality that remind you of what you should do and what you have to do!

Sometimes I always sigh that I am unlucky and have no opportunities. I envy those around me who build tall buildings, entertain guests, and even find successful experiences for others!

Things go against one's wishes. Look outward and act inward. Only by exploring inward can there be a way out. The root of everything lies in ourselves!

If one thing is done wrong, find the problem point, propose specific measures, implement each action, check each result, and look back to see if it meets the standard!

According to this closed-loop method, no matter learning or doing things, there will always be spiral progress!

Life is about self-exploration and growth. Even the smallest individual can have a sense of accomplishment!

#Telegram创始人被捕 #美联储何时降息? $BTC $ETH $BNB
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I found the reason why ordinary people are ordinary! 😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨 They look the same, and their hardware is similar. The key is that the software configuration can't keep up! What do you think🤓😉🌚 I am also an ordinary person, and I am so worried! 🙁🙁🙁 #Telegram创始人被捕 #美联储何时降息?
I found the reason why ordinary people are ordinary! 😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨

They look the same, and their hardware is similar. The key is that the software configuration can't keep up!

What do you think🤓😉🌚

I am also an ordinary person, and I am so worried! 🙁🙁🙁

#Telegram创始人被捕 #美联储何时降息?
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🔥🔥🔥The Fed’s rate cut is a foregone conclusion! The bull market is here to stay, and the price of crypto assets has already shown some performance, which is naturally caused by the actions of big capital that is more informed than ordinary people! Although according to historical data, rate cuts are a long-term macro benefit. So have the recent major adjustments been in place? Is there a possibility of further declines? It is estimated that the 49,000 position in this round is the lowest point of the retracement! Looking at the data of altcoins, it has reached the historical lowest point! When the outbreak will start, it will also start as the bull market continues to recover! Everything may be late, but it will not be absent! #美联储何时降息? #美国CPI数据连续第4个月回落 #山寨币热点
🔥🔥🔥The Fed’s rate cut is a foregone conclusion!

The bull market is here to stay, and the price of crypto assets has already shown some performance, which is naturally caused by the actions of big capital that is more informed than ordinary people!

Although according to historical data, rate cuts are a long-term macro benefit.

So have the recent major adjustments been in place? Is there a possibility of further declines?

It is estimated that the 49,000 position in this round is the lowest point of the retracement!

Looking at the data of altcoins, it has reached the historical lowest point! When the outbreak will start, it will also start as the bull market continues to recover!

Everything may be late, but it will not be absent!

#美联储何时降息? #美国CPI数据连续第4个月回落
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#Are you happy? 🌚😁🤦‍♂️ When I asked this question, I couldn't help but think of the jokes CCTV interviewed on the street many years ago! Recently, I read the topic of happiness in "Navarre's Treasure Book", and then I thought seriously about the word happiness! In the morning, my daughter shook her brother and said, wow... school will start in two days, and I haven't played enough! Pretending to be very reluctant and exaggerated! The teasing made the brother laugh hahaha. In his opinion, this moment seemed to be a game, just playing, interesting! Looking back and thinking about the growth of the child, he has become taller and more handsome, but the smile on his face is getting less and less! The chubby and smiling appearance when he was a child has shrunk more and more! I used to think that this is the case. As people grow older, they understand more, have more things to do, have more thoughts, and have more emotions, so people become more restrained, stable, and rich! The smile on the face that expresses happiness is also less! Under Navarre's guidance, I have a deeper understanding. We always think that happiness is based on material foundations. The more I have in reality, the happier I am! For example, money... Yes, it is undeniable that money can solve many problems and free us from certain levels of distress! But you will find that when we strive to achieve one goal after another, more so-called goals will emerge. To put it bluntly, there is no end to desire. We are entangled in the pursuit of success and wealth, hoping that one day when I retire and become free, I can play happily and be happy! Why can children be happy with a simple action? A two-yuan car toy can be played for an afternoon? Think about it carefully, that's because they don't think too much, just immersed in the present time! As long as he has this toy, this interaction, and a moment to participate in it, they enjoy it and blend into it heartlessly, so they are happy and smiling! So, personal experience: Happiness is to have it in the present, to be immersed in the present, and it is a feeling in the process! Instead of self-righteously pursuing a goal or a result in the future! What do you think? 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️ #幸福 #你幸福吗
#Are you happy? 🌚😁🤦‍♂️

When I asked this question, I couldn't help but think of the jokes CCTV interviewed on the street many years ago!

Recently, I read the topic of happiness in "Navarre's Treasure Book", and then I thought seriously about the word happiness!

In the morning, my daughter shook her brother and said, wow... school will start in two days, and I haven't played enough!

Pretending to be very reluctant and exaggerated!

The teasing made the brother laugh hahaha. In his opinion, this moment seemed to be a game, just playing, interesting!

Looking back and thinking about the growth of the child, he has become taller and more handsome, but the smile on his face is getting less and less!

The chubby and smiling appearance when he was a child has shrunk more and more!

I used to think that this is the case. As people grow older, they understand more, have more things to do, have more thoughts, and have more emotions, so people become more restrained, stable, and rich!

The smile on the face that expresses happiness is also less!

Under Navarre's guidance, I have a deeper understanding.

We always think that happiness is based on material foundations. The more I have in reality, the happier I am! For example, money... Yes, it is undeniable that money can solve many problems and free us from certain levels of distress!

But you will find that when we strive to achieve one goal after another, more so-called goals will emerge. To put it bluntly, there is no end to desire. We are entangled in the pursuit of success and wealth, hoping that one day when I retire and become free, I can play happily and be happy!

Why can children be happy with a simple action?
A two-yuan car toy can be played for an afternoon?

Think about it carefully, that's because they don't think too much, just immersed in the present time!

As long as he has this toy, this interaction, and a moment to participate in it, they enjoy it and blend into it heartlessly, so they are happy and smiling!

So, personal experience:
Happiness is to have it in the present, to be immersed in the present, and it is a feeling in the process! Instead of self-righteously pursuing a goal or a result in the future!

What do you think? 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️

#幸福 #你幸福吗
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🔥 If it is difficult to choose, then the answer is no! Faced with the following difficult choices, how would you choose? 🤔 Should I marry this person? 🤔 Should I accept this job? 🤔 Should I buy this house? 🤔 Should I move to this city? 🤔 Should I do business with this? … Faced with such decisions, it is difficult to make a decision on a whim! Because the impact of the choice may be very long, five years, ten years, or even decades, or even a lifetime! So, once we are not very sure, because the current era is not like the primitive era when there was only one option, today's society, the world, there is no shortage of choices. When I am not very sure, we need to analyze the pros and cons of various options. Only when we are very sure can we make a choice, and make a relatively correct, optimal, or even regretless choice! If you are still hesitating, then the answer is: give up! ✅ There is another way to improve the quality of our decision-making. When faced with two options with equal pros and cons, we should choose the more painful and difficult path in the short term! Because most of the gains in our lives come from the long-term rewards of enduring short-term pain! For example, fitness and reading are all about choosing short-term pain to gain long-term benefits! #MtGox钱包动态 #新币挖矿DOGS #杰克逊霍尔年会 #美联储何时降息? #比特币短暂重回7万美元上方 $BTC $ETH $BNB
🔥 If it is difficult to choose, then the answer is no!

Faced with the following difficult choices, how would you choose?

🤔 Should I marry this person?
🤔 Should I accept this job?
🤔 Should I buy this house?
🤔 Should I move to this city?
🤔 Should I do business with this?

Faced with such decisions, it is difficult to make a decision on a whim! Because the impact of the choice may be very long, five years, ten years, or even decades, or even a lifetime!

So, once we are not very sure, because the current era is not like the primitive era when there was only one option, today's society, the world, there is no shortage of choices. When I am not very sure, we need to analyze the pros and cons of various options. Only when we are very sure can we make a choice, and make a relatively correct, optimal, or even regretless choice!

If you are still hesitating, then the answer is: give up! ✅

There is another way to improve the quality of our decision-making. When faced with two options with equal pros and cons, we should choose the more painful and difficult path in the short term!

Because most of the gains in our lives come from the long-term rewards of enduring short-term pain!

For example, fitness and reading are all about choosing short-term pain to gain long-term benefits!

#MtGox钱包动态 #新币挖矿DOGS #杰克逊霍尔年会 #美联储何时降息? #比特币短暂重回7万美元上方
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Summary: ⚠️Heavy! Ethereum's 10-year achievements and the next 10 years! The Ethereum chain was launched on July 30, 2015, and 10 years have passed in a flash! Vitalik gave a speech at the Ethereum Developer Conference EDCON 2024 on July 30, 2024. ❗️❗️❗️ Let's take a look at Ethereum's achievements in 10 years: 1️⃣ From 0 to 1: In 2015, Ethereum was still a baby, and now it has grown into a mature adult that can host conferences for thousands of people. 2️⃣ User volume leap: From a small team of less than 100 developers to a large family of millions of users. 3️⃣ Technology upgrade: From proof of work (POW) to proof of stake (POS), power consumption has been greatly reduced, and it is much more environmentally friendly. 4️⃣ Transaction fees have dropped: Transaction fees used to be frighteningly high, but now they are almost negligible, thanks to L2 technology. 5️⃣ User experience upgrade: From a simple interface to a modern one, the user experience has leapt forward, and even novices can easily get started. 6️⃣ Wallet security evolution: From a single private key to a smart contract wallet, security has been greatly improved. ❗️❗️❗️ Ethereum's direction for the next 10 years: 1️⃣ Diversified applications: From DeFi to NFT, and then to the prediction market, Ethereum's application scenarios will be more abundant. 2️⃣ User experience upgrade: Wallets will become more friendly, and payment and application interactions will be more seamless. 3️⃣ New security strategy: Multi-signature wallets and key management will take asset protection to a higher level. 4️⃣ Unlimited scalability: L2 and Plasma technology will greatly improve transaction processing capabilities and move towards unlimited scalability. 5️⃣ Beyond Web2: Not only copying Web2, Ethereum will explore new form factors, such as AR, brain-computer interface, etc. 6️⃣ Epistemological technology: Help users distinguish between authenticity, community notes and prediction markets will be smarter. 7️⃣ Leading security: Through technical means, protect users from the source and make the crypto world safer. ✅✅✅ Summary: In the past 10 years, Ethereum has only verified the feasibility of many theories. The next 10 years will be the era of real application explosion!
Summary: ⚠️Heavy! Ethereum's 10-year achievements and the next 10 years!

The Ethereum chain was launched on July 30, 2015, and 10 years have passed in a flash!

Vitalik gave a speech at the Ethereum Developer Conference EDCON 2024 on July 30, 2024.

❗️❗️❗️ Let's take a look at Ethereum's achievements in 10 years:

1️⃣ From 0 to 1: In 2015, Ethereum was still a baby, and now it has grown into a mature adult that can host conferences for thousands of people.

2️⃣ User volume leap: From a small team of less than 100 developers to a large family of millions of users.

3️⃣ Technology upgrade: From proof of work (POW) to proof of stake (POS), power consumption has been greatly reduced, and it is much more environmentally friendly.

4️⃣ Transaction fees have dropped: Transaction fees used to be frighteningly high, but now they are almost negligible, thanks to L2 technology.

5️⃣ User experience upgrade: From a simple interface to a modern one, the user experience has leapt forward, and even novices can easily get started.

6️⃣ Wallet security evolution: From a single private key to a smart contract wallet, security has been greatly improved.

❗️❗️❗️ Ethereum's direction for the next 10 years:

1️⃣ Diversified applications: From DeFi to NFT, and then to the prediction market, Ethereum's application scenarios will be more abundant.

2️⃣ User experience upgrade: Wallets will become more friendly, and payment and application interactions will be more seamless.

3️⃣ New security strategy: Multi-signature wallets and key management will take asset protection to a higher level.

4️⃣ Unlimited scalability: L2 and Plasma technology will greatly improve transaction processing capabilities and move towards unlimited scalability.

5️⃣ Beyond Web2: Not only copying Web2, Ethereum will explore new form factors, such as AR, brain-computer interface, etc.

6️⃣ Epistemological technology: Help users distinguish between authenticity, community notes and prediction markets will be smarter.

7️⃣ Leading security: Through technical means, protect users from the source and make the crypto world safer.

✅✅✅ Summary:
In the past 10 years, Ethereum has only verified the feasibility of many theories. The next 10 years will be the era of real application explosion!
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What former Google CEO Eric Schmidt said in his Stanford AI lecture was quickly removed from the entire Internet!Recently, Eric Schmidt, former CEO of Google and founder of Schmidt Futures, gave a lecture on artificial intelligence at Stanford University, where he shared his exclusive views on the future development of AI. The video said a lot of things that people outside can’t hear. The video that was uploaded to Youtube was quickly taken down. What on earth did it say that shouldn’t be said? 🤔 We have sorted out some of the core ideas for your reference! One by one, one by one, one by one In a lecture at Stanford University, Eric Schmidt shared his insights on the future development of AI and proposed three major trends that will profoundly affect the way we obtain information and the job market. Schmidt believes that AI technology is advancing so fast that related predictions need to be updated every six months. The three major trends he foresees include:

What former Google CEO Eric Schmidt said in his Stanford AI lecture was quickly removed from the entire Internet!

Recently, Eric Schmidt, former CEO of Google and founder of Schmidt Futures, gave a lecture on artificial intelligence at Stanford University, where he shared his exclusive views on the future development of AI.
The video said a lot of things that people outside can’t hear. The video that was uploaded to Youtube was quickly taken down. What on earth did it say that shouldn’t be said? 🤔
We have sorted out some of the core ideas for your reference!
One by one, one by one, one by one
In a lecture at Stanford University, Eric Schmidt shared his insights on the future development of AI and proposed three major trends that will profoundly affect the way we obtain information and the job market. Schmidt believes that AI technology is advancing so fast that related predictions need to be updated every six months. The three major trends he foresees include:
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With 1 Bitcoin, you will be in the top 2% of the world's richest people! With 0.1 Bitcoin, you will be in the top 8.5%! In real life, how much assets do you need to squeeze into the rich team, 1 billion or 10 billion? If ordinary people want to join, do they still have a chance? The answer is obvious! But is it difficult in Biquan? Now it only takes 6,000 US dollars to own 0.1 Bitcoin and join the top 98% of holders! So, how many Bitcoins do you have? #杰克逊霍尔年会 #新币挖矿TON #美国CPI数据连续第4个月回落 $BTC $ETH $BNB
With 1 Bitcoin, you will be in the top 2% of the world's richest people!

With 0.1 Bitcoin, you will be in the top 8.5%!

In real life, how much assets do you need to squeeze into the rich team, 1 billion or 10 billion? If ordinary people want to join, do they still have a chance?

The answer is obvious!

But is it difficult in Biquan?

Now it only takes 6,000 US dollars to own 0.1 Bitcoin and join the top 98% of holders!

So, how many Bitcoins do you have?

#杰克逊霍尔年会 #新币挖矿TON #美国CPI数据连续第4个月回落
See original
Big news! and Xiaomi jointly enter Web3! Recently, the Hong Kong Monetary Authority announced that CoinChain Technology (Hong Kong) is one of the first institutions to enter the "Sandbox" program for stablecoin issuers. What is the big news? What is the specific content? Behind's issuance of stablecoin (JD-HKD), there are two Internet giants, Liu Qiangdong and Lei Jun. Stablecoin is a cryptocurrency pegged to a fiat currency or other assets, designed to reduce price fluctuations. Compared with highly volatile cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, it provides a relatively stable form of cryptocurrency, usually pegged to a fiat currency at a 1:1 ratio. and Xiaomi enter the Web3 field: 1. and Xiaomi join forces: The two big guys, Liu Qiangdong and Lei Jun, decided to make some big news in the field of digital currency, just like two old friends opening a barbecue stall together, and they cooperated closely. 2. Stablecoin debut:'s stablecoin JD-HKD is like discounted goods in a supermarket, with stable prices and customers at ease. 3. Market structure: USDT (Tether) dominates the stablecoin market, but the participation of and Xiaomi may make the market structure like the stock market, with new dark horses. 4. Coin Chain Technology:'s wholly-owned subsidiary, focusing on blockchain technology, is like a pastry chef who focuses on making cakes, professional and enthusiastic. 5.'s blockchain history: has been flirting with blockchain technology since 2017, and now it has finally decided to officially "get married" and launch its own stablecoin. 6. Reasons for joining:'s entry into the stablecoin market may be to make up for its past regrets in the payment field, just like missing first love and now seizing the second chance. 7. Cross-border payment efficiency: hopes to improve cross-border payment efficiency through stablecoins, just like a courier riding an electric bike, with faster speed and more thoughtful service. 8. Considerable profits: Tether's profits are enviable, and and Xiaomi also want to share a piece of the pie. After all, who doesn't want to dig treasures in the gold mine of digital currency? 9. E-commerce giants’ anxiety about going overseas: Cooperation among giants may be a manifestation of the anxiety of Chinese e-commerce giants in overseas markets, just like traveling abroad, always wanting to bring back some local specialties. Does the cooperation between #京东 #小米 indicate a new round of layout in the field of financial technology?! #杰克逊霍尔年会 #币安Web3钱包
Big news! and Xiaomi jointly enter Web3!

Recently, the Hong Kong Monetary Authority announced that CoinChain Technology (Hong Kong) is one of the first institutions to enter the "Sandbox" program for stablecoin issuers. What is the big news? What is the specific content?

Behind's issuance of stablecoin (JD-HKD), there are two Internet giants, Liu Qiangdong and Lei Jun.

Stablecoin is a cryptocurrency pegged to a fiat currency or other assets, designed to reduce price fluctuations. Compared with highly volatile cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, it provides a relatively stable form of cryptocurrency, usually pegged to a fiat currency at a 1:1 ratio. and Xiaomi enter the Web3 field:

1. and Xiaomi join forces: The two big guys, Liu Qiangdong and Lei Jun, decided to make some big news in the field of digital currency, just like two old friends opening a barbecue stall together, and they cooperated closely.

2. Stablecoin debut:'s stablecoin JD-HKD is like discounted goods in a supermarket, with stable prices and customers at ease.

3. Market structure: USDT (Tether) dominates the stablecoin market, but the participation of and Xiaomi may make the market structure like the stock market, with new dark horses.

4. Coin Chain Technology:'s wholly-owned subsidiary, focusing on blockchain technology, is like a pastry chef who focuses on making cakes, professional and enthusiastic.

5.'s blockchain history: has been flirting with blockchain technology since 2017, and now it has finally decided to officially "get married" and launch its own stablecoin.

6. Reasons for joining:'s entry into the stablecoin market may be to make up for its past regrets in the payment field, just like missing first love and now seizing the second chance.

7. Cross-border payment efficiency: hopes to improve cross-border payment efficiency through stablecoins, just like a courier riding an electric bike, with faster speed and more thoughtful service.

8. Considerable profits: Tether's profits are enviable, and and Xiaomi also want to share a piece of the pie. After all, who doesn't want to dig treasures in the gold mine of digital currency?

9. E-commerce giants’ anxiety about going overseas: Cooperation among giants may be a manifestation of the anxiety of Chinese e-commerce giants in overseas markets, just like traveling abroad, always wanting to bring back some local specialties.

Does the cooperation between #京东 #小米 indicate a new round of layout in the field of financial technology?!
See original
One pie is worth 3.8 million US dollars. Why do you say that? #数据不会说谎 The total global monetary liquidity hit a record high of 80.75 trillion! After the US interest rate hike in 2022, market liquidity fell by 7.6%. From the beginning of 2024, liquidity began to rise and reached the current 80.75 trillion. There is more money in the market! If the pie completely replaces the global monetary liquidity today, the total global currency volume (80.75 trillion) / the total amount of pie (21 million) = 3.8 million. So, one pie is worth 3.8 million US dollars! 🤭🤭🤭 #美国CPI数据连续第4个月回落 #新币挖矿TON #美国7月PPI低于预期 $BTC
One pie is worth 3.8 million US dollars. Why do you say that?

The total global monetary liquidity hit a record high of 80.75 trillion!

After the US interest rate hike in 2022, market liquidity fell by 7.6%. From the beginning of 2024, liquidity began to rise and reached the current 80.75 trillion. There is more money in the market!

If the pie completely replaces the global monetary liquidity today, the total global currency volume (80.75 trillion) / the total amount of pie (21 million) = 3.8 million.

So, one pie is worth 3.8 million US dollars!

#美国CPI数据连续第4个月回落 #新币挖矿TON #美国7月PPI低于预期
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