$BTC #SUPPORT #Creator #By #TIPS I am proud of you. think well Do you know how many people there are in this world who really want their lives to change, but they don't do anything to change it! Most people don't want to try, they want reward but without effort and activity. But we all know now that success is not possible without effort. No food is free. Short-term and temporary plans are not the way and model of successful people
2. Some best trading strategies Actually, we don’t have any best trading strategy at specific time because it depends much more on market volatility and trending. But after a long time researched and experience, we made a well working strategy following:
How to take profit:
sell 60% at target 1 sell 20% at target 2 sell 20% at target 3. In bad market status, you should take all (100%) profit at target 1.
How to put stoploss:
Trailing stoploss (move your stoploss to each targets after reached) (recommended) How to enter (buy):
If the current price is far higher from the buy price, do not enter (do not fomo). Please wait it to meet the buy price and buy at that price. Maybe you can buy a little higher from buy price (2-3%). How to diversify your investment:
Join from 3-6 signals at the same time. Do not all in 1 signal. You can divide into 2 hold, 4 scalp. It’s the best diversification. Put no more than 20% your money for 1 signal. And no more than 10% if enter a signal during bad market. Noted:
We will not make any assurance about your loss or your capital. Cryptocurrency is a risky investment and you should take your own risk.