方程式新闻: MicroStrategy Inc. 已提交招股说明书,拟发行价值高达 210 亿美元的 8.00% A 轮永久执行优先股。此次发行旨在筹集资金用于一般用途,包括可能收购比特币。MicroStrategy 打算继续其积累比特币的战略,利用股权、债务融资和运营现金流的收益。该文件没有提到任何新的比特币收购,但强调了该公司对其比特币战略的持续承诺。
$BTC (Auto match could be wrong, 自动匹配可能不准确) ———————————— 2025-03-10 19:55:07
⚠️Equation News: The Block (@TheBlock__) : Funding: Venture capitalists digest Trump's Bitcoin reserves and say what could usher in an "incredible era of cryptocurrency innovation" theblock.co/post/345380/tr…
Equation Manual Edit: After Kabosumama announced she has a new dog, the price of NEIRO coin dropped by 20% compared to the previous dog, while intensive PVP activities are taking place on-chain.
Equation Manual Edit: Binance introduces the 'Voting for Listing' and 'Voting for Delisting' mechanisms to encourage more community participation and give users a stronger voice in the listing process https://www.binance.com/en/support/announcement/detail/36ffe72dc0a84601af3143ad9196571e
Tree: U.S. Treasury Secretary Besant: The U.S. must play a global leadership role in the cryptocurrency space, bringing Bitcoin domestically and stopping the government from selling Bitcoin: CNBC
⚠️Equation News: Block Pro Headlines (@theblockupdates): *JITO Foundation contributors initiate discussions on token buybacks and rewards - THE BLOCK PRO