Life in the last 90 days tell all... (the life of a friend of mine)
on an X-platform a freind came across an X-abitrage to gain X-profit. Being an Angel stuck on earth that freind of mine alerted X-platform if he could approve the X-abitrage , as we all know that if it is really a vulnerability we all know what they do to those people!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! since then they changed everything on the X-platform for the freind of mine alerting them and the never ever gave him minimal reward!!!!! never!! where ther is money involved who can you trust , there is some evil eyes out there!!!
follow , like ,retweet and tip all my posts trading journey day 1 of 60 ,start with as little as five dollars usdt, pin 🛎️ all posts for daily progress i will share detailed strategy after day 60 day 2 loading ........
I once i was stranded on a desert island for five-years outside fulong island with no other human being in site or no rescue! (True story) until one day a beautiful girl swem to shore in a wet suit. "Hi! Am i have never ever ever been so happy to see you. She replied"Hi! It seems like you've been here along time. How long has it been since you've had a cigarette?" "It's been five years! i said . The girl unzips quickly a slot on the arm of her wet suit and gives a cigarette. "Oh thank you so much it has been so long i replied " She said "So tell me how long its been since you had a drink?" It's been five years" She unzips a little longer zipper on her wet suit and comes out with a flask of whiskey and offers it. Oh. Thank you so much. You are like a miracle i replied fast. Then the girl starts to unzip the front of her wet suit and asks leadingly, "So tell me then, have you been bored?" Five years i replied fast and i looked at her excitedly: "Oh, don't tell me you've got a surfboard in there too?"
(Today illuminatiti-ator have viewed a comment of mine and liked it and i have been on extreme panick mode ever since and i am trying to think of happier times!! with this story )
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