If there is no command, wait for the sort command neiroeth, x15 bnc, 2 et, vol 1 1.25, follow me on T for free command reference #tradetoearn_anhhcm #NEIROETH
If there is no command, wait for the sort command neiroeth, x15 bnc, 2 et, vol 1 1.25, follow me on T for free command reference #tradetoearn_anhhcm #NEIROETH
It's been a few months drawing like a snap, don't know if it will go down or not but I know it's all in this place already. Hope it really comes back, but continuous traps are breaking the bottom 1500. Follow me on T #tradetoearn_anhhcm #eth
If it's matched, please handle the order yourself. This morning the market was volatile, so I closed all limits. ET could be better. If anyone is in profit, please handle the order yourself. Follow me on T #tradetoearn_anhhcm #ALPACA
Set limit range -5 7% spot to gradually enter is nice everyone, otherwise just jump in then let go of the slipper vol 0.25 0.5 ... follow me at T #tradetoearn_anhhcm
If there is profit, withdraw some capital and interest, to have a more comfortable mindset with the interest, #dym #alt 2 coins have achieved good growth from the recent bottom.
Currently, 3 exchanges are holding only a very small fraction of the actual Pi. If its price is high, pioneers are happy, if its value is low, antipi and some traders are happy, so let's find out.
ExplorePi shows that 6.193 billion pi have moved so far. Of this, pioneers hold 1095 million (1.095 billion) pi, of which 211 million are locked. This leaves us with ~885 million pi. The amount of pi that has moved to exchanges so far is even lower, but for the sake of argument, we'll stick with 885 million pi.
Let's divide this number by the total circulating supply of bitcoin, which is 19.962 million. 885/19.962 = 44,334.
So if pi reaches the total market cap of bitcoin, each pi will be worth $2158 (ridiculous, I know)
For the current IOU price to still be valid ($135), the total market cap for the circulating supply would have to be 884 million x $135/pi = $118 billion (which would put us above BNB and just below USDT). Again, this is an unlikely scenario.
However, pi definitely has the potential to beat meme coins like doge. For all those complaining about pi not serving any utility, can someone at least tell me what utility doge serves?
If we reach the market cap of doge ($38 billion), we can comfortably hit 38000/885 ~ $43 per coin.
No matter how low or high its value is, it is a useful coin in the future, hold on to it!