I Help Companies Make More Money Through BITCOIN and CRYPTOCURRENCY Trading. I've Executed Over 20,000 CRYPTOCURRENCY Pair Trades on The Binance Exchange.
Hey traders! If you carefully look at every page on the Binance website there are risk disclosures written like this:
(Digital Asset trading is subject to high market Risk and price volatility. Changes in price value may be significant and may occur rapidly and without warning.
Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance.
The value of your investments can go down as well as go up and you may not get back the amount of money you have invested).
Hey Traders! In today’s post I’m going to show you exactly how to trade the best performing Cryptocurrency pairs on any Cryptocurrency Exchange all over the world.
In fact, the quickness of how price action moves in the Cryptocurrency exchanges all over the world creates lots of opportunities to buy on the way up and short sell on the way down before the Cryptocurrency pair fades into oblivion a few days later.
For example; here’s a proof of the best Coins that made traders lots of money in th
How I Traded 20 Different USDT Cryptocurrency Pairs!
Hey Traders! After implementing the Trendscrapers Technique on 20 different USDT based cryptocurrency trades on the BINANCE exchange, here's my result!
Lost 6% of my trading capital on the AST/USDT Cryptocurrency pair trade.
Lost 6% of my trading capital on the VTHO/USDT Cryptocurrency pair trade.
Made 30% profit on my BOND/USDT Cryptocurrency pair trade.
Made 150% profit on my SRM/BUSD Cryptocurrency pair trade.
Hey Traders! A Stock trader grew his stock trading account from a $1,500 start-up capital to currently $14,000,000 (Fourteen Million Dollars) in 11 Years as of the time of writing this post.
The question is! Can a CRYPTOCURRENCY trader achieve the same financial growth over the same period of time trading the various CRYPTOCURRENCY Assets on the BINANCE exchange?
Leave your comments below!
So the stock trader said that what led to his amazing success was minimizing his losses and max
Stop Trying To Predict The Future Price of Bitcoin
Hey Traders! It’s time to stop trying to predict the future price of BITCOIN and other CRYPTOCURRENCIES by using indicators like: Moving averages, Bollinger bands, Rsi, Fibonacci levels, Trend lines and many other Indicators.
Do you know why those who predicted that the price of BITCOIN was going to a $100,000 from the All Time Low price of $68,976 failed?
They said the next leg of BITCOIN price was going to a $100,000 and their predictions failed because BITCOIN price is not a respecter
The Components of a Crypto Trading Game That is Worth Playing!
It must be fun: There is no point playing a game that is no fun. Sure enough it will have its share of struggles, it will have its frustrations and at times it may seem impossible. Underneath the challenges, it will still be an exciting and fun game you want to get up each day and play.
It must have rules: You should have some clear structures, time frames and trading rules
Hi, I’m Andrew Okoh and I teach CRYPTOCURRENCY Traders and Investors all over the world how to minimize Losses and maximize profits and then generate consistent income in the CRYPTOCURRENCY Markets.
I heard about BITCOIN way back in 2015, so I started accumulating BITCOIN with some part of my salary as an Engineer.
I kept buying more BITCOIN because it was very cheap as at that time. In fact one BITCOIN was trading at about $430 towards the end of 2015.
Hey Traders! It’s time to celebrate the history of the most famous Bitcoin transaction.
Look: this is one of the BITCOIN transactions that brings MAY 22, 2010 into remembrance as a programmer and BITCOIN Miner, popularly known as Laszlo Hanyecz made history by using BITCOINS to buy two large Pizzas.
What is so fascinating is that as at 2010, BITCOIN price was trading at half a Cent for a full BITCOIN.
So Laszlo Hanyecz decided to make history by being the first person to order for two
Hey Traders! Do you know that Money Follows CRYPTOCURRENCY Assets? Yes! the more CRYPTOCURRENCY Assets you can trade, the more money you might be able to make as profits in the CRYPTOCURRENCY Markets.
But if you want to be a consistently profitable CRYPTOCURRENCY trader for the long term, you’ve got to stop holding CRYPTOCURRENCIES that’s already dumping by 6% below your entry price.
And the best part! You’ve got to sell them at a loss to preserve your trading capital for trading the bes
Some of the reasons why I lost over 2 BITCOINS during the BITCOIN and CRYPTOCURRENCY bear market of 2018 were because: I was told to buy random CRYPTOCURRENCIES by so called professional Crypto Trader.
And I failed to perform technical analysis of the CRYPTOCURRENCIES before buying them.
I held these CRYPTOCURRENCIES in my BINANCE wallets and hoping they were going to massively rise to the Moon.
But to my greatest surprise, the price of all the CRYPTOCURRENCIES I bought with my BITCOIN,
How To Start A Successful Crypto Trading Business!
What's up People! I want you to know that Starting a CRYPTOCURRENCY Trading business is the fastest way to make money on the internet compared to starting a YouTube channel or Affiliate marketing business.
In fact: The quickness of how price action moves in the CRYPTOCURRENCY markets creates lots of opportunity to buy on the way up and short-sell on the way down before the CRYPTOCURRENCY pair fades into oblivion a few days later.
Hey Traders! Right now I’m going to reveal how the 20 different CRYPTOCURRENCY Pairs I traded a few days ago have performed.
Stay Tuned!
First let’s look at the CRYPTOCURRENCIES that turned out to become profitable trades.
On my DREP/USDT trade, I just closed my entire portfolio at a 52% profit and that’s a huge profit already considering the size of capital that was used to participate on the trade.
And On my LDO/USDT trade, I’ve only sold 50% of my portfolio at a 22% profit and I’
90% of CRYPTOCURRENCY Traders or Investors Lose! Why?
Hey Traders! Have you heard that 90% of CRYPTOCURRENCY Traders or Investors lose their entire trading capital in less than 1year?
Why do you think this huge percentage of CRYPTOCURRENCY Investors completely lose out of the CRYPTOCURRENCY Markets?
The answer! Lack of Crypto trading knowledge.
Lack of Crypto trading knowledge makes CRYPTOCURRENCY Investors or Traders to have Emotional affections for the CRYPTOCURRENCIES they buy and they believe that holding the CRYPTOCURRENCIES they bo
How I'm Trading The Best Performing CRYPTOCURRENCIES On The BINANCE Exchange
Hey Traders! In this post I’m going to show you exactly how I’m trading the best performing CRYPTOCURRENCY Pair.
You see, based on the first step of the TRENDSCRAPERS TECHNIQUE, the BTC Market price is currently trading above the standard 5% bounce from its most recent low price.
And that means I should hunt for LONG trading opportunities in the BINANCE CRYPTOCURRENCY Markets.
So I quickly started searching for the best performing USDT CRYPTOCURRENCY Paired Assets on the BINANCE Excha
How To Perform Technical Analysis of Any CRYPTOCURRENCY Pair.
A few years ago, I analyzed the candlesticks price chart data of over 1,000 CRYPTOCURRENCY Pairs to better understand the most important metrics for performing proper technical analysis of any CRYPTOCURRENCY Pair.
Specifically, I looked at a number of metrics like: Support and Resistance, Moving Averages, Fibonacci Levels, Trend lines, Vwap, Rsi and many more indicators.
With the help of my data partner, Tradingview.com chart page, I learned a lot about how the price action of all CRYPTOC
Hey Traders! Today I’m going to show you the simple and easy way to perform proper technical analysis of any CRYPTOCURRENCY Pair.
In fact: after I lost over two BITCOINS due to lack of Crypto Trading Knowledge during the BITCOIN and CRYPTOCURRENCY Bear Market of 2018!
I decided to RUN a bunch of Experiments on the candlesticks price chart data of over one thousand CRYPTOCURRENCY Pairs.
And thanks to the data provided by the Tradingview.com chart page, I discovered that the entire candlesticks price chart data of any CRYPTOCURRENCY Pair is divided into Sections of Bullish Trend and Sections of Bearish Trend.
So the most important metrics for performing proper technical analysis of any CRYPTOCURRENCY Pair are: The Bullish Trend Section and The Bearish Trend Section of the CRYPTOCURRENCY price action.
Hey Traders! Today, I’m going to show you how to do your own research before investing in CRYPTOCURRENCIES!
Look: the BITCOIN market price is the master controller of the entire CRYPTOCURRENCY market price action.
So the first step to perform your own research before investing in CRYPTOCURRENCIES is by analyzing the most current BITCOIN Market price.
For example; if the BITCOIN market price bounces up by 5% from its most recent Low price, you’ve got to hunt for a LONG trading opportunities in the CRYPTOCURRENCY markets.
But if the BITCOIN market price dumps by 5% from its most recent high price, you‘ve got to hunt for a SHORT trading opportunities in the CRYPTOCURRENCY markets.
You will become a consistently profitable CRYPTOCURRENCY Investor if you can Master how to perform this kind of research.