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Mined My First Bitcoin In 2012, Early Adopter & Firm Supporter Of Decentralisation. Fan Of Memes and Doge. Trader-HoDlr, Twitter- @Ancientdogehdlr
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Uncovering the Truth: How Vitalik Ignored the Better Standard,Costing Ethereum Millions in Lost FundCryptocurrencies have been the talk of the town for a while now, and Ethereum is undoubtedly one of the most well-known platforms in this industry. But even the most innovative systems have their weaknesses, and Ethereum's ERC20 token standard is a prime example of it. ERC20 tokens are the most widely used standard in the Ethereum ecosystem, enabling developers to create their tokens on top of the platform. However, this token standard has significant vulnerabilities that can lead to the loss of millions of dollars in funds. For instance, it has been reported that over $20 million worth of tokens have been lost due to human error in the form of sending tokens to the wrong address or poorly written smart contracts. Fortunately, there is a solution to this problem: ERC223. This new standard was introduced by a developer named Dexaran, who saw the shortcomings of the ERC20 standard and proposed a better alternative. What is ERC223? ERC223 is an improvement over ERC20, designed to fix the issues that come with the ERC20 standard. The ERC223 token standard solves the issue of lost funds due to human error by introducing a new feature called tokenFallback. This feature allows the smart contract to reject invalid token transfers, preventing the loss of funds. Additionally, ERC223 tokens can be sent directly to a contract without the need for a separate transaction, making it more efficient and cost-effective. This new standard also enables token contracts to interact with other contracts in a more secure manner. Why did Vitalik Buterin ignore ERC223? Despite the numerous advantages of the ERC223 standard, Vitalik Buterin, the co-founder of Ethereum, chose to ignore it and stick with ERC20. When asked about it, Vitalik stated that he was aware of the ERC223 standard. Vitalik personally recommended changes to the ERC-223 proposal, but then later withdrew his support without explanation. Dexaran believes that Vitalik's decision was motivated by his desire to maintain the dominance of the ERC-20 standard and avoid disrupting the Ethereum ecosystem. This negligence on Vitalik's part has led to significant losses in the Ethereum ecosystem, and it is unfortunate that he chose to ignore a better standard that could have saved millions of dollars. Dexaran's role in the development of ERC223 Dexaran is a developer who proposed the ERC223 token standard as a solution to the flaws in the ERC20 standard. He recognized the importance of securing the Ethereum ecosystem and worked tirelessly to create a better standard. Despite facing opposition from Vitalik and other Ethereum developers, Dexaran persisted and continued to develop the ERC223 standard. He even created the Callisto Network, a blockchain platform that uses the ERC223 standard and focuses on improving security and efficiency in the cryptocurrency industry. Callisto Network and its impact on the crypto community Callisto Network has emerged as a new contender in the cryptocurrency industry, focusing on improving security and efficiency. It provides a safer environment for developers to create smart contracts and tokens, using the ERC223 standard to prevent lost funds and other vulnerabilities. Callisto Network's innovation has helped shape the future of cryptocurrencies, offering solutions to some of the most pressing issues in the industry. By providing a secure platform for developers to create their tokens, Callisto Network is helping to build a more sustainable and trustworthy crypto ecosystem. Conclusion The ERC20 token standard is undoubtedly a significant milestone in the development of the Ethereum ecosystem. However, its weaknesses have led to the loss of millions of dollars, which could have been avoided if a better standard had been implemented. Fortunately, developers like Dexaran and platforms like Callisto Network are working towards a more secure and efficient future for cryptocurrencies. With the use of the ERC223 standard and other innovative solutions, the crypto community can look forward to a brighter and more secure future. #Binance #keepbuilding #ETH #buildtogether #BTC

Uncovering the Truth: How Vitalik Ignored the Better Standard,Costing Ethereum Millions in Lost Fund

Cryptocurrencies have been the talk of the town for a while now, and Ethereum is undoubtedly one of the most well-known platforms in this industry. But even the most innovative systems have their weaknesses, and Ethereum's ERC20 token standard is a prime example of it.

ERC20 tokens are the most widely used standard in the Ethereum ecosystem, enabling developers to create their tokens on top of the platform. However, this token standard has significant vulnerabilities that can lead to the loss of millions of dollars in funds. For instance, it has been reported that over $20 million worth of tokens have been lost due to human error in the form of sending tokens to the wrong address or poorly written smart contracts.

Fortunately, there is a solution to this problem: ERC223. This new standard was introduced by a developer named Dexaran, who saw the shortcomings of the ERC20 standard and proposed a better alternative.

What is ERC223?

ERC223 is an improvement over ERC20, designed to fix the issues that come with the ERC20 standard. The ERC223 token standard solves the issue of lost funds due to human error by introducing a new feature called tokenFallback. This feature allows the smart contract to reject invalid token transfers, preventing the loss of funds. Additionally, ERC223 tokens can be sent directly to a contract without the need for a separate transaction, making it more efficient and cost-effective. This new standard also enables token contracts to interact with other contracts in a more secure manner.

Why did Vitalik Buterin ignore ERC223?

Despite the numerous advantages of the ERC223 standard, Vitalik Buterin, the co-founder of Ethereum, chose to ignore it and stick with ERC20. When asked about it, Vitalik stated that he was aware of the ERC223 standard. Vitalik personally recommended changes to the ERC-223 proposal, but then later withdrew his support without explanation. Dexaran believes that Vitalik's decision was motivated by his desire to maintain the dominance of the ERC-20 standard and avoid disrupting the Ethereum ecosystem. This negligence on Vitalik's part has led to significant losses in the Ethereum ecosystem, and it is unfortunate that he chose to ignore a better standard that could have saved millions of dollars.

Dexaran's role in the development of ERC223

Dexaran is a developer who proposed the ERC223 token standard as a solution to the flaws in the ERC20 standard. He recognized the importance of securing the Ethereum ecosystem and worked tirelessly to create a better standard. Despite facing opposition from Vitalik and other Ethereum developers, Dexaran persisted and continued to develop the ERC223 standard. He even created the Callisto Network, a blockchain platform that uses the ERC223 standard and focuses on improving security and efficiency in the cryptocurrency industry.

Callisto Network and its impact on the crypto community

Callisto Network has emerged as a new contender in the cryptocurrency industry, focusing on improving security and efficiency. It provides a safer environment for developers to create smart contracts and tokens, using the ERC223 standard to prevent lost funds and other vulnerabilities. Callisto Network's innovation has helped shape the future of cryptocurrencies, offering solutions to some of the most pressing issues in the industry. By providing a secure platform for developers to create their tokens, Callisto Network is helping to build a more sustainable and trustworthy crypto ecosystem.


The ERC20 token standard is undoubtedly a significant milestone in the development of the Ethereum ecosystem. However, its weaknesses have led to the loss of millions of dollars, which could have been avoided if a better standard had been implemented. Fortunately, developers like Dexaran and platforms like Callisto Network are working towards a more secure and efficient future for cryptocurrencies. With the use of the ERC223 standard and other innovative solutions, the crypto community can look forward to a brighter and more secure future.

#Binance #keepbuilding #ETH #buildtogether #BTC
It’s 3 Not Three
It’s 3 Not Three
Why Satoshi Giggles : A Rollicking Reflection on Financial Fumbles and Cryptocurrency CapeIn the never-ending drama of global finance, where currencies dance on the puppeteer's strings and banks mimic the damsel in perpetual distress, one spectral chuckle reverberates through the ether. Somewhere, in the shadowy digital realm, Satoshi Nakamoto is having a good giggle. The creator of Bitcoin, known only by their pseudonym, Satoshi emerged from the mists of anonymity, set off a financial revolution, and vanished again. Their laughter, we imagine, echoes through the blockchain, a phantom chuckle tinged with schadenfreude, irony, and a dash of whimsical "I told you so." Satoshi's dream, a world unshackled from the whims of central authorities and their money-printing sprees, feels like an idealistic fairy tale in today's financial sitcom. Yet, in every blunder of traditional finance, every cry for bailout from behemoth banks, we can almost hear Satoshi's mischievous snicker. Remember the good old days? Those halcyon times when our trusty banks would trippingly tango with the money, only to fall flat on their faces, hats askew and pants around their ankles. That's when Bitcoin, Satoshi's brainchild, first took a bow on the world stage. Fast forward, and what's changed? Banks still stumble. Economies shudder like a clown car on a rickety roller coaster. Money is conjured out of thin air, like bunnies from a magician's hat, leading to inflationary fears. Amid this circus, Satoshi's phantom giggle resonates in the cryptocurrency space. Satoshi must surely revel in the irony that banks, once crypto’s staunchest critics, are now furtively flirting with blockchain technology. It’s like watching a scorned suitor returning with a sheepish grin, hat in hand, and a bouquet of roses plucked from the Bitcoin garden. The sheer spectacle of it all lends to the comedy. Imagine a world where the value of your morning coffee fluctuates like a hyperactive yo-yo, and where "mining" has nothing to do with pickaxes and everything to do with a global network of computers solving complex mathematical problems. Cryptocurrencies have their own quirks, of course. They jive to their own rhythm, sometimes moving in mysterious ways, their wonders to perform. Yet the vision they embody, of a financial system freed from the chains of central control, feels like a breath of fresh air in a smoke-filled room. As the curtain rises on each new act of the ongoing financial farce, we can almost hear the ghostly guffaw of Satoshi Nakamoto. His creation, Bitcoin, stands as a spectral sentinel, a beacon of what could be in a world all too familiar with what is. Satoshi's giggle, cryptic and teasing, resonates in the space between the old and the new, the tangible and the digital, the centralized and the decentralized. It's a reminder that in the world of finance, the only constant is change, and sometimes, you can't help but laugh at the absurdity of it all. #bitcoin #satoshi #memes #satoshigiggles

Why Satoshi Giggles : A Rollicking Reflection on Financial Fumbles and Cryptocurrency Cape

In the never-ending drama of global finance, where currencies dance on the puppeteer's strings and banks mimic the damsel in perpetual distress, one spectral chuckle reverberates through the ether. Somewhere, in the shadowy digital realm, Satoshi Nakamoto is having a good giggle.

The creator of Bitcoin, known only by their pseudonym, Satoshi emerged from the mists of anonymity, set off a financial revolution, and vanished again. Their laughter, we imagine, echoes through the blockchain, a phantom chuckle tinged with schadenfreude, irony, and a dash of whimsical "I told you so."

Satoshi's dream, a world unshackled from the whims of central authorities and their money-printing sprees, feels like an idealistic fairy tale in today's financial sitcom. Yet, in every blunder of traditional finance, every cry for bailout from behemoth banks, we can almost hear Satoshi's mischievous snicker.

Remember the good old days? Those halcyon times when our trusty banks would trippingly tango with the money, only to fall flat on their faces, hats askew and pants around their ankles. That's when Bitcoin, Satoshi's brainchild, first took a bow on the world stage.

Fast forward, and what's changed? Banks still stumble. Economies shudder like a clown car on a rickety roller coaster. Money is conjured out of thin air, like bunnies from a magician's hat, leading to inflationary fears. Amid this circus, Satoshi's phantom giggle resonates in the cryptocurrency space.

Satoshi must surely revel in the irony that banks, once crypto’s staunchest critics, are now furtively flirting with blockchain technology. It’s like watching a scorned suitor returning with a sheepish grin, hat in hand, and a bouquet of roses plucked from the Bitcoin garden.

The sheer spectacle of it all lends to the comedy. Imagine a world where the value of your morning coffee fluctuates like a hyperactive yo-yo, and where "mining" has nothing to do with pickaxes and everything to do with a global network of computers solving complex mathematical problems.

Cryptocurrencies have their own quirks, of course. They jive to their own rhythm, sometimes moving in mysterious ways, their wonders to perform. Yet the vision they embody, of a financial system freed from the chains of central control, feels like a breath of fresh air in a smoke-filled room.

As the curtain rises on each new act of the ongoing financial farce, we can almost hear the ghostly guffaw of Satoshi Nakamoto. His creation, Bitcoin, stands as a spectral sentinel, a beacon of what could be in a world all too familiar with what is.

Satoshi's giggle, cryptic and teasing, resonates in the space between the old and the new, the tangible and the digital, the centralized and the decentralized. It's a reminder that in the world of finance, the only constant is change, and sometimes, you can't help but laugh at the absurdity of it all.

#bitcoin #satoshi #memes #satoshigiggles
PWRCASH Anonymous Bridge Review: A Secure and User-Friendly ToolIntroduction As cryptocurrency transactions become more popular, there is a need for secure and user-friendly tools to manage digital assets. The PWRCASH Anonymous Bridge is one such tool that offers a high level of security and anonymity for digital asset transactions. With the PWRCASH Anonymous Bridge, users can easily move their digital assets between different blockchains without worrying about privacy breaches or security risks. Security and Anonymity One of the key features of the PWRCASH Anonymous Bridge is its high level of security and anonymity. The tool uses advanced encryption methods and data protection techniques to protect transactions and personal information. It also allows users to send and receive coins anonymously, without leaving any trace. This ensures that transactions remain confidential and secure. Flexibility The PWRCASH Anonymous Bridge is a highly flexible tool that allows users to move their digital assets between different blockchains. Coins like BSC, ETH, MATIC, FTM, AVAX, CRO, and ARBI (coming soon) can be easily sent or received and moved between different blockchains with ease. This flexibility is important for those who want to take advantage of different blockchain technologies or invest in a variety of cryptocurrencies. User-Friendliness The PWRCASH Anonymous Bridge is designed to be easy to use, with a simple interface that does not require navigating through complicated menus or using complicated tools. Users can easily send or receive coins with ease, all while enjoying the peace of mind that comes with complete anonymity. The tool is designed to be user-friendly to ensure that all users can take advantage of digital asset transactions without difficulty. Delay Period After making a deposit, it is important to wait for the specified delay period to improve your privacy. The delay period can be selected from the "Advanced Options" tab, with a maximum delay period of up to 24 hours. During this time, your digital assets will be held in escrow by the Anonymous Bridge. This waiting period helps to ensure that your transactions are more secure and private. Offshore Banking One of the features of PWRCASH is offshore banking with debit cards. This feature will allow users to obtain cards that can be used for purchases anywhere in the world, while keeping their personal information and transactions completely anonymous. by partnering with a licensed offshore bank and integrating the use of PWRCASH tokens. The cards comes in three different tiers, each with its own benefits and perks. Anonymous NFT Bridge The NFT bridge is a tool that will allow users to send and receive NFTs anonymously and without leaving any trace. It will be built on the PWRCASH network and offer a high level of privacy and security for NFT transactions. With the NFT bridge, users will be able to move their NFTs between different blockchains with ease. They will also be able to use the bridge to sell, trade, or transfer their NFTs without having to reveal their identity or personal information. Conclusion The PWRCASH Anonymous Bridge is a highly secure and user-friendly tool that offers a range of benefits for those who want to move their digital assets between different blockchains while maintaining a high level of anonymity and privacy. It is easy to use, highly flexible, and offers fast processing times and low fees. In addition, Current staking protocol and the upcoming features such as anonymous launchpad and the anonymous NFT bridge make PWRCASH a valuable tool for managing digital assets. Whether you are an experienced cryptocurrency trader or just starting out, the PWRCASH Anonymous Bridge provides a secure and user-friendly way to manage your digital assets. With its advanced encryption methods, data protection techniques, and complete anonymity, the PWRCASH Anonymous Bridge is a reliable and trusted tool for digital asset transactions. #ExchangeWithKindness #Binance #BTC #dyor #ETH

PWRCASH Anonymous Bridge Review: A Secure and User-Friendly Tool


As cryptocurrency transactions become more popular, there is a need for secure and user-friendly tools to manage digital assets. The PWRCASH Anonymous Bridge is one such tool that offers a high level of security and anonymity for digital asset transactions. With the PWRCASH Anonymous Bridge, users can easily move their digital assets between different blockchains without worrying about privacy breaches or security risks.

Security and Anonymity

One of the key features of the PWRCASH Anonymous Bridge is its high level of security and anonymity. The tool uses advanced encryption methods and data protection techniques to protect transactions and personal information. It also allows users to send and receive coins anonymously, without leaving any trace. This ensures that transactions remain confidential and secure.


The PWRCASH Anonymous Bridge is a highly flexible tool that allows users to move their digital assets between different blockchains. Coins like BSC, ETH, MATIC, FTM, AVAX, CRO, and ARBI (coming soon) can be easily sent or received and moved between different blockchains with ease. This flexibility is important for those who want to take advantage of different blockchain technologies or invest in a variety of cryptocurrencies.


The PWRCASH Anonymous Bridge is designed to be easy to use, with a simple interface that does not require navigating through complicated menus or using complicated tools. Users can easily send or receive coins with ease, all while enjoying the peace of mind that comes with complete anonymity. The tool is designed to be user-friendly to ensure that all users can take advantage of digital asset transactions without difficulty.

Delay Period

After making a deposit, it is important to wait for the specified delay period to improve your privacy. The delay period can be selected from the "Advanced Options" tab, with a maximum delay period of up to 24 hours. During this time, your digital assets will be held in escrow by the Anonymous Bridge. This waiting period helps to ensure that your transactions are more secure and private.

Offshore Banking

One of the features of PWRCASH is offshore banking with debit cards. This feature will allow users to obtain cards that can be used for purchases anywhere in the world, while keeping their personal information and transactions completely anonymous. by partnering with a licensed offshore bank and integrating the use of PWRCASH tokens. The cards comes in three different tiers, each with its own benefits and perks.

Anonymous NFT Bridge

The NFT bridge is a tool that will allow users to send and receive NFTs anonymously and without leaving any trace. It will be built on the PWRCASH network and offer a high level of privacy and security for NFT transactions. With the NFT bridge, users will be able to move their NFTs between different blockchains with ease. They will also be able to use the bridge to sell, trade, or transfer their NFTs without having to reveal their identity or personal information.


The PWRCASH Anonymous Bridge is a highly secure and user-friendly tool that offers a range of benefits for those who want to move their digital assets between different blockchains while maintaining a high level of anonymity and privacy. It is easy to use, highly flexible, and offers fast processing times and low fees. In addition, Current staking protocol and the upcoming features such as anonymous launchpad and the anonymous NFT bridge make PWRCASH a valuable tool for managing digital assets.

Whether you are an experienced cryptocurrency trader or just starting out, the PWRCASH Anonymous Bridge provides a secure and user-friendly way to manage your digital assets. With its advanced encryption methods, data protection techniques, and complete anonymity, the PWRCASH Anonymous Bridge is a reliable and trusted tool for digital asset transactions.

#ExchangeWithKindness #Binance #BTC #dyor #ETH

Common Trading Mistakes and How to Avoid ThemTrading in financial markets can be a lucrative endeavor if done right. However, new traders often fall prey to common mistakes that can significantly impact their profits and lead to losses. This article aims to identify common trading mistakes and provide practical advice on how to avoid them. By gaining a better understanding of these pitfalls, you can develop a more disciplined and successful trading strategy. Lack of a Trading Plan Mistake: New traders often enter the market without a clear trading plan, which can lead to impulsive decisions and inconsistency. Solution: Develop a comprehensive trading plan that outlines your trading goals, risk management strategy, entry and exit points, and the financial instruments you plan to trade. A well-thought-out plan will help you stay disciplined and focused on achieving your objectives. Insufficient Risk Management Mistake: Neglecting risk management can expose traders to significant losses and jeopardize their entire trading account. Solution: Develop a strong risk management strategy, including setting stop-loss orders, position sizing, and diversifying your portfolio. A disciplined approach to risk management will help protect your capital and prevent catastrophic losses. Overtrading Mistake: Overtrading occurs when traders execute too many trades, often in pursuit of quick profits. This can result in higher transaction costs and emotional decision-making. Solution: Stick to your trading plan and avoid the temptation to chase profits. Focus on quality trades over quantity and maintain a disciplined approach to entering and exiting positions. Emotional Decision-Making Mistake: Allowing emotions to dictate your trading decisions can lead to impulsive actions and inconsistent results. Solution: Develop a systematic approach to trading and adhere to your plan. This will help minimize the impact of emotions on your decisions and promote more consistent outcomes. Lack of Education and Knowledge Mistake: Many new traders jump into the market without a solid understanding of the financial instruments they are trading, market trends, and technical analysis. Solution: Invest time in educating yourself about the markets, financial instruments, and trading strategies. Utilize resources such as books, online courses, and experienced mentors to build a strong foundation of knowledge. Failing to Keep a Trading Journal Mistake: New traders often neglect to keep a record of their trades, making it difficult to learn from past mistakes and successes. Solution: Maintain a detailed trading journal that documents your trades, including entry and exit points, reasons for each trade, and the outcome. Regularly review your journal to identify patterns and areas for improvement. Unrealistic Expectations Mistake: New traders often enter the market with unrealistic expectations of quick and easy profits, which can lead to impatience and poor decision-making. Solution: Set realistic goals and understand that successful trading takes time, discipline, and continuous learning. Focus on long-term success rather than short-term gains. Conclusion By understanding and avoiding these common trading mistakes, new traders can significantly improve their chances of success in the financial markets. Remember that patience, discipline, and continuous education are key to developing a profitable trading strategy. With time and experience, you will be better equipped to navigate the markets and achieve your financial goals. #ExchangeWithKindness #Binance #BTC #trading #keepbuilding

Common Trading Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

Trading in financial markets can be a lucrative endeavor if done right. However, new traders often fall prey to common mistakes that can significantly impact their profits and lead to losses. This article aims to identify common trading mistakes and provide practical advice on how to avoid them. By gaining a better understanding of these pitfalls, you can develop a more disciplined and successful trading strategy.

Lack of a Trading Plan

Mistake: New traders often enter the market without a clear trading plan, which can lead to impulsive decisions and inconsistency.

Solution: Develop a comprehensive trading plan that outlines your trading goals, risk management strategy, entry and exit points, and the financial instruments you plan to trade. A well-thought-out plan will help you stay disciplined and focused on achieving your objectives.

Insufficient Risk Management

Mistake: Neglecting risk management can expose traders to significant losses and jeopardize their entire trading account.

Solution: Develop a strong risk management strategy, including setting stop-loss orders, position sizing, and diversifying your portfolio. A disciplined approach to risk management will help protect your capital and prevent catastrophic losses.


Mistake: Overtrading occurs when traders execute too many trades, often in pursuit of quick profits. This can result in higher transaction costs and emotional decision-making.

Solution: Stick to your trading plan and avoid the temptation to chase profits. Focus on quality trades over quantity and maintain a disciplined approach to entering and exiting positions.

Emotional Decision-Making

Mistake: Allowing emotions to dictate your trading decisions can lead to impulsive actions and inconsistent results.

Solution: Develop a systematic approach to trading and adhere to your plan. This will help minimize the impact of emotions on your decisions and promote more consistent outcomes.

Lack of Education and Knowledge

Mistake: Many new traders jump into the market without a solid understanding of the financial instruments they are trading, market trends, and technical analysis.

Solution: Invest time in educating yourself about the markets, financial instruments, and trading strategies. Utilize resources such as books, online courses, and experienced mentors to build a strong foundation of knowledge.

Failing to Keep a Trading Journal

Mistake: New traders often neglect to keep a record of their trades, making it difficult to learn from past mistakes and successes.

Solution: Maintain a detailed trading journal that documents your trades, including entry and exit points, reasons for each trade, and the outcome. Regularly review your journal to identify patterns and areas for improvement.

Unrealistic Expectations

Mistake: New traders often enter the market with unrealistic expectations of quick and easy profits, which can lead to impatience and poor decision-making.

Solution: Set realistic goals and understand that successful trading takes time, discipline, and continuous learning. Focus on long-term success rather than short-term gains.


By understanding and avoiding these common trading mistakes, new traders can significantly improve their chances of success in the financial markets. Remember that patience, discipline, and continuous education are key to developing a profitable trading strategy. With time and experience, you will be better equipped to navigate the markets and achieve your financial goals.

#ExchangeWithKindness #Binance #BTC #trading #keepbuilding

Bitcoin's Journey: The Emergence of AltcoinsAs Bitcoin gained popularity and demonstrated the potential of blockchain technology, it inspired the creation of alternative cryptocurrencies, collectively known as "altcoins." These altcoins were designed to offer new features, improved performance, or different use cases compared to Bitcoin. The emergence of altcoins can be attributed to various factors, including the open-source nature of Bitcoin's code, the desire for innovation, and the opportunity for profit. Open-source code and forks: Bitcoin's open-source code allowed developers to modify, adapt, and build upon the original design, giving rise to new cryptocurrencies. Some altcoins were created as a result of a "fork" in the Bitcoin blockchain, which occurs when there's a disagreement among the community about proposed changes to the protocol. For instance, Bitcoin Cash and Bitcoin SV were born from contentious hard forks in the Bitcoin network. Technological improvements and innovation: Many altcoins aimed to address perceived shortcomings in Bitcoin's design or introduce novel features. For example, Litecoin was created to offer faster transaction times, while Monero and Zcash focused on providing enhanced privacy and anonymity. Ethereum, another prominent altcoin, introduced the concept of smart contracts, enabling the development of decentralized applications (dApps) and the creation of tokens on its platform. Diversification of use cases: While Bitcoin was primarily designed as a digital currency, altcoins have sought to expand the use cases of blockchain technology. Various cryptocurrencies have been developed for specific industries, such as supply chain management (VeChain), decentralized finance (Chainlink), and content creation (Basic Attention Token). This diversification has led to the growth of specialized ecosystems and communities around each altcoin. Market speculation and profit opportunities: The emergence of altcoins has created opportunities for traders and investors seeking to diversify their portfolios and capitalize on price volatility. Some investors view altcoins as having the potential to generate higher returns compared to Bitcoin, due to their lower market capitalization and potential for growth. Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs) and fundraising: The rise of altcoins has been fueled, in part, by the popularity of ICOs as a fundraising method for blockchain projects. ICOs allowed startups to raise capital by issuing their native tokens, which could be traded on cryptocurrency exchanges. Although ICOs have declined in popularity due to regulatory concerns and the emergence of alternative fundraising models (e.g., Initial Exchange Offerings, or IEOs, #Launchpad ), they played a significant role in the proliferation of altcoins. The altcoin market has grown exponentially since the first altcoins emerged, with thousands of cryptocurrencies now in existence. While not all altcoins have been successful or gained widespread adoption, they have contributed to the overall growth of the cryptocurrency ecosystem and spurred innovation in the blockchain space. #BTC #Binance #BNB #EDUCATIONAL

Bitcoin's Journey: The Emergence of Altcoins

As Bitcoin gained popularity and demonstrated the potential of blockchain technology, it inspired the creation of alternative cryptocurrencies, collectively known as "altcoins." These altcoins were designed to offer new features, improved performance, or different use cases compared to Bitcoin. The emergence of altcoins can be attributed to various factors, including the open-source nature of Bitcoin's code, the desire for innovation, and the opportunity for profit.

Open-source code and forks: Bitcoin's open-source code allowed developers to modify, adapt, and build upon the original design, giving rise to new cryptocurrencies. Some altcoins were created as a result of a "fork" in the Bitcoin blockchain, which occurs when there's a disagreement among the community about proposed changes to the protocol. For instance, Bitcoin Cash and Bitcoin SV were born from contentious hard forks in the Bitcoin network.

Technological improvements and innovation: Many altcoins aimed to address perceived shortcomings in Bitcoin's design or introduce novel features. For example, Litecoin was created to offer faster transaction times, while Monero and Zcash focused on providing enhanced privacy and anonymity. Ethereum, another prominent altcoin, introduced the concept of smart contracts, enabling the development of decentralized applications (dApps) and the creation of tokens on its platform.

Diversification of use cases: While Bitcoin was primarily designed as a digital currency, altcoins have sought to expand the use cases of blockchain technology. Various cryptocurrencies have been developed for specific industries, such as supply chain management (VeChain), decentralized finance (Chainlink), and content creation (Basic Attention Token). This diversification has led to the growth of specialized ecosystems and communities around each altcoin.

Market speculation and profit opportunities: The emergence of altcoins has created opportunities for traders and investors seeking to diversify their portfolios and capitalize on price volatility. Some investors view altcoins as having the potential to generate higher returns compared to Bitcoin, due to their lower market capitalization and potential for growth.

Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs) and fundraising: The rise of altcoins has been fueled, in part, by the popularity of ICOs as a fundraising method for blockchain projects. ICOs allowed startups to raise capital by issuing their native tokens, which could be traded on cryptocurrency exchanges. Although ICOs have declined in popularity due to regulatory concerns and the emergence of alternative fundraising models (e.g., Initial Exchange Offerings, or IEOs, #Launchpad ), they played a significant role in the proliferation of altcoins.

The altcoin market has grown exponentially since the first altcoins emerged, with thousands of cryptocurrencies now in existence. While not all altcoins have been successful or gained widespread adoption, they have contributed to the overall growth of the cryptocurrency ecosystem and spurred innovation in the blockchain space.

Bitcoin's Journey : Growth and AdoptionBitcoin's journey from a novel idea to a widely accepted form of digital currency has been marked by rapid growth and increasing adoption worldwide. This section will outline the key milestones and factors that have contributed to the widespread use and recognition of Bitcoin as a viable alternative to traditional currencies. Increasing awareness and media coverage: As Bitcoin began to gain traction, media outlets started to cover its progress and potential implications for the future of finance. This exposure led to increased public awareness and curiosity, attracting more users and investors to the cryptocurrency. Establishment of online marketplaces and payment processors: Over time, businesses and online marketplaces began to accept Bitcoin as a form of payment. Companies like BitPay, coinbase and #Binance offering payment processing services that facilitated Bitcoin transactions for merchants. This development helped to increase the practical utility and legitimacy of Bitcoin as a medium of exchange. Price volatility and speculative investment: Bitcoin's price has experienced significant fluctuations throughout its history, often driven by market sentiment, speculation, and external factors. These price movements have attracted traders and investors seeking profit opportunities, increasing the liquidity and overall market capitalization of the cryptocurrency. Technological advancements and scaling solutions: Bitcoin's underlying technology has evolved since its inception, with developers working to improve its efficiency and scalability. Innovations like the Lightning Network have been introduced to facilitate faster and cheaper transactions, making Bitcoin more appealing for everyday use. Regulatory developments: While initially operating in a largely unregulated environment, Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies have become subject to regulatory scrutiny as they've gained prominence. Many countries have established regulatory frameworks to address concerns related to money laundering, tax evasion, and consumer protection. These regulations have, to some extent, legitimized Bitcoin as an asset class and financial instrument. Institutional interest and investment: Over the past few years, Bitcoin has caught the attention of institutional investors, hedge funds, and corporations. Major financial institutions like Fidelity and J.P. Morgan have started offering Bitcoin-related investment products and services, while companies like Tesla and MicroStrategy have added Bitcoin to their balance sheets. This institutional adoption has further strengthened Bitcoin's credibility as an asset and store of value. Global economic and political factors: Economic instability, inflation, and political unrest in various parts of the world have led some individuals to turn to Bitcoin as a hedge against traditional financial systems. In countries with high inflation or strict capital controls, Bitcoin has emerged as a means of preserving wealth and facilitating cross-border transactions. Today, Bitcoin's growth and adoption continue to expand, with new use cases, applications, and infrastructure being developed regularly. As the first and most prominent cryptocurrency, Bitcoin has paved the way for the broader adoption of digital assets and the integration of blockchain technology into our daily lives. #BTC #BNB #Launchpad #educational

Bitcoin's Journey : Growth and Adoption

Bitcoin's journey from a novel idea to a widely accepted form of digital currency has been marked by rapid growth and increasing adoption worldwide. This section will outline the key milestones and factors that have contributed to the widespread use and recognition of Bitcoin as a viable alternative to traditional currencies.

Increasing awareness and media coverage: As Bitcoin began to gain traction, media outlets started to cover its progress and potential implications for the future of finance. This exposure led to increased public awareness and curiosity, attracting more users and investors to the cryptocurrency.

Establishment of online marketplaces and payment processors: Over time, businesses and online marketplaces began to accept Bitcoin as a form of payment. Companies like BitPay, coinbase and #Binance offering payment processing services that facilitated Bitcoin transactions for merchants. This development helped to increase the practical utility and legitimacy of Bitcoin as a medium of exchange.

Price volatility and speculative investment: Bitcoin's price has experienced significant fluctuations throughout its history, often driven by market sentiment, speculation, and external factors. These price movements have attracted traders and investors seeking profit opportunities, increasing the liquidity and overall market capitalization of the cryptocurrency.

Technological advancements and scaling solutions: Bitcoin's underlying technology has evolved since its inception, with developers working to improve its efficiency and scalability. Innovations like the Lightning Network have been introduced to facilitate faster and cheaper transactions, making Bitcoin more appealing for everyday use.

Regulatory developments: While initially operating in a largely unregulated environment, Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies have become subject to regulatory scrutiny as they've gained prominence. Many countries have established regulatory frameworks to address concerns related to money laundering, tax evasion, and consumer protection. These regulations have, to some extent, legitimized Bitcoin as an asset class and financial instrument.

Institutional interest and investment: Over the past few years, Bitcoin has caught the attention of institutional investors, hedge funds, and corporations. Major financial institutions like Fidelity and J.P. Morgan have started offering Bitcoin-related investment products and services, while companies like Tesla and MicroStrategy have added Bitcoin to their balance sheets. This institutional adoption has further strengthened Bitcoin's credibility as an asset and store of value.

Global economic and political factors: Economic instability, inflation, and political unrest in various parts of the world have led some individuals to turn to Bitcoin as a hedge against traditional financial systems. In countries with high inflation or strict capital controls, Bitcoin has emerged as a means of preserving wealth and facilitating cross-border transactions.

Today, Bitcoin's growth and adoption continue to expand, with new use cases, applications, and infrastructure being developed regularly. As the first and most prominent cryptocurrency, Bitcoin has paved the way for the broader adoption of digital assets and the integration of blockchain technology into our daily lives.

#BTC #BNB #Launchpad #educational

The Birth of Bitcoin: Satoshi Nakamoto and the Bitcoin WhitepaperIn the wake of the 2008 global financial crisis, trust in centralized financial institutions was at an all-time low. Amidst this climate, an anonymous individual or group of individuals under the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto released a whitepaper titled "Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System" on October 31, 2008. This revolutionary document introduced a new form of digital currency called Bitcoin, which aimed to solve the inherent problems of traditional financial systems and provide a decentralized, transparent, and secure means of exchanging value. The Bitcoin whitepaper outlined the basic principles and technical foundation of the cryptocurrency. At its core, Bitcoin is a digital currency based on blockchain technology, a decentralized and distributed ledger system that records all transactions across a network of computers called nodes. This innovative design eliminates the need for central authorities, such as banks or governments, to validate and control transactions. Satoshi Nakamoto also introduced the concept of Proof of Work (PoW) as the consensus mechanism for the Bitcoin network. PoW requires network participants, known as miners, to solve complex mathematical problems to validate transactions and create new blocks. Miners are rewarded with newly minted Bitcoins for their efforts, incentivizing them to maintain the network's security and integrity. On January 3, 2009, Satoshi Nakamoto mined the first block of the Bitcoin blockchain, known as the genesis block. This event marked the official birth of Bitcoin. The first-ever Bitcoin transaction occurred shortly after, on January 12, 2009, when Satoshi Nakamoto sent 10 Bitcoins to a developer named Hal Finney. Since its inception, Bitcoin has experienced exponential growth in terms of adoption, market value, and public awareness. It has inspired the creation of thousands of other cryptocurrencies, as well as numerous blockchain-based applications and #Launchpad across various industries. Despite remaining a mysterious figure, Satoshi Nakamoto's groundbreaking invention has forever changed the landscape of finance and technology, paving the way for a more decentralized and transparent global financial system. #BTC #BNB #Binance #educational

The Birth of Bitcoin: Satoshi Nakamoto and the Bitcoin Whitepaper

In the wake of the 2008 global financial crisis, trust in centralized financial institutions was at an all-time low. Amidst this climate, an anonymous individual or group of individuals under the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto released a whitepaper titled "Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System" on October 31, 2008. This revolutionary document introduced a new form of digital currency called Bitcoin, which aimed to solve the inherent problems of traditional financial systems and provide a decentralized, transparent, and secure means of exchanging value.

The Bitcoin whitepaper outlined the basic principles and technical foundation of the cryptocurrency. At its core, Bitcoin is a digital currency based on blockchain technology, a decentralized and distributed ledger system that records all transactions across a network of computers called nodes. This innovative design eliminates the need for central authorities, such as banks or governments, to validate and control transactions.

Satoshi Nakamoto also introduced the concept of Proof of Work (PoW) as the consensus mechanism for the Bitcoin network. PoW requires network participants, known as miners, to solve complex mathematical problems to validate transactions and create new blocks. Miners are rewarded with newly minted Bitcoins for their efforts, incentivizing them to maintain the network's security and integrity.

On January 3, 2009, Satoshi Nakamoto mined the first block of the Bitcoin blockchain, known as the genesis block. This event marked the official birth of Bitcoin. The first-ever Bitcoin transaction occurred shortly after, on January 12, 2009, when Satoshi Nakamoto sent 10 Bitcoins to a developer named Hal Finney.

Since its inception, Bitcoin has experienced exponential growth in terms of adoption, market value, and public awareness. It has inspired the creation of thousands of other cryptocurrencies, as well as numerous blockchain-based applications and #Launchpad across various industries. Despite remaining a mysterious figure, Satoshi Nakamoto's groundbreaking invention has forever changed the landscape of finance and technology, paving the way for a more decentralized and transparent global financial system.

#BTC #BNB #Binance #educational

A Must Read For All Blockchain Enthusiasts. Ever lost your tokens by sending them to wrong contract by mistake ? You were told that’s your fault ? Guess what it wasn’t your fault ! Read why - #vitalik #BTC #crypto
A Must Read For All Blockchain Enthusiasts.
Ever lost your tokens by sending them to wrong contract by mistake ? You were told that’s your fault ? Guess what it wasn’t your fault !
Read why -

#vitalik #BTC #crypto
Ancient One
Uncovering the Truth: How Vitalik Ignored the Better Standard,Costing Ethereum Millions in Lost Fund
Cryptocurrencies have been the talk of the town for a while now, and Ethereum is undoubtedly one of the most well-known platforms in this industry. But even the most innovative systems have their weaknesses, and Ethereum's ERC20 token standard is a prime example of it.

ERC20 tokens are the most widely used standard in the Ethereum ecosystem, enabling developers to create their tokens on top of the platform. However, this token standard has significant vulnerabilities that can lead to the loss of millions of dollars in funds. For instance, it has been reported that over $20 million worth of tokens have been lost due to human error in the form of sending tokens to the wrong address or poorly written smart contracts.

Fortunately, there is a solution to this problem: ERC223. This new standard was introduced by a developer named Dexaran, who saw the shortcomings of the ERC20 standard and proposed a better alternative.

What is ERC223?

ERC223 is an improvement over ERC20, designed to fix the issues that come with the ERC20 standard. The ERC223 token standard solves the issue of lost funds due to human error by introducing a new feature called tokenFallback. This feature allows the smart contract to reject invalid token transfers, preventing the loss of funds. Additionally, ERC223 tokens can be sent directly to a contract without the need for a separate transaction, making it more efficient and cost-effective. This new standard also enables token contracts to interact with other contracts in a more secure manner.

Why did Vitalik Buterin ignore ERC223?

Despite the numerous advantages of the ERC223 standard, Vitalik Buterin, the co-founder of Ethereum, chose to ignore it and stick with ERC20. When asked about it, Vitalik stated that he was aware of the ERC223 standard. Vitalik personally recommended changes to the ERC-223 proposal, but then later withdrew his support without explanation. Dexaran believes that Vitalik's decision was motivated by his desire to maintain the dominance of the ERC-20 standard and avoid disrupting the Ethereum ecosystem. This negligence on Vitalik's part has led to significant losses in the Ethereum ecosystem, and it is unfortunate that he chose to ignore a better standard that could have saved millions of dollars.

Dexaran's role in the development of ERC223

Dexaran is a developer who proposed the ERC223 token standard as a solution to the flaws in the ERC20 standard. He recognized the importance of securing the Ethereum ecosystem and worked tirelessly to create a better standard. Despite facing opposition from Vitalik and other Ethereum developers, Dexaran persisted and continued to develop the ERC223 standard. He even created the Callisto Network, a blockchain platform that uses the ERC223 standard and focuses on improving security and efficiency in the cryptocurrency industry.

Callisto Network and its impact on the crypto community

Callisto Network has emerged as a new contender in the cryptocurrency industry, focusing on improving security and efficiency. It provides a safer environment for developers to create smart contracts and tokens, using the ERC223 standard to prevent lost funds and other vulnerabilities. Callisto Network's innovation has helped shape the future of cryptocurrencies, offering solutions to some of the most pressing issues in the industry. By providing a secure platform for developers to create their tokens, Callisto Network is helping to build a more sustainable and trustworthy crypto ecosystem.


The ERC20 token standard is undoubtedly a significant milestone in the development of the Ethereum ecosystem. However, its weaknesses have led to the loss of millions of dollars, which could have been avoided if a better standard had been implemented. Fortunately, developers like Dexaran and platforms like Callisto Network are working towards a more secure and efficient future for cryptocurrencies. With the use of the ERC223 standard and other innovative solutions, the crypto community can look forward to a brighter and more secure future.

#Binance #keepbuilding #ETH #buildtogether #BTC
Currently I am mining CLO, Native coin of Callisto network that offers mining,cold staking, and Dynamic monetary Policy with 51% attack protection.Building a strong, decentralized ecosystem,give Callisto Network a try if you are a miner too. #BTC #Binance #BNB #CLO #BullRun
Currently I am mining CLO, Native coin of Callisto network that offers mining,cold staking, and Dynamic monetary Policy with 51% attack protection.Building a strong, decentralized ecosystem,give Callisto Network a try if you are a miner too.

#BTC #Binance #BNB #CLO #BullRun
📱 Good news for crypto Global clothing brand GUESS now accepts Bitcoin payments in Switzerland 🇹🇭 #BTC #BNB #Binance
📱 Good news for crypto
Global clothing brand GUESS now accepts Bitcoin payments in Switzerland 🇹🇭

#BTC #BNB #Binance

What more you want ? To spoon feed you ? Pay attention when I post something and enjoy your life a little. I know many of you panic sold your precious timely bought bags on that drop. Stop being a Jeet. Learn to HODL #Binance #buildtogether #BTC #Bullish #BNB
What more you want ? To spoon feed you ?
Pay attention when I post something and enjoy your life a little. I know many of you panic sold your precious timely bought bags on that drop.
Stop being a Jeet.

Learn to HODL

#Binance #buildtogether #BTC #Bullish #BNB
Just 1 day ago I talked about problem in ERC20 token standard and why we need a better alternative and today this news came- Euler Finance was hacked and lost ~96,833 $ETH ($153M) and ~34M $DAI read my pinned article for more #buildtogether #Binance #vitalik #security #hack
Just 1 day ago I talked about problem in ERC20 token standard and why we need a better alternative and today this news came-

Euler Finance was hacked and lost ~96,833 $ETH ($153M) and ~34M $DAI

read my pinned article for more

#buildtogether #Binance #vitalik #security #hack
Start Earning with Binance Mining Pool: A Beginner's GuideStep 1: Choose your mining hardware Before you can start mining with the Binance pool, you need to choose the right mining hardware for the coin you want to mine. ASIC miners are generally more efficient for mining Bitcoin, while GPU miners can be used for mining Ethereum classic, callisto, rvn and other altcoins. Step 2: Download and install mining software Once you have your mining hardware, you need to download and install mining software that is compatible with your hardware and the Binance pool. Some popular mining software options include CGMiner, BFGMiner, and Claymore and T-rex. Step 3: Join the Binance mining pool To join the Binance mining pool, you need to log in to your Binance account and go to the mining pool page. From there, you can select the coin you want to mine and click on the "Join Pool" button. You will be provided with a mining URL and a worker name. You will need to enter these details into your mining software to connect to the pool. Step 4: Configure your mining hardware After you have installed the mining software, you need to configure your mining hardware to connect to the Binance pool. This involves entering the pool's URL and port number, as well as your mining worker name and password. The exact steps for configuring your mining hardware will depend on the software and hardware you are using, so be sure to refer to the software's documentation for guidance. Step 5: Start mining Once your hardware is configured, you can start mining by running the mining software. Your mining software will communicate with the Binance pool and start sending shares to the pool. You will earn payouts based on the number of shares you contribute. Step 6: Monitor your mining progress As you mine, you can monitor your mining progress and earnings on the Binance mining pool page. You can see how many shares you have contributed, your current hashrate, and your estimated earnings. It's a good idea to monitor your mining progress regularly to ensure that your hardware is running smoothly and to make any necessary adjustments to optimize your earnings. Step 7: Withdraw your earnings Once you have accumulated earnings in your Binance mining pool account, you can withdraw them to your Binance wallet. From there, you can either hold the cryptocurrency or trade it for other coins or fiat currency. Tips for successful mining with the Binance pool: Choose the right mining hardware for the coin you want to mine. Download and install mining software that is compatible with your hardware and the Binance pool. Follow the software's documentation to configure your mining hardware to connect to the Binance pool. Monitor your mining progress regularly to ensure that your hardware is running smoothly and to make any necessary adjustments to optimize your earnings. Be aware of the costs associated with mining, such as electricity and hardware expenses, and ensure that your earnings outweigh these costs. In conclusion, mining with the Binance pool can potentially be a profitable venture if done correctly. By following the steps outlined in this guide and being mindful of the associated costs, you can start mining with the Binance pool and potentially earn rewards for your mining efforts. If you want to know which coin i am currently mining and why, leave your questions in comments, i will try and make a article on most asked questions. please hit follow button on my profile if you like my content. #buildtogether #mining #BTC #Binance #BTC

Start Earning with Binance Mining Pool: A Beginner's Guide

Step 1: Choose your mining hardware

Before you can start mining with the Binance pool, you need to choose the right mining hardware for the coin you want to mine. ASIC miners are generally more efficient for mining Bitcoin, while GPU miners can be used for mining Ethereum classic, callisto, rvn and other altcoins.

Step 2: Download and install mining software

Once you have your mining hardware, you need to download and install mining software that is compatible with your hardware and the Binance pool. Some popular mining software options include CGMiner, BFGMiner, and Claymore and T-rex.

Step 3: Join the Binance mining pool

To join the Binance mining pool, you need to log in to your Binance account and go to the mining pool page. From there, you can select the coin you want to mine and click on the "Join Pool" button. You will be provided with a mining URL and a worker name. You will need to enter these details into your mining software to connect to the pool.

Step 4: Configure your mining hardware

After you have installed the mining software, you need to configure your mining hardware to connect to the Binance pool. This involves entering the pool's URL and port number, as well as your mining worker name and password. The exact steps for configuring your mining hardware will depend on the software and hardware you are using, so be sure to refer to the software's documentation for guidance.

Step 5: Start mining

Once your hardware is configured, you can start mining by running the mining software. Your mining software will communicate with the Binance pool and start sending shares to the pool. You will earn payouts based on the number of shares you contribute.

Step 6: Monitor your mining progress

As you mine, you can monitor your mining progress and earnings on the Binance mining pool page. You can see how many shares you have contributed, your current hashrate, and your estimated earnings. It's a good idea to monitor your mining progress regularly to ensure that your hardware is running smoothly and to make any necessary adjustments to optimize your earnings.

Step 7: Withdraw your earnings

Once you have accumulated earnings in your Binance mining pool account, you can withdraw them to your Binance wallet. From there, you can either hold the cryptocurrency or trade it for other coins or fiat currency.

Tips for successful mining with the Binance pool:

Choose the right mining hardware for the coin you want to mine.

Download and install mining software that is compatible with your hardware and the Binance pool.

Follow the software's documentation to configure your mining hardware to connect to the Binance pool.

Monitor your mining progress regularly to ensure that your hardware is running smoothly and to make any necessary adjustments to optimize your earnings.

Be aware of the costs associated with mining, such as electricity and hardware expenses, and ensure that your earnings outweigh these costs.

In conclusion, mining with the Binance pool can potentially be a profitable venture if done correctly. By following the steps outlined in this guide and being mindful of the associated costs, you can start mining with the Binance pool and potentially earn rewards for your mining efforts.

If you want to know which coin i am currently mining and why, leave your questions in comments, i will try and make a article on most asked questions. please hit follow button on my profile if you like my content.

#buildtogether #mining #BTC #Binance #BTC
Did you ever lost funds because you sent your token to wrong contract address? (Also checkout pinned article regarding same in my profiles article section) #Binance #keepbuilding #security #crypto2023 #Stablecoins
Did you ever lost funds because you sent your token to wrong contract address?
(Also checkout pinned article regarding same in my profiles article section)
#Binance #keepbuilding #security #crypto2023
40 votes ‱ Voting closed
Read my pinned article to know more- When contract accepts tokens that it shouldn’t accept— contract’s fault not users. ‱ $2,600,000 are lost in SHIB contract ‱ $1,700,000 lost in HEX ‱ $80,000 lost in USDT ‱ $549,000 lost in MATIC ‱ $526,000 lost in UNI #buildtogether #Binance
Read my pinned article to know more-
When contract accepts tokens that it shouldn’t accept— contract’s fault not users.

‱ $2,600,000 are lost in SHIB contract
‱ $1,700,000 lost in HEX
‱ $80,000 lost in USDT
‱ $549,000 lost in MATIC
‱ $526,000 lost in UNI
#buildtogether #Binance
If you ever lost funds in #ETH because you sent it to wrong contract mistakenly. It was not your fault trust me. Vitalik made it a norm accusing user for mistakes while he had a choice to opt for a better token standard which would have able to recover lost funds. #keepbuilding
If you ever lost funds in #ETH because you sent it to wrong contract mistakenly. It was not your fault trust me. Vitalik made it a norm accusing user for mistakes while he had a choice to opt for a better token standard which would have able to recover lost funds.

ERC20 Token standard has many known flaws. Nobody talks about it though.Better Standard are available which fixes many problems and are more user friendly pennywise and security wise. Will explore this topic in coming days. #Binance #buildtogether #ETH #BTC
ERC20 Token standard has many known flaws. Nobody talks about it though.Better Standard are available which fixes many problems and are more user friendly pennywise and security wise. Will explore this topic in coming days.

#Binance #buildtogether #ETH #BTC
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