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According to Techub News, the token distribution protocol Layer3 tweeted that it has launched a programmable token distribution tool "Milestones". Layer3 said that previous airdrops were designed to reward users for past behavior, and "Milestones" can dynamically unlock tokens as usage increases to incentivize users' future use, not just past activities, creating targeted multivariate participation paths to align user behavior with protocol development goals and control through any witch resistance tools or standards.
According to Techub News, the token distribution protocol Layer3 tweeted that it has launched a programmable token distribution tool "Milestones". Layer3 said that previous airdrops were designed to reward users for past behavior, and "Milestones" can dynamically unlock tokens as usage increases to incentivize users' future use, not just past activities, creating targeted multivariate participation paths to align user behavior with protocol development goals and control through any witch resistance tools or standards.

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According to Techub News, Bloomberg ETF analyst Eric Balchunas tweeted, "VanEck just submitted Form 8-A for the spot Ethereum ETF. This is just part of the process, but it should be noted that they submitted Form 8-A for spot Bitcoin just 7 days before the launch."
According to Techub News, Bloomberg ETF analyst Eric Balchunas tweeted, "VanEck just submitted Form 8-A for the spot Ethereum ETF. This is just part of the process, but it should be noted that they submitted Form 8-A for spot Bitcoin just 7 days before the launch."
Solana 加速器 Colosseum 筹集 6000 万美元,已投资 11 个项目  Techub News 消息,据 CoinDesk 报道,专注于 Solana 生态的加速器 Colosseum 筹集了 6000 万美元,用于投资早期项目。该公司已经向 11 家不同的公司部署了 25 万美元。   该基金超额认购,将重点投资于 Solana 黑客松获胜者选出的初创企业的 Pre-Seed 阶段。Colosseum 通过组织黑客马拉松活动,为开发者和创始人提供创新平台,促进加密领域的公司成立和技术进步。Colosseum 联合创始人 Clay Robbins 表示,市场对新型、专业化的加密风险投资产品有需求,许多投资者认同 Solana 生态的潜力。Colosseum 的黑客松活动旨在为全球开发者提供公平竞争的机会,促进加密产品开发和区块链初创公司的成立。  

Solana 加速器 Colosseum 筹集 6000 万美元,已投资 11 个项目


Techub News 消息,据 CoinDesk 报道,专注于 Solana 生态的加速器 Colosseum 筹集了 6000 万美元,用于投资早期项目。该公司已经向 11 家不同的公司部署了 25 万美元。


该基金超额认购,将重点投资于 Solana 黑客松获胜者选出的初创企业的 Pre-Seed 阶段。Colosseum 通过组织黑客马拉松活动,为开发者和创始人提供创新平台,促进加密领域的公司成立和技术进步。Colosseum 联合创始人 Clay Robbins 表示,市场对新型、专业化的加密风险投资产品有需求,许多投资者认同 Solana 生态的潜力。Colosseum 的黑客松活动旨在为全球开发者提供公平竞争的机会,促进加密产品开发和区块链初创公司的成立。

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According to Techub News, The Block reported that the Solana Foundation launched the "Actions" tool, which enables users to complete on-chain transactions on websites, social media platforms and QR codes. The foundation also said that it is introducing "blinks", a combination of blockchain and links, which can turn any "action" into a shareable link. This means that any digital path that can display a URL becomes the starting point for encrypted transactions on the Solana blockchain.
According to Techub News, The Block reported that the Solana Foundation launched the "Actions" tool, which enables users to complete on-chain transactions on websites, social media platforms and QR codes. The foundation also said that it is introducing "blinks", a combination of blockchain and links, which can turn any "action" into a shareable link. This means that any digital path that can display a URL becomes the starting point for encrypted transactions on the Solana blockchain.
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According to Techub News, CoinDesk reported that the chain abstract intent engine ENSO has completed $4.2 million in financing. Ideo Ventures and Hypersphere led the investment, and more than 60 individual investors participated. This round of financing will be used to launch the Cosmos-based L1 blockchain this year and for continued product development.
According to Techub News, CoinDesk reported that the chain abstract intent engine ENSO has completed $4.2 million in financing. Ideo Ventures and Hypersphere led the investment, and more than 60 individual investors participated. This round of financing will be used to launch the Cosmos-based L1 blockchain this year and for continued product development.
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Making Money with TITAN Tokens: A Comprehensive Strategy GuideIn a digital currency space full of opportunities, LayerX Protocol's native token TITAN stands out for its diverse income generation avenues. This guide takes a deep dive into how TITAN holders can accumulate impressive returns while participating in a dynamic and expanding ecosystem. 1. Staking: Security and returns are equally important Staking is the cornerstone of earning income using TITAN, which enables token holders to earn passive income while supporting network security. By locking TITAN tokens in a network wallet, stakers strengthen the integrity of the blockchain and receive continuous rewards for doing so. Users who become super nodes can not only receive higher rewards by staking a large amount and actively participating in governance, but also have an impact on the network's strategic decisions, combining income with participation influence.

Making Money with TITAN Tokens: A Comprehensive Strategy Guide

In a digital currency space full of opportunities, LayerX Protocol's native token TITAN stands out for its diverse income generation avenues. This guide takes a deep dive into how TITAN holders can accumulate impressive returns while participating in a dynamic and expanding ecosystem.

1. Staking: Security and returns are equally important Staking is the cornerstone of earning income using TITAN, which enables token holders to earn passive income while supporting network security. By locking TITAN tokens in a network wallet, stakers strengthen the integrity of the blockchain and receive continuous rewards for doing so. Users who become super nodes can not only receive higher rewards by staking a large amount and actively participating in governance, but also have an impact on the network's strategic decisions, combining income with participation influence.
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According to Techub News, BNB Chain has launched the "Meme Heroes" program to promote the development of Meme tokens. BNB Chain will allocate $900,000 for LP support to promote the development and growth of high-potential Meme projects within its ecosystem. This move is part of the previously promised $1 million to accelerate Meme coin innovation on BNB Smart Chain.
According to Techub News, BNB Chain has launched the "Meme Heroes" program to promote the development of Meme tokens. BNB Chain will allocate $900,000 for LP support to promote the development and growth of high-potential Meme projects within its ecosystem. This move is part of the previously promised $1 million to accelerate Meme coin innovation on BNB Smart Chain.
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According to Techub News, Tether has partnered with Web3 e-commerce platform Uquid to launch the 1 USDT store, which can be accessed through the website or @shop1USDt_bot on Telegram. It offers a variety of products, from digital products such as mobile phone top-ups and gift cards to physical products, tailored for different markets, all at prices below 1 USDT.
According to Techub News, Tether has partnered with Web3 e-commerce platform Uquid to launch the 1 USDT store, which can be accessed through the website or @shop1USDt_bot on Telegram. It offers a variety of products, from digital products such as mobile phone top-ups and gift cards to physical products, tailored for different markets, all at prices below 1 USDT.

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1kx: How to break through the bottleneck of the prediction marketOriginal title: Prediction Markets: Bottlenecks and the Next Major Unlocks Written by: Mikey 0x, 1kx Compiled by: Tia, Techub News   Prediction Markets: Bottlenecks and the Next Big Breakthrough   Augur is the first on-chain prediction market and one of the earliest applications launched on Ethereum. Its vision was to allow anyone to bet on anything at any scale. Due to many problems, Augur's vision was not realized. The project has been discontinued due to lack of users, poor settlement user experience and high gas fees. However, blockchain development has achieved enough breakthroughs: block space is cheaper and order book design is more efficient. Existing innovations have consolidated the permissionless and open source nature of cryptocurrencies, allowing for the establishment of an unconstrained global liquidity layer, which provides a breeding ground for providing liquidity provision, market creation or betting to become a market participant.

1kx: How to break through the bottleneck of the prediction market

Original title: Prediction Markets: Bottlenecks and the Next Major Unlocks

Written by: Mikey 0x, 1kx

Compiled by: Tia, Techub News


Prediction Markets: Bottlenecks and the Next Big Breakthrough


Augur is the first on-chain prediction market and one of the earliest applications launched on Ethereum. Its vision was to allow anyone to bet on anything at any scale. Due to many problems, Augur's vision was not realized. The project has been discontinued due to lack of users, poor settlement user experience and high gas fees. However, blockchain development has achieved enough breakthroughs: block space is cheaper and order book design is more efficient. Existing innovations have consolidated the permissionless and open source nature of cryptocurrencies, allowing for the establishment of an unconstrained global liquidity layer, which provides a breeding ground for providing liquidity provision, market creation or betting to become a market participant.
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According to Techub News, Layer1 blockchain Zilliqa has reached a cooperation with to launch the multi-signature EVM wallet Zilliqa Safe. Companies, teams or users on the Zilliqa network can link to Zilliqa Safe through MetaMask or other EVM wallets.
According to Techub News, Layer1 blockchain Zilliqa has reached a cooperation with to launch the multi-signature EVM wallet Zilliqa Safe. Companies, teams or users on the Zilliqa network can link to Zilliqa Safe through MetaMask or other EVM wallets.
Techub News 消息,Web3 数据基础设施 iChainfo 的⾸个应⽤ iChainfo Search 即将推出限时免费活动。活动期间, 限时免费开放。 iChainfo 将从⽤⼾视⻆出发,打造多维度⾼价值的 Web3 ⾏业搜索引擎,与⽤⼾共同探索 Web3 世界的⽆限可能性。
Techub News 消息,Web3 数据基础设施 iChainfo 的⾸个应⽤ iChainfo Search 即将推出限时免费活动。活动期间, 限时免费开放。

iChainfo 将从⽤⼾视⻆出发,打造多维度⾼价值的 Web3 ⾏业搜索引擎,与⽤⼾共同探索 Web3 世界的⽆限可能性。
Techub News 消息,据 Cointelegraph 报道,澳大利亚加密货币公司 NGS Crypto 已更名为「Hiddup」,目前该公司正受到澳大利亚证券和投资委员会(ASIC)的调查和法律诉讼。   NGS Crypto 在 6 月 25 日表示,他们进行品牌重塑是因为商标纠纷。这发生在 ASIC 针对该公司约 6100 万澳元(4100 万美元)的投资者利息欠款案件期间。   今年四月,该公司的董事 Mark Ten Caten、Brett Mendham 和 Ryan Brown 的资产以及公司的资金均被冻结。  
Techub News 消息,据 Cointelegraph 报道,澳大利亚加密货币公司 NGS Crypto 已更名为「Hiddup」,目前该公司正受到澳大利亚证券和投资委员会(ASIC)的调查和法律诉讼。


NGS Crypto 在 6 月 25 日表示,他们进行品牌重塑是因为商标纠纷。这发生在 ASIC 针对该公司约 6100 万澳元(4100 万美元)的投资者利息欠款案件期间。


今年四月,该公司的董事 Mark Ten Caten、Brett Mendham 和 Ryan Brown 的资产以及公司的资金均被冻结。

  Techub News 消息,据 Cointelegraph 报道,香港加密货币交易平台 DFX Labs 已通过香港证券及期货事务监察委员会(SFC)的反洗钱和反恐怖融资条例(AMLO)审查,获得虚拟资产服务的「视作持牌」资格。尽管目前尚未获准进行交易,DFX Labs 已被视为可提供虚拟资产服务。根据 SFC 公布的记录,DFX Labs 于 2023 年 12 月 27 日申请香港加密货币牌照,并于 2024 年 6 月 1 日被视作持牌。然而,SFC 尚未正式授予 DFX Labs 牌照,其申请仍在审核中。  

Techub News 消息,据 Cointelegraph 报道,香港加密货币交易平台 DFX Labs 已通过香港证券及期货事务监察委员会(SFC)的反洗钱和反恐怖融资条例(AMLO)审查,获得虚拟资产服务的「视作持牌」资格。尽管目前尚未获准进行交易,DFX Labs 已被视为可提供虚拟资产服务。根据 SFC 公布的记录,DFX Labs 于 2023 年 12 月 27 日申请香港加密货币牌照,并于 2024 年 6 月 1 日被视作持牌。然而,SFC 尚未正式授予 DFX Labs 牌照,其申请仍在审核中。

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Hack VC Partner: 8 Real Advantages of AI+CryptoWritten by Ed Roman, Managing Partner at Hack VC Compiled by: 1912212.eth, Foresight News   AI+Crypto is one of the frontier areas that has attracted much attention in the cryptocurrency market recently, such as decentralized AI training, GPU DePINs, and censorship-resistant AI models.   Behind these dazzling developments, we can't help but ask: Is this a real technological breakthrough or just a hype? This article will help you clear the fog, analyze the encryption x AI vision and discuss the real challenges and opportunities, and reveal which are empty promises and which are actually feasible?

Hack VC Partner: 8 Real Advantages of AI+Crypto

Written by Ed Roman, Managing Partner at Hack VC

Compiled by: 1912212.eth, Foresight News


AI+Crypto is one of the frontier areas that has attracted much attention in the cryptocurrency market recently, such as decentralized AI training, GPU DePINs, and censorship-resistant AI models.


Behind these dazzling developments, we can't help but ask: Is this a real technological breakthrough or just a hype? This article will help you clear the fog, analyze the encryption x AI vision and discuss the real challenges and opportunities, and reveal which are empty promises and which are actually feasible?
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According to Techub News, Metaplanet, a Japanese listed company, tweeted that it has established a wholly-owned subsidiary in the British Virgin Islands to strengthen the strategic management of Bitcoin assets.
According to Techub News, Metaplanet, a Japanese listed company, tweeted that it has established a wholly-owned subsidiary in the British Virgin Islands to strengthen the strategic management of Bitcoin assets.
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According to Techub News, crypto ETP provider 21Shars tweeted that it will choose Zodia Custody, a subsidiary of Standard Chartered Bank, to custody its digital assets. Zodia Custody manages about $6 billion in cryptocurrencies and was founded by Standard Chartered Bank and Northern Trust.
According to Techub News, crypto ETP provider 21Shars tweeted that it will choose Zodia Custody, a subsidiary of Standard Chartered Bank, to custody its digital assets.

Zodia Custody manages about $6 billion in cryptocurrencies and was founded by Standard Chartered Bank and Northern Trust.
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According to Techub News, derivatives protocol Zeta Markets tweeted that it plans to launch Zeta X, a decentralized derivatives trading Layer2 built for Solana, on the mainnet in the first quarter of 2025, and released a white paper. Zeta X will use Solana's Layer1 for data availability and settlement, while processing execution through an off-chain zkVM-compatible matching engine. Zeta Markets' newly launched token ZEX will also serve as the native token of Zeta X.
According to Techub News, derivatives protocol Zeta Markets tweeted that it plans to launch Zeta X, a decentralized derivatives trading Layer2 built for Solana, on the mainnet in the first quarter of 2025, and released a white paper. Zeta X will use Solana's Layer1 for data availability and settlement, while processing execution through an off-chain zkVM-compatible matching engine. Zeta Markets' newly launched token ZEX will also serve as the native token of Zeta X.

比特币支付应用 Strike 已向英国用户开放  Techub News 消息,据 The Block 报道,比特币支付应用 Strike 已向英国符合条件的客户推出,使英国用户可以从其银行账户免费用英镑存款直接购买比特币,客户还可以出售比特币并将其提取到银行账户,或将其转移到自托管钱包,以及支持通过比特币或闪电网络付款。  

比特币支付应用 Strike 已向英国用户开放


Techub News 消息,据 The Block 报道,比特币支付应用 Strike 已向英国符合条件的客户推出,使英国用户可以从其银行账户免费用英镑存款直接购买比特币,客户还可以出售比特币并将其提取到银行账户,或将其转移到自托管钱包,以及支持通过比特币或闪电网络付款。

韩国国务会议通过《虚拟资产用户保护法》的执行令,将于 7 月 19 日生效  Techub News 消息,据《经济先驱报》报道,韩国国务会议今日通过了《虚拟资产用户保护法》的执行令,将于 7 月 19 日生效。该法令规定,虚拟资产服务提供商(VASP)必须通过银行来保障用户存款。此外,VASP 有权基于法令规定的合理理由,停止用户的现金存款以及虚拟资产的存款和取款。  

韩国国务会议通过《虚拟资产用户保护法》的执行令,将于 7 月 19 日生效


Techub News 消息,据《经济先驱报》报道,韩国国务会议今日通过了《虚拟资产用户保护法》的执行令,将于 7 月 19 日生效。该法令规定,虚拟资产服务提供商(VASP)必须通过银行来保障用户存款。此外,VASP 有权基于法令规定的合理理由,停止用户的现金存款以及虚拟资产的存款和取款。

维基解密创办人朱利安・阿桑奇与美国司法部达成协议,认罪后将重获自由并返回澳大利亚Techub News 消息,据路透社报道,美国北马里亚纳群岛地区法院的文件显示,52 岁的朱利安・阿桑奇同意承认共谋获取和泄露美国国防机密文件的罪名,并与美国司法部达成协议,认罪后将重获自由并返回澳大利亚。   当地时间 2024 年 6 月 25 号 9:00(香港时间 2024 年 6 月 25 号 7:00),朱利安・阿桑奇在塞班岛举行的听证会上被判处 62 个月的有期徒刑,相当于他在英国被关押的时间,这意味着他已服刑,完成程序后即可获释。   维基解密在声明中表示:「阿桑奇已经自由。他于 6 月 24 日上午离开了贝尔马什最高安全监狱,他已在那里度过了 1901 天。」阿桑奇随后获得伦敦高等法院保释,并于当天下午搭机离开英国。   维基解密补充称,阿桑奇将在塞班岛听审后返回澳大利亚。   澳大利亚政府不评论进行中的法律程序,但总理安东尼・阿尔巴尼斯一直主张释放阿桑奇。今年 2 月,澳大利亚议会通过了一项法案,要求停止起诉阿桑奇,允许这位澳大利亚公民返回本国。   阿桑奇于 2006 年创办维基解密,2010 年曝光了超过 70 万份美国政府机密文件,瑞典当局表示希望就性犯罪指控对阿桑奇进行讯问,随后阿桑奇根据欧洲逮捕令在英国被捕,但后来该指控被撤销。为了避免被引渡到瑞典,阿桑奇逃往厄瓜多尔大使馆,并在那里呆了七年。2019 年 4 月,厄瓜多尔撤销了对他的政治庇护,阿桑奇被捕并关押在贝尔马什监狱。美国司法部对阿桑奇提出了 17 项间谍罪及一项不当使用电脑的指控,双方进行了多年法律攻防。许多新闻自由倡导者认为,对阿桑奇的指控是对言论自由的威胁。


Techub News 消息,据路透社报道,美国北马里亚纳群岛地区法院的文件显示,52 岁的朱利安・阿桑奇同意承认共谋获取和泄露美国国防机密文件的罪名,并与美国司法部达成协议,认罪后将重获自由并返回澳大利亚。


当地时间 2024 年 6 月 25 号 9:00(香港时间 2024 年 6 月 25 号 7:00),朱利安・阿桑奇在塞班岛举行的听证会上被判处 62 个月的有期徒刑,相当于他在英国被关押的时间,这意味着他已服刑,完成程序后即可获释。


维基解密在声明中表示:「阿桑奇已经自由。他于 6 月 24 日上午离开了贝尔马什最高安全监狱,他已在那里度过了 1901 天。」阿桑奇随后获得伦敦高等法院保释,并于当天下午搭机离开英国。




澳大利亚政府不评论进行中的法律程序,但总理安东尼・阿尔巴尼斯一直主张释放阿桑奇。今年 2 月,澳大利亚议会通过了一项法案,要求停止起诉阿桑奇,允许这位澳大利亚公民返回本国。


阿桑奇于 2006 年创办维基解密,2010 年曝光了超过 70 万份美国政府机密文件,瑞典当局表示希望就性犯罪指控对阿桑奇进行讯问,随后阿桑奇根据欧洲逮捕令在英国被捕,但后来该指控被撤销。为了避免被引渡到瑞典,阿桑奇逃往厄瓜多尔大使馆,并在那里呆了七年。2019 年 4 月,厄瓜多尔撤销了对他的政治庇护,阿桑奇被捕并关押在贝尔马什监狱。美国司法部对阿桑奇提出了 17 项间谍罪及一项不当使用电脑的指控,双方进行了多年法律攻防。许多新闻自由倡导者认为,对阿桑奇的指控是对言论自由的威胁。
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