Hello! Let's talk about cryptocurrency! 😎

Most people get into crypto with two things in mind:

- 💰 Generational wealth

- 🚀 Quick earnings

But here's what no one will tell you:

- Charts will become your best friends. You'll spend hours staring at screens, watching your portfolio grow (or fall). 📉📈

- Dream? Forget about him! Joyful night awakenings to check your profits will become your new norm. đŸ“±

- Regrets will haunt you. You'll constantly think, "Damn, why didn't I start sooner?" Especially when your income starts to go through the roof. 💾

- Attention from old friends? Please! They will suddenly appear asking for advice after seeing your progress. đŸ€

- And that awkward moment when they ask you about work. What to say? "Well, I look at charts all day." Much cooler than it sounds, right? đŸ€”

So here's the truth about crypto. I study information and share useful life hacks and tips! 😉

#BTC #Bitcoin #Green_lamp $BTC $BNB $ETH