Here's what Vitalik Buterin said about solo staking: it's when you personally stake your ethers, without relying on any services or pools that, frankly, can screw the entire network. In short, you're on your own, and that's great! 🙌

The point is that solo stakers are independent fighters. They reduce dependence on big players and centralized services. The more of these guys, the safer Ethereum is. And the funny thing is that even a small percentage of these loners makes the blockchain more decentralized and secure. 🚀

Here's what Vitalik gave as an example: 51% attacks. If an attacker captures most of the network's power, they can do some serious damage, especially if they control more than 57%. This is crazy, because then you can actually split the chain, and the blocks will be finalized without any problems.

What to do about it? Vitalik suggests hacking the system — increasing the block finalization threshold. If now it takes two-thirds, then how about three-quarters, or maybe more? More stakers = less chance of such attacks. 🔒💪

Last week, Vitalik also gave advice to all wallet users — be smarter when choosing smart wallets! Not all new products really help, sometimes they just make your life more difficult and risk your privacy. ⚠️

#Green_lamp $ETH

In short, solo staking is not just a feature for those who want to be independent. It is a real driver of Ethereum security. 👊