Impetuousness means thinking about other people's shark fins and sea cucumbers when eating, thinking about invoice reimbursement when sleeping, thinking about how to show off when reading, and always wanting to check WeChat Moments when accompanying friends - the so-called impetuousness is to always hope to gain the most sense of existence, superiority and self-identity in the shortest time. There is nothing more important than focusing on the market, rather than always trading in impetuous fantasies. Don't say no if you don't stick to it, don't talk about benevolence and righteousness if you don't share weal and woe. The bell rings in the morning, and I sit and look far away facing the east. There is no one on the flat road, and my heart is like a surging tide.

Market analysis:

Last night, the price of Ethereum first touched the Fibonacci retracement line of 61.8%. After breaking through, it continued to fall uncontrollably and finally reached around 1490 at midnight. This kind of scene in the market has not been seen for a long time. It can be seen that there is severe selling pressure in the upper chip range of the market, and it is temporarily difficult to rebound. The upper pressure point is around 1715. Conservative friends can wait until the market becomes clear before choosing an opportunity to enter the market. So today's thinking is still mainly short!

Idea: Short in batches around 1720-1700 when it rebounds, cover the position when it rebounds, target around 1650-1600, risk control 1740

This article only represents Zhongda’s personal opinion and is timely. Everyone entering the market should take good risk control and control their positions. The market is impermanent and you should learn to adapt to this impermanence. You should always keep a clear head and a peaceful attitude. A cool head and outstanding judgment are the fundamentals. No matter how long the night is, the day will always come. No matter how persistent the shock is, a break will always come.#美联储是否加息? #fdusd #带你看看币安Launchpad #荣耀时刻 #lpt