The prosperity in the story is endless, and the love, hate, separation and sorrow are endless. A brave man is not surprised when faced with sudden events, and is not angry when faced with unprovoked events. When a person has a higher mountain in his heart that he wants to climb, he will not care about the quagmire under his feet. There is no reef that has not experienced the waves, and there is no pine tree that has not been tortured by the cold wind. Courage is often the elegance shown under pressure. If you are afraid and panic, stay with the rock. If you are ravaged by the market and can't find the direction, this will always be the lighthouse of the quiet harbor, waiting for you in a place where you can see it when you turn around. While looking up at the stars, build a solid land under your feet.

Market analysis:

The recent strength of Bitcoin is relatively not that strong. After touching the 53,000 line, it has repeatedly tested the Fibonacci retracement line of 61.8%. It has been fluctuating in a large range for half a month, trying to find a breakthrough. We can basically lock in the area around 61.8% as a support point. The MACD indicator continues to shrink in short positions, and the market is not expected to be very big in the white market. Therefore, the idea is to buy at a low level!

Idea: Retreat to around 51400-51600 in batches, retreat to cover positions, target around 52100-52600, risk control 51200

This article only represents Zhongda’s personal opinion and is timely. Everyone entering the market should take good risk control and control their positions. The market is impermanent and you should learn to adapt to this impermanence. You should always keep a clear head and a peaceful attitude. A cool head and outstanding judgment are the fundamentals. No matter how long the night is, the day will always come. No matter how persistent the shock is, a break will always come.#BTC #ETH