The currency circle is not hyping the value itself, but the "attention" or the attention economy.

Except for BTC, there is no value here, and meme symbolizes a kind of anti-old power thinking.

1. When doge and shib took off, many people were against the old BTC. Early players could get BTC at a very cheap price and get enough dividends, while players who entered the circle later could only take over their goods for tens of thousands of dollars. Meme was born in response to this problem. Don't buy old og's BTC, BCH, ETH, LTC and other old coins that have reaped enough dividends, but buy enough zeros, low enough prices, and small enough market capitalization. Shib was not on an exchange at that time. In April, all the money I had bought ETH's 2.0reth was locked and couldn't be taken out. I only had 100,000 Us left to go all in on shib. I am very grateful for this coin, which allowed me to make more than 10 million at that time.

2. The symbolic thinking of meme at this stage has shifted to anti-cex and anti-vc.

Retail investors have three options in spot trading

a. Buy BTC, ETH multiples are too small, and it is impossible to get rich with little funds.

b. Buy old altcoins from a few years ago. The actual situation is that these projects have basically run away in two or three years, and some have even sold the projects and Twitter accounts. There is no liquidity, and some chips can even be dumped regularly.

c. Buy 10% of the circulating garbage new coins created by CEX and institutions. There is liquidity and attention, but the market value of billions of yuan has been high and continued to dump for several years. The economic model is destined to be a losing game if you buy and hold.

For all retail investors, there is no way to make money in the exchange, and they are just fish on the chopping board of CEX and institutions.

The only way is to seek memes on the chain, whether it is BTC, ETH or SOL chain memes. While the risk has increased a lot, it also provides more opportunities for skyrocketing by more than 100 times. Ordi, sats, rats, maga, bome and a lot of other memes.

There are multiples of these memes on the chain, but it is difficult to buy them. There is only one out of hundreds. This goes back to the first sentence at the beginning. The essence of cryptocurrency transactions is "attention". The memes generated by many hot events will have high attention. If this hot event is sustainable, the memes generated will continue to rise. #币安合约锦标赛 #CryptoTradingGuide