Well, friends, let's talk about our hero - once upon a time there lived the Prime Minister of Montenegro, Milojeko Spajic. He was one of the first in the country to somehow cheer up and decided to invest in various projects, one of which was the famous Terraform Labs. He threw $75 thousand into it back in 2018, receiving 750 thousand Luna tokens. In the world of crypto, such amounts for some are like throwing change into a coffee machine. šŸ˜® Becoming the 16th investor, according to SEC documents, at the start of Terraform Labs financing.

Do you know what's next? As we remember, in 2022 the cryptocurrency project collapsed, taking with it more than $40 billion from investors around the world. šŸ“‰ And here the most interesting thing begins: Spajic claims that it was not him, but his employer who fell for the bait of this scam. Convenient position, isn't it? Spajic did not inform the Corruption Prevention Agency about his Luna tokens. In his reports for 2020 and 2021, he only mentioned 150 thousand euros worth of bitcoins. He kept silent about his investment in Luna. This is important because officials are required to declare all their assets to avoid conflicts of interest and corruption. Bingo!, it seems Spajic was hiding something, isnā€™t it??))

Terraform Labs, in which Spajic invested, was founded by Do Kwon. Further, the SEC found Terraform Labs and Do Kwon guilty of defrauding investors. The company must pay $4.37 billion in fines and interest, and Do Kwon must contribute $200 million to an investor compensation fund. The project in which Spajic invested money turned out to be a fraud.

Why do I study such stories and advise you? Because it's damn interesting and educational. There is always room for drama and intrigue in the world of finance. šŸ˜‰

The next time someone suggests you play with cryptocurrencies, remember this story and keep your ears open!

If you read this here, you are probably already in the crypt!) In order not to lose your sharp perception, and not to succumb to various manipulations, I recommend looking through my articles. They contain useful life hacks and observations on all the sharp corners in cryptocurrency. Use it for your health))

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