Market Review

The overall trend of Ethereum is relatively mild. After receiving support at the 3440 level, it rebounded to the 3500 level. On the daily level, there is obvious upward resistance at the 3530 level. After being under pressure, the price may continue to fall and break through 3450.

technical analysis

Daily chart

  • Trend: The price rebounded to 3500 after receiving support at 3440, but there is obvious resistance at 3530.

  • Resistance level: 3530.

  • Support level: 3440. If it falls below, pay attention to the 3450 line.

Four-hour chart

  • Trend: The Bollinger Bands show obvious signs of closing, indicating that the subsequent price will most likely fluctuate and repair within the range.

  • Range: 3620-3420.

  • Operation strategy: sell high and buy low.

One-hour chart

  • Trend: The price rebounded in the 3500-3450 range. It is recommended to pay attention to the rebound strength in this range.

  • Range: 3500-3450.


Robust Strategy

  • Short on rebound: Place short orders in the 3500-3530 range, target 3440-3450, and set stop loss at 3550.

Aggressive Strategy

  • Range operation: Buy low and sell high in the range of 3500-3450, and respond flexibly to short-term long and short positions. The target is 3620 or 3420, and the stop loss is set at 50 points outside the breakthrough range.



Ethereum is currently trending relatively mildly, with prices rebounding to 3500 after receiving support at 3440. There is obvious resistance at 3530 on the daily level, and prices may continue to fall after being under pressure. The four-hour chart shows that the Bollinger Bands are closing, indicating that the subsequent price will fluctuate and repair within the range. In terms of operation, it is recommended to focus on rebound shorting, and at the same time flexibly use the high-selling and low-buying strategy to ensure the professionalism and attractiveness of the trading strategy.

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