📈 The evolution of the bull market: the journey from excitement to depression 📉

🚀 Initial surge: Prices rose straight up like a rocket, making people wonder: Is this bull market really coming? 💥 Although the increase is large, it also makes people feel uneasy. They dare not add to the position easily and can only wait and watch, fearing that "strike while the iron is hot" will become "an ant on the hot pot". 👀

😮 Continued rise: Wow, the bull market is really here! 📈 As the rise continued, although I felt a little nervous, I decided to test the waters by buying a small amount first, and then add more positions after the correction. Winning steadily is the way to go! 💸

💪 Summit phase: This wave is so crazy! ⚡️ Increase your position, increase your position! I started to use leverage, and my goal of 100,000 seemed within reach, but my inner anxiety was also increasing. I felt that if I didn't enter the market, I would miss the opportunity for wealth! 🏃‍♂️

📉 Technical adjustment: However, the market has begun to correct. Keep in mind that this is just a short-term technical adjustment. Don’t be afraid, continue to add positions and seize every opportunity! 💪

😱 Continued decline: Oops, why does the market keep falling? 😩 At this time, I began to panic, and I hurriedly chose to cut my losses to stop my losses. I was afraid of losing more, and my mentality began to collapse. 💔

😢 Long-term decline: As a result, you are stuck and can only wait for a long time. ⏳ This wait may last up to three years, which is really frustrating! Mentality and emotional management when investing are crucial. Don't let fear control your investment decisions. 💭

🔑 Conclusion: The bull market brings not only wealth, but also psychological fluctuations. The key is to look at the market rationally and manage risks well! Only by staying calm can you remain invincible in the changing market! ⚖️

#美联储11月降息预期升温 #非农就业数据即将公布 #FTT #COS #PHB $SAGA $UNFI $DIA