In this hot bull market, if you master the following key information, you will be able to effectively avoid most unnecessary losses:

Hot currencies, although eye-catching and often accompanied by high control, once the market turns, they are often the first to bear the brunt and fall rapidly.

Currencies with real potential and at the bottom often do not cause widespread publicity. They are quietly discovered by a few discerning investors like treasures. For example, last year's C98 and LEVER are quietly brewing huge value.

Looking at the historical trend of the currency circle, you will find that it always presents a relatively flat curve. Although the market will fluctuate, the long-term trend is stable.

The operation methods of the altcoin dealers are often similar. They are good at manipulating the market through fierce smashing and slow pull-ups to attract followers.

If the newly launched currency on the exchange experiences extreme market conditions of skyrocketing and plummeting at the beginning, then this currency is likely to have huge risks and should be avoided.

In the investment process, it is common for prices to fall after buying and rise after selling. This is the norm in the market. If you find this little fluctuation unbearable, then you need to re-examine your investment mentality.

When you buy a certain currency, it not only does not fall but rises, and suddenly starts to pull back after you make a profit of 5% to 20%. At this time, you should be alert. This may be a signal that the dealer has begun to harvest. It is time to consider taking action.

The most violent price rebound is often not the real potential currency, but those leeks manipulated by the dealer. The real potential currency will continue to grow steadily.

In the bull market, some potential coins may perform mediocre in the first half, but they will show amazing explosive power in the second half, starting a rhythm of several times or even dozens of times of increase.

If a coin can still remain sideways for several months after experiencing several times of increase in the bull market, then it is likely to be a potential star underestimated by the market and worth holding for a long time.

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