Money always flows from people who are impatient to people who are calm.

The problem with too many people in the cryptocurrency circle is impetuousness. They are impetuous to open high leverage.   Impetuous people follow the crowd and impetuously copycat. I only heard about the myth of OMG's one coin, one young model, and one coin, one villa in the copycat season. On 519, Liang Xi opened a hundred times and made a desperate bet to achieve a8. But did you see that the protagonist of the myth lost the profit and returned to the market, and finally Liang Xi lost his pants and was in debt and involved in a lawsuit. It can be seen how many bankrupt gamblers died behind a myth of getting rich.

Most people who come to the cryptocurrency circle believe in the myth of getting rich in the cryptocurrency circle. There are indeed myths of getting rich in the cryptocurrency circle. But let's look back at the bull market in 2017. It is similar to the four major financial bubbles in the world, a top bubble that only appears once in a century. It is the vast trend that has made many people rich. Is your money earned by the general trend or your own ability? In today's cryptocurrency circle, calming yourself down is the first step to help you become a rich myth.

In 2017, when many altcoins were rising wildly, investors saw that OMG was also rising sharply, so they blindly followed it, causing its price to rise rapidly. One coin, one young model is the dream of most investors in the cryptocurrency circle. When promoting the young model coin OMG, it used the slogan "One coin, one young model" to capture the restless hearts of the majority of investors in the hot summer of 2017. What is the confidence of OMG that allows investors to realize the dream of "one coin, one young model". OMG's one coin, one young model is just a slogan, a dream of leeks. However, the value of OMG itself has not been significantly improved, and its skyrocketing price is more the result of speculation.

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