In fact, many currencies have fallen back to the starting point of the rise during this period of decline. Don’t worry too much. The three-month shock after the halving is to shock you. At least hold it before the Ethereum ETF spot is listed, especially the altcoins. Don’t cut yourself. Layout the short positions in batches. First of all, I only look forward to meme in this round. Only full circulation is the king. Bonk floki pepe wif is preferred. Bome will wait a little longer. Another thing to layout is ethfi. After the eth ETF spot is launched, it will inevitably drive the head of the concubine system. Other institutional coins are not recommended. Don’t take over for institutions. In addition, the altcoins that are trapped in your hands should at least get 7.2. Don’t worry. #ETH🔥🔥🔥🔥 #BTC☀ $FLOKI $ETHFI $BONK