The global severe moment has come, and the global economy is undergoing a huge change.

The economy will not usher in a V-shaped reversal in the short term, and will operate at the bottom for a long time, because the monetary and fiscal tools that promote economic recovery have been exhausted.

This wave of "spending money" by the United States has forced the economy to "reverse" recovery, causing a lot of problems for the world. Except for the United States, countries around the world have suffered from everything from shop closures and corporate layoffs to energy crises and century inflation. The United States has brought the world economy into a quagmire.

At the same time, in order to cope with unprecedented inflation, the Federal Reserve's biggest goal now is to control inflation and shrink liquidity, which has caused capital to become expensive from free, and global assets are being revalued.

We must bear the consequences of capital becoming expensive, that is, cheap capital will no longer come to rescue the market, because they are also facing losses. Traditional business and securities industry have entered the Ice Age.

At present, the important thing is that we must survive in the market. So how can we survive in this situation?

The answer is survival of the fittest. To flexibly deal with the current changes, we must be prepared for both situations. The first is to cut unnecessary expenses. The era of lavish spending and land grabbing is over. Keeping sufficient cash means living longer.

The second is not to waste any crisis. The next period of time is a good time to invest in yourself to overtake others. Crisis is usually a turning point.

Blockchain is in a good time to overtake others in the crisis. At present, spot trading can make you turn over. It is not a problem for altcoins to double their current prices. If you insist on doing contracts now, you will miss the only chance to turn yourself over.

In short, pessimists are right and optimists are successful. Come on, everyone.

If you don't accompany me when the sun sets, who are you to make a comeback?