Or why you shouldn’t open a video rental store in 2023? 😀

Forget about the old shit! Seriously, opening a video store in 2023 is like buying a cassette tape in the age of streaming. Time moves forward, and the crypto market changes just as quickly. Not long ago, cryptocurrency was a thing for geeks and forward-thinking investors, but now everyone has heard of it.

The market is just beginning to be regulated, and big changes lie ahead. I say this for a reason - there are projects that have already made a fortune: Solana, Dot, Avax, Litecoin. They were bought by enthusiasts and early investors at prices that now seem fabulous. So, what is next? Most of them have no further prospects. At best, they will double or triple their value during the height of a bull market. And why then invest in them? Waiting several years for a meager increase is not what we are here for.

A couple of years ago, people analyzed, discussed, took risks and made profits. Then the risk was justified. Not now. Tales about the “fierce fundamental” should remain in the minds of hamsters who are far from understanding the market. Now we need to analyze new, promising projects into which a lot of money is being poured. You should not follow those who have been abandoning old projects for a long time, slightly raising their selling price.

Analytics has changed, technology has changed, speed has increased. We should strive to repeat the success of those who made money on Solan and other old guys, but not repeat their purchases.

And here's an important note: among the old guys there are exceptions such as XRP, DOGE and BTC.

- XRP: This company bent the regulator by winning the case. Huge potential.

- DOGE: It is not a security; there are active discussions about it.

- BTC: I inserted it here so that they wouldn’t throw tomatoes at me in the comments, although I personally don’t think it’s interesting to buy.

There are exceptions, but I'm not going to write a book here. It was important to get the point across: there is no need to open a video rental store in 2023! 😜

$XRP $DOGE $BTC #xrp #doge #BTC