$AR I haven't seen you for a few days. Why are the people shouting "long" in the square showing up again? I am still shorting. I have been shorting from 43 to now. It turns out that AO is making a move again. After a closer look, they are talking about agentFi again. What is the use of agentFi?
If your capital volume is less than 1M USD, the actual utility of agentFi has nothing to do with you. Secondly, if the capital volume is greater than 1M USD, few people will trust immature agentFi to custody their assets. AgentFi is a pseudo-demand made up by nonsense, and the falsification cycle is very short. It is too far away from the life of ordinary people, and the threshold is extremely high. Otherwise, I will show who is using agentfi@椰叔Yeshua
The actual scene is just a p. After the meeting, it is still nothing.
The link below continues to open shorts. You will thank me in half a month!