A Changzhou resident was defrauded of more than 1.2 million yuan by "speculating in cryptocurrencies"! (From Coinsradar.net)

The Liyang police received a report of an online investment fraud case. The victim, Wu (pseudonym), transferred money to investment platforms recommended by netizens many times, with a total loss of more than 1.2 million yuan.

Wu met an online netizen. After a period of chatting, the netizen recommended an investment platform to Wu, saying that he had invested in this platform for a year and had made good returns. After Wu expressed his interest, he clicked on the URL link sent by the other party to download a virtual currency speculation software called "accenture".

Wu transferred 40,000 yuan in succession according to the bank account provided by the software customer service, which was converted into "currency" in the software by the customer service for recharge, and purchased corresponding investment products on the software according to the recommendation of netizens. The netizen also said that if he needed to withdraw money, he could withdraw it directly in the software. #内容挖矿 #BTC

At first, Wu did make a profit based on the other party's recommendation and was able to withdraw cash successfully, which made Wu believe it without a doubt, so he increased the "investment" amount and transferred more than 1.2 million yuan to different accounts provided by the customer service in more than ten days.

Wu's software account showed that his funds had reached more than 2 million yuan, but he didn't know that the account balance was what the fraudsters wanted you to see and could be modified at will in the background.

What's more regrettable is that during Wu's "online investment", the Changzhou Anti-Fraud Center had discovered Wu's abnormal transfers. Not only did they warn him many times by phone, but the police also went to Wu's home to understand the situation and asked him whether he participated in online investment. However, Wu always insisted that he did not invest online, and the accounts to which he transferred money many times were all his friends or business contacts, and they were all normal transactions, and he was not deceived.

The police then contacted Wu's family and asked them to verify whether Wu had been cheated. At the reminder of his family, Wu made a withdrawal, but the software prompted that he needed to pay various taxes and fees before he could withdraw the money. Only then did Wu realize that he had been cheated and reported to the public security organ.

We should remind our family and friends not to be cheated. They see us trading in cryptocurrencies but don't understand the details. They want to try it too, but the result is a tragedy.

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