Those who accept U in cash are not necessarily currency dealers, they may also be X Baibai.

1. Sell U offline and the coins are stolen.

You randomly find someone to sell U on the Internet. When you and your partner agree to meet, the other party asks you to scan a code and says to transfer a small amount to test U first. You have already met the person and you don't think much about it. When you scan the code to transfer money, your wallet will be over-signed and authorized to the other party. When you trade again, you can't transfer your coins. The other party will find a random reason to cancel the transaction, and you will lose the right to withdraw money from your wallet, and the U will be defrauded.

You really didn't transfer U to the other party, so it's normal for the other party to cancel the transaction. By the time you realize that you have been tricked by the other party, you can't find the person anymore. You call the police and find that the person who contacted you online is not a real-name registered social software. What can you do? You can only admit it.

2. Sell U offline and snatch it from you.

You randomly find someone to sell U online. After you meet to discuss the price, you transfer U to the other party. Then a few burly men kick you out of the car and rob you. After being cheated, you go to the police. You and the other party used an overseas encrypted social software to negotiate the transaction. The other party does not have a real name and can unilaterally delete your chat history. You don't know any valuable information about the other party.

In addition, our G clearly stipulates that virtual currency transactions are not protected and are personal behaviors, and risks are borne by oneself. Therefore, it is recommended that anyone who sells U offline should bring a few more people, including cousins, and find a place with video surveillance to trade. If not, trade at the entrance of the public security bureau, hehe.

3. Sell U offline and extort money from you.

You find someone to sell U on the Internet, and the two sides agree on a price. In order to give you a sense of security, the other party can go to your city to trade. After the other party arrives, the transaction is conducted in a hotel near your home. When you enter the door, you see three or five big men with tattoos. Then, the other party asks you to transfer money to you using someone else's account. You also know that you must pay with your real name when selling coins, otherwise it is easy to receive black money.

The other party disagrees with various reasons, and you can only cancel the transaction. At this time, the other party said that the transaction can be cancelled, but you must reimburse the round-trip travel expenses. It's not much. We came here by plane, so we don't count the food and accommodation, just 8,000. You don't want to, and the tattooed man won't let you go, so you can only admit defeat and reimburse the other party for the travel expenses. Don't feel scared, these cases are all real things that happened in the circle.

4. Sell U offline and steal your coins.

This is a personal experience of a girl friend. You randomly find someone to sell porn online, and the two of you agree on the price, transaction method, and location. After meeting, you transfer money to the other party, but the person who comes says that he did not receive the money. The person who comes is not the same person you contacted online.
You quickly sent a message to the other party, but found that he had been blocked by the other party. You chatted with the person who came and found that he was also deceived. The person who came was buying U, and you were selling U, but your U was transferred to the person online. You called the police, and the person who came was also a victim. You looked for the person online, and the uncle said that the other party was engaged in telecom fraud abroad. You were in tears. This is a typical triangle scam!

There are many cases on the Internet. It's miserable. Not only did they lose their coins, but they were also caught for committing crimes.

Do you still think it is safe to sell U offline and receive cash? To sell U safely depends on the source of the funds of your counterparty. If it is black money, you will still get into trouble if you receive cash offline. If it is white money, the transfer is still safe. No matter how you make it, how you consume and withdraw cash, there is no risk.

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