I heard a story.

A friend of mine is 25 or 26 years old.

He used his credit card to borrow more than 300,000 yuan for stock trading some time ago.

He almost lost it all.

But he doesn't plan to work to pay off his debts.

He said that the bank will at most limit his salary,

and will not sentence him.

He has a house under his name.

He said that if there is only one house, the bank will not seal it up or auction it.

Do you understand,

if you don't pay back the money for this amount,

will you be sentenced? ​#IO价格预测 #第55期新币挖矿IO #美联储利率决策即将公布 #币安用户数突破2亿 #非农就业人数高于预期 $BTC $BNB $ETH