🔔 Today, June 11, many tokens were unlocked with different values ​​and circulation rates. Attention AE:

Artem 🚀

Unlocked quantity: 2.24M ARTEM

Unlocked value: $11.3K

Circulation rate: 60.9%

Delysium 💎

Unlocked amount: 8.33M AGI

Unlock value: $1.97M

Circulation rate: 28.0%

iMe Smart Platform 🌐

Unlocked amount: 1.27M LIME

Unlocked value: $94.3K

Circulation rate: 100.0%

Internet Computer 💻

Unlocked amount: 2.42M ICP

Unlock value: $25.8M

Circulation rate: 41.3%

ivendPay 💸

Unlocked amount: 7.92M IVPAY

Unlocked value: $154K

Circulation rate: 20.1%

ivendPay 💸

Unlocked amount: 6.8M IVPAY

Unlocked value: $132K

Circulation rate: 20.1%

Magic Square 🧩

Unlocked quantity: 1M SQR

Unlocked value: $231K

Circulation rate: 18.9%

Masa 📈

Unlocked amount: 13.9M MASA

Unlock value: $1.38M

Circulation rate: 19.6%

Neutrons 🔬

Unlocked amount: 3.06M NTRN

Unlock value: $1.88M

Circulation rate: 16.9%

Ordibank 🏦

Unlocked amount: 7.33M ORB

Unlocked value: $78.1K

Circulation rate: 34.5%

Ordibank 🏦

Unlocked amount: 2.67M ORB

Unlocked value: $28.4K

Circulation rate: 34.5%

Reality Metaverse 🌟

Unlocked amount: 3.33M RMV

Unlocked value: $61.3K

Circulation rate: 33.3%

Reality Metaverse 🌟

Unlocked amount: 3.33M RMV

Unlocked value: $61.3K

Circulation rate: 33.3%

Trade Race Manager 🏁

Unlock quantity: 1M IOI

Unlocked value: $22.8K

Circulation rate: 71.3%

📝 General comment: Unlocking a large number of tokens may cause selling pressure on the market, reducing the value of these tokens in the short term. You should consider carefully before making a trading decision.

#TopCoinsJune2024 #binance