#binance #bitcoin #vannthu2000 $BTC $ETH

December will be quite an important day, when macro news will be released, especially US interest rate news. It will directly affect cash flow in the medium term.

I don't pay much attention to fud or market news, but macro news is different. Macro news will partly shape the market in the medium term

If interest rates remain the same tomorrow, it is likely that the market will still stay in this area for further accumulation. If interest rates decrease, of course it will be the most beautiful and clear scenario for the market.

In general, there will be 2 directions, 1 is the next swing in this area, 2 is the break to go to the next milestones. THERE IS NO DOWN VIEW, so don't ask for short or out lines. I accept this price, so even if I lose a little, I still keep it