#vannthu2000 #hotTrends #TrendingTopic Part 1: How to evaluate a project. At what price should I buy? At what price should I sell?
This article is intended to help you understand basic analysis, helping you have a basic view of the project you want to participate in.
1. What field is the project about?
To learn about a project, you must know what type of project, what segment, and what group of projects it belongs to. From there we can have a general perspective on that industry group, see if it has potential, and if it has potential, how potential that project is.
2. The fund is behind the project
Projects that thrive, lead trends or want to go a long way must have the companionship of the fund. The Fund will be the one who pours capital into the project, can complete it, guide the best development of the project and increase the project value from the investment fund's own reputation and reputation.
3. project team
Team is what is internal to the project, creating the project. So whether that team is good or not will greatly affect the long-term progress and development of the project. For projects with huge capital injections, the project team must also prove their ability and reputation in the world for the fund to dare to invest money.
4. TVL of the project
TVL represents the real development of the project through cash flow and users, the increase of cash flow into the project.
5. Tokenomics
This is a very important factor. Tokenomic will give us many stories about when we can push the price line or be divided. Reading tokenomic can roughly see the price path of the project. But this requires a lot of experience to have a good perspective
Fundamentally analyzing a project is like analyzing the potential of a company. When you understand the project clearly, you will have a reasonable buying and selling zone, not just rushing into buying or just increasing a bit to take profit. Understanding clearly helps you have a good buying position and profitably reach your target
Fundamental analysis is good but there are still many risky shortcomings that need to be guarded against. To complete part 2, I will do technical analysis.
Wishing you successful investments🌟🌟🌟