When you are old and lying on a hospital bed, you will understand that, in fact, there are only two closest people in this world, and there is only one most precious thing.

When a person lies on a hospital bed, that is probably when she feels the most helpless and miserable.

At that time, there were actually only two people closest to her, one was her lover and the other was herself.

When people get old, their parents have long passed away, and their children have all started their own families and have their own focus in life.

In fact, the only person who can stay by her side all the time, accompanying her throughout her eating, drinking, defecating and urinating, is her lover.

Indeed, our parents are the people who love us the most in this world, and we should be filial to them and take care of them.

But honestly, when a person reaches old age, the one who can truly accompany him or her mentally and physically is his or her lover.

Therefore, when you are young, the person you should least let down and the person you should cherish the most is actually your lover.

This is the reason why they say young couples are companions in old age.

Except for accidents, our partners and lovers will be the people who accompany us the longest in our life.

Don't squander your money recklessly when you are young and ignore the efforts and love of your loved ones.

You should know that your attitude towards your partner in the first half of your life determines your happiness index in the second half of your life to a certain extent.

In marriage, whatever you sow in the first half of your life, you will reap in the second half.

In this world, the feeling of sharing weal and woe is not found, but cultivated. It is the little kindness accumulated since youth that brings about the companionship and dependence in old age.

Therefore, treating your loved ones well is treating yourself well.

At the same time, we also need to understand that in our lifetime, the most expensive thing is only one, and that is our health.

If you lose money, you can earn it again; if you lose your career, you can start over; if you lose friends, you can make new ones; as long as you are healthy, you can make a comeback at any time.

But without health, everything else is meaningless.

When you are lying on the hospital bed, even if someone takes care of you, you still have to endure the pain, fear and torture by yourself.

In this world, our bodies are always with us, sharing our joys and sorrows, and are irreplaceable.

If it is not good, then neither can we.

The two most important things in life are: one is health. If life is a tree, health is the root of the tree. Only with deep roots can the tree have lush leaves. Without a healthy body, wealth and glory are all in vain.

The second is mentality. The success or failure in life is just a matter of one thought. With a different mentality, the circumstances of life will be very different. Only by cultivating a calm and peaceful heart can one have a clear and bright life.

How much is a person worth?

Only health can prove it.

When we have health, everything we earn can be called assets. If we lose health, it can only become inheritance.

Health is one, everything else is zero. When one is there, everything is ours.

So, be kind to yourself and live a good life.

Go to bed early and get up early, don’t sulk, don’t think too much, and don’t be too satisfied.

In life, a simple and ordinary life is the real life, and good health is a blessing.

That’s all, good luck to everyone!

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