Is Bitcoin a safe-haven asset?

I can say with certainty that the answer is: No.

Bitcoin is an investment asset. Investment is investment. Don’t confuse it with safe-haven assets. If you really buy Bitcoin just for safe-haven assets, I believe that not only will you not avoid the risk, but you will also lose your money.

Bitcoin has cyclical nature. In the past, the market value of Bitcoin was small, and its rise and fall were mainly affected by emotions. Now the market value of Bitcoin is very large, and its rise and fall are affected by currency liquidity. If there is a lot of money in the market, it will rise, and if there is less money in the market, it will fall.

The only recognized safe-haven asset is gold. Think about it, if there is a major turmoil, the electronic infrastructure will be destroyed, and Bitcoin relies on electronic devices. Electronic devices can no longer be used. I believe that at that time, even if Bitcoin does not return to zero, it will definitely not have much value.