LSP started internal testing less than a week ago, and today the number of registered users has exceeded 200,000

LSP is a node liquidity slicing protocol. We all know that after staking tokens on a node, there is a lock-up period. During this period, the tokens we stake cannot be withdrawn or sold. The common practice in the market now is to issue a sub-coin, but LSP is not. It directly slices node liquidity, that is, the node needs to be connected to LSP, and the tokens staked on the node can be bought and sold directly like on an exchange without affecting the node's income rights.

In addition to the nodes, we all know that a project is financed in the early stage. The institution gives money to the project party, and the project party gives the institution a certain amount of tokens, but these tokens usually have a certain lock-up period and release regulations. After the lock-up period, they can be released according to the release rules and the institution can sell these tokens. But through LSP, the institution does not need to touch these coins, and can directly connect to LSP and sell the tokens in advance, and realize them in advance without any sound.

Do you see the value of the LSP project? The prospects are broad. Now it has just started the internal test, and participation is only by invitation, but even so, in less than a week, the number of registered people has exceeded 200,000. Many projects have less than 200,000 people, while LSP has more than 200,000 registered people in less than a week, and it is still in the internal test period.

Now the project party will take out 5% of the tokens, that is, 50 million tokens, to reward users who participated in the internal test in the early stage. According to uncertain market news, LSP is likely to be listed on Ouyi, and is striving to be the first to be listed on Binance. 5% of the 50 million tokens are worth 100 million to 500 million. Now you can only participate by invitation. Copy and open it in the Web3 wallet. TP, imToken, and Ouyi Web3 wallets are all OK. Connect the wallet, click on the points, and sign in every day to participate in the airdrop. Signing in only requires a little bit of ETH on the Arb chain to do GAS to get airdrop points. Points can be exchanged for airdrop tokens later. After a few days, you can also participate in the profit sharing of the LSP platform through the points obtained by staking. All the income of the LSP platform is distributed to those who participate in the points staking.

Action is worse than action. Hurry up and sign in!

The following picture shows the three member information of LSP