Last Friday's PCE data was basically in line with expectations, but there was no huge deviation in the past PCE data, so it caused a little instantaneous fluctuation. This Friday, the macroeconomics will release unemployment and non-farm data for May. The current expectations are general, so stay tuned. Big funds will also wait for these data to land before they start to move. Another thing to pay attention to is the interest rate cut by the European Central Bank. If the decision is to cut interest rates, it will also be a big benefit for risky assets.

Trump announced that he would accept lightning network payments for campaign donations, because lightning network payments require the creation and receipt of checks, that is, the amount needs to be agreed upon by the payee and the payer, so once this channel is opened, it is likely to meet the needs of offline payments.

NOT-TON. The names are all very artistic. This TON ecosystem NOT ignited the entire weekend. NOT has completed a 6-fold increase from the bottom to now, in just 6 days, and its transaction volume is second only to the big cake and the second cake in the entire network. NOT includes multiple tracks such as TON ecology, MEME, and chain games, and is also the most popular concept in recent times. The subsequent narrative of TON's ecology should continue to exert its strength. After all, it was hyped up by this wave. With the popularity and the trend, there may be a possibility of competing with SOL in the future. But the opportunity of native tokens is definitely not that great, after all, the market value is too large.

For the chain game track, there are still not many ALPHA projects. The hype of funds has driven it, but whether it can be sustainable and one or two leading or innovative projects is the key. I think the current WEB3 chain game is still a simple and crude plate.

Binance will delist $OMG, $WAVES, $WNXM, $XEM, all of which are old guys, and they were all glorious at one time. I don’t know why they will be delisted together this time. These tokens are not too related. It can be seen that after being delisted by BN, these tokens have fallen to varying degrees. It can be seen how much impact the listing on Binance has on the token price.

Market Interpretation

Bitcoin is starting to move. After digesting the PCE's instantaneous ups and downs on Friday, it has risen again today. From a technical perspective, it still has not fallen below the daily rising trend line. The weekly line of Bitcoin is starting to improve, and the monthly line has not broken the trend, so the market in June is worth looking forward to.

If nothing unexpected happens, the second coin will be listed on the US stock market this month, so stay tuned

Currently, all the copycats are following NOT. Some bottom chain games and new coins have started to climb. It should be okay to find some with relatively good fundamentals to follow for a short-term profit. Perhaps the chain game season driven by NOT will trigger a copycat season rotation.

Today's Bitcoin Panic Greed Index: 73 (Greed)

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