#people创新高 #PEOPEL #BTC☀ #ETH🔥🔥🔥🔥 $PEOPLE $BTC $ETH

In this digital age, although we are in the torrent of technology, ancient wisdom can still guide us. As a Feng Shui master, Cai Shen will combine the eight-character numerology and Feng Shui knowledge to analyze the price trend and fortune of PEOPLE tokens in 2024.

Bazi and Fengshui analysis

According to the birth date of PEOPLE token, November 12, 2021, this day corresponds to the year of Xin Chou, the month of Xin Hai, and the day of Ji Hai in the lunar calendar. We can draw the following analysis through the eight-character chart:

Eight Characters and Five Elements Analysis

  • Year Pillar: Xin Chou (Xin is metal, Chou is earth)

  • Month column: Xin Hai (Xin is metal, Hai is water)

  • Day Pillar: Ji Hai (Ji is earth, Hai is water)

Five Elements Analysis: Gold 2, Water 2, Earth 2, Fire 0, Wood 0

From the perspective of the five elements, the PEOPLE token lacks fire and wood in its eight characters, which indicates that the token may lack innovation and popularity in the market, but due to the balance of gold, water and earth, the market foundation and stability are strong.

2024 Horoscope Analysis

2024 is the year of Jiachen (Jia means wood and Chen means earth). This year, the market may be affected by the following aspects:

  • Increase of Wood: Jia Wood fills the lack of Wood in the Eight Characters, which means that new innovative projects and application scenarios may appear in the market, which will help to enhance the market value of tokens.

  • Balance of Earth: Chen Earth, Chou Earth and Ji Earth form a good basic stability, indicating that the market foundation is solid and can support a steady rise in prices.

  • Lack of fire: Lack of fire may lead to low market enthusiasm, and it is necessary to increase attention through marketing promotion and activities.

Price trend prediction

Review of the first half of the year (January-June)

  • Q1: PEOPLE tokens fluctuated between $0.07 and $0.12, with prices rising steadily driven by market recovery and new projects.

  • Second quarter: The price fluctuated between $0.09 and $0.11 and remained stable after the market adjustment.

Forecast for the second half of the year (July-December)

  • Q3 (July-September): As the market foundation becomes more solid and innovative projects are gradually implemented, the price of PEOPLE tokens is expected to fluctuate between $0.11 and $0.14.

  • Fourth quarter (October-December): Due to the year-end effect and the market recovery, the price may rise significantly. The PEOPLE token price is expected to be between $0.14 and $0.18.

in conclusion

2024 is a year full of opportunities and challenges for PEOPLE tokens. Through effective market operations and promotion, opportunities can be found in market fluctuations to achieve steady price increases. Investors need to pay attention to market dynamics, grasp the timing of buying and selling, and combine Feng Shui numerology advice to improve overall fortune.