
The market has fluctuated repeatedly in the past few days. Bitcoin has gradually moved down in the high point of the fluctuation. There is also a relatively obvious divergence in technology. The trend shows signs of continuing to find support downward, but the retracement will not be large. It is likely to move closer to 66,800 first. The overall trend will be mainly oscillating and correcting!

Ethereum has the support of ETF expectations and performs better than Bitcoin. However, from the technical chart, the trend of the daily top back is taking shape. If confirmed, the correction range of Ethereum will be higher than Bitcoin next week. From the exchange rate point of view, the position of ETH/BTC is also in the pressure area. The short position of Big B Network is obviously established in this range. Considering all factors, the correction of Ethereum has not yet arrived. It will first test the important support of 3750. If it falls below, it will slide to the area of ​​3500, and then look at about 3350.

Since the meme cooled down, some monster coins have appeared in the market in the past two days, but overall, the cottage heat index is 30+, the market is still very deserted, the local hot spots are very limited, and the money-making effect is low!

Strategically, we are currently maintaining a certain position and leaving some positions to wait and see, waiting for Ethereum to fall back. We can enter the market in batches at several support positions. Don't chase high at this position! In terms of currency selection, we continue to focus on Ethereum ecology, AI, meme, and rwa related currencies!

Finally, in terms of macroeconomics, the US GDP in the first quarter was lowered to 1.3%, the lowest level since the first quarter of 2023. Rising bond yields have exacerbated economic pressures. Federal Reserve officials have begun to downplay interest rate hikes, and Bostic hinted that if conditions permit, interest rates may be cut before September. The big trend has always been there, be modest and wait for the start of the second half!