The current price of $NOT Notcoin is around $0.0134 USD, according to data from #Binance

Growth projections:

In 2024, Notcoin has shown significant growth since its official launch in January this year. Its popularity on Telegram as a "play-to-earn" game has driven its adoption, reaching more than 5 million users in its first week. With its integration into the TON blockchain and support from the TON Foundation, Notcoin is expected to continue growing. Some estimates project that Notcoin could reach as much as $0.05 USD by the end of 2024, depending on the market and continued adoption.

By 2025, if Notcoin manages to expand its #ecosistema and maintain community interest, it could see a more significant rise, potentially surpassing $0.10 USD. However, these projections are speculative and depend on multiple factors, including the stability of the broader cryptocurrency market and Notcoin's ability to innovate and attract new users.

**Recommendation:**#Investingin Notcoin can be attractive for those interested in the gaming and emerging cryptocurrency sector. However, it is important to consider the risks inherent in cryptocurrency investments, especially in new projects with high volatility. If you decide to invest, do so with caution and consider diversifying your portfolio to mitigate risks.

In short, Notcoin presents an interesting opportunity but comes with risks. Assessing your risk tolerance and doing thorough research before investing is crucial.

Sources: #Binance #CoinMarketCap #CoinCodex