For a woman,

what is the best state for the second half of her life?

That is to support herself, raise her children, and take care of her husband.

No matter whether it is good times or bad times,

still accept all the gifts of life calmly,

live every morning and sunset of her life well,

make choices in moderation, and pursue the quality of life.

As for other things,

if they are there, they will be icing on the cake, and if they are not there, they will still be beautiful.

The most important thing is to have a good mentality and a healthy body.

In the past,

for this, for that,

taking care of this, taking care of that,

my heart was full of children and husbands, and I only owed myself.

For the rest of my life, love yourself well,

have money, have leisure, and have a good body!

Love money, love yourself, and you will be prosperous!

A passage I like recently:

Take care of your health and emotions,

you will win more than half of this life.

For the rest, life will arrange it.

The most beautiful appearance is not to be flamboyant, not to be sexy and enchanting,

but to face the trivial life,

still have the most innocent smile.