People who really do business only make limited profits, and huge profits cannot last long.

Money is for use. It is good to have some savings after it is enough.

However, some people cannot resist the greed in their hearts and pursue it endlessly, thinking that they can control everything with money.

They also want to pass it on to their descendants, but in the end, it is all in vain!

There are two laws that we must remember:

First, nothing is completely impossible.

Second, sometimes people's ability to deceive themselves is unlimited.

Each of us is a "clown" and plays five balls in our life, family, work, health, friends and soul.

Among the five balls, the work ball is made of rubber and has the ability to rebound when it is hit, while the other four balls are made of glass. Once they are broken, they will never recover!

Each of us must remember that we should never try to control others or other things, but learn to control ourselves!

Who still remembers which book this line is from? Now I still remember these lines vividly and unforgettable!

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