Cold knowledge: 1. When you dare to raise your hand in the crowd, your courage has exceeded 80% of the people.

2. Men with loud voices are mostly timid, and women with loud voices are not to be messed with.

3. If parents are obese, the probability of children being obese is very high.

4. Playing badminton or table tennis can prevent myopia.

5. The most sensitive finger of a person is the index finger.

6. When taking a bath, the bath water for men is generally 35 degrees, and the bath water for girls may exceed 53 degrees.

7. When blowing your hair, try to use high-speed blow-drying, and try not to use high-temperature blow-drying, so that the hair quality may be better.

8. The more you know, the more you can understand others.

9. The pregnant woman effect is actually a cognitive bias, also known as the observer expectation effect, just because you didn't pay attention to it before.

10. The even numbers of the twelve zodiac signs are all delicious (cow, rabbit, snake, sheep, chicken, pig), but the odd numbers are not.

11. All the emotions that make you unhappy are caused by "wrong" cognition.

12. Optimistic people don’t always handle their stress well.

13. Children grow faster in spring.

14. The colder the room you sleep in, the more likely you are to have nightmares.

15. The Ace of Spades is drawn larger than other Aces in poker.

16. There are colors that our brains can’t imagine.

17. The brain is more active when sleeping than when watching TV.

18. Women’s vision in the dark is better than men’s.

19. If dust or small flies get into your eyes, close your eyes and cough hard a few times, and the dust will come out.

20. Wearing headphones for an hour will increase the number of fine jun in your ears by 700 times.

21. Fingernails grow three times faster than toenails.

22. If the doctor asks you to do a test and finds no problem, you should be happy all day. It’s not that if the test finds no disease, it means the test is in vain💰. 23. Girls with big eyes may like flowers more💰

24. When you sneeze, it is impossible to open your eyes.

25. Three things that should always be kept secret: your relationship status, your emotions, and what you are going to do.