Today, a college classmate came to the company, and we talked about the cryptocurrency circle unconsciously. He said that he made 18 times the money in the two years of cryptocurrency speculation in 20-21. This year, the original investment method failed, and all the money fell back this year, and he even lost money. He said that he was unlucky.

I asked him: Have you lost money or made money in cryptocurrency speculation over the years? He said, of course, I lost money, and the profit from cryptocurrency speculation does not exceed 10%. He said that he started to speculate in cryptocurrency in 2016, and he has been operating for almost seven or eight years, but he still lost money overall.

I said, have you ever thought about it, if you seek stability, only invest in Bitcoin and Ethereum, and make 15%-30% of the income by fixed investment, it is certain, and long-term holding is not a steady profit? He sneered and said: Only 15%-30% income a year, this income requirement is too low, a copycat has a 20% profit a day, if you are lucky, you can make money in an hour.

Well... maybe, this is the current situation of most leeks!