#The market is boring again. Bitcoin fell back to around 67,000, but ETH is still around 3,600. The rise of meme currencies also shows that funds are waiting for the confirmation of the direction. This time ETH has become stronger, and it should drive the copycat market next. Be patient. People who already had money before speculating in cryptocurrencies and those who made money here and ran out should not forget their original intentions.

Britain invaded China three times and won, France invaded China twice and won, Germany invaded China once and won, Tsarist Russia invaded China once and won, Japan invaded China three times, Japan won twice and lost once. China was beaten up during the Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China, and then had to pay compensation to the invaders. The Chinese people lived in dire straits.

Let's take a look at the British invasion of China once under the leadership of the instructor. The British warships at this time were killed and China won. Portugal invaded China once and China won. India invaded China once and China won. The Soviet Union invaded China once and China won. Vietnam invaded the Paracel Peninsula and China won again. Vietnam also invaded the Chinese border, but was finally defeated by China.

After the Opium War, the British major announced that this was a wealthy country that dared not fight and would only lose money. Once this was said, which robber could not be tempted. But after the Korean War, Peng announced to the world that the history of Western powers sending thousands of people and pulling a few mountain cannons to dare to rampage on Chinese soil was gone forever.

Before the founding of New China, except for all the aggressive wars of the Anti-Japanese War, China never won once. After the founding of New China, China has never lost once, so China now has a super peaceful and affluent life.

Look at who brought this to us, what reason do we have not to be grateful and miss the great men, what reason do we have to forget those revolutionary predecessors who were born and died?
