The financial station may be coming to an end, and everything will be revealed. Behind the current round of skyrocketing gold, silver and the same price, it is really the ultimate contest between industrial capital and financial capital. The US dollar financial capital, led by Wall Street, is accelerating its crazy siege of global industrial capital. This round of copper price surge is a counterattack launched by the United States against the gold bull market, and it is also a long-planned action by US dollar capital. Copper, as a basic industrial metal, is on the verge of a global industrial crisis under the fierce game between financial capital and industrial capital.

The game continues to intensify, coupled with the soaring oil prices, and may eventually evolve into a systemic financial crisis. For this reason, South Korea has begun to take action and formulate a response plan for the upcoming systemic risks.

How does US dollar financial capital strangle the global industrial capital of gold, silver and copper prices, and what profound impact will the skyrocketing prices have on the global economy and financial markets? Please read carefully.

First, the gold bull market is the collapse of the US dollar hegemony. This momentum is likely to continue in the future, but to this day, many people still believe that the biggest beneficiary of the rise in gold prices is the United States. The reason is that the US gold reserves rank first in the world, and the US may have 100,000 tons, which is simply nonsense.

First of all, the world's proven gold reserves and mined gold production are almost globally fair. Where did the US get 100,000 tons? Assuming that the US really has such a high gold reserve, it will inevitably greatly strengthen the credit of the US dollar. In this case, why not choose to make it public. Secondly, this round of gold bull market is not simply hyped up around the US dollar interest rate cycle, but combined with various factors such as geography. One of the most important factors is that the world has begun to ship gold back from the United States in the past two years. This operation directly triggered the market's risk aversion. If the rise in gold prices is good for the Federal Reserve, then 8,000 tons of gold reserves are still reasonable, but a large amount of gold is shipped away from the United States, which is obviously weakening the credit of the US dollar.

Another point can more intuitively prove that the US actually did not have a psychological expectation for this round of gold bull market in advance, that is, almost all Western funds and investment institutions were absent. Word limit, pay attention to my next article to continue.Telling about the economic trends in vernacular #BTC走势分析 $SUI $ETH $SOL