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ETH spot ETF problem summary:

1. When will the#ETHspot ETF be announced?
Generally speaking, it will be between 2:00 and 4:00 a.m. on May 24th, Beijing time, but it is possible that it will be slightly delayed to 6:00 a.m.

2. Where can I view the information published by#ETHspot ETF?
The SEC’s official website is:
Dedicated information disclosure page:…

3. Will the#ETHspot ETF definitely pass?
Not necessarily. Nothing is 100% certain. At present, the possibility of passing 19b-4 first is very high. I personally think the probability is over 80%, or even higher. However, as long as there is no final conclusion, the probability of passing it is only 50%.

4. What is 19b-4 and what is S-1/S-3?
19b-4 can be regarded as an industry standard. When 19b-4 is passed, it means that the industry can operate, but it does not mean that the applied fund can be listed and traded. It must also meet the approval of S-1/S-3, which also requires SEC approval. S-1/S-3 is similar to corporate qualification approval. Only after approval can the business be engaged. In addition to Grayscale, which needs to apply for S-3, other institutions need to apply for S-1.

5.If#ETHspot ETF is approved, what impact will it have on the market?
There will definitely be more positive impacts, which is good news in plain words. Especially after the ETH spot ETF is approved, it means that there is no so-called POS Token that cannot pass the approval of the spot ETF. In fact, it has nothing to do with POS itself, but the approval of ETH will give the market more ideas and will definitely inject more funds. For ETH itself, it can refer to the trend of BTC, and the difference will not be too big.

6.How will price react if#ETHspot ETF goes through or doesn't?

A: Passed. If passed, it will undoubtedly be a positive in the long run, which can be seen from the capital inflow after the Bitcoin ETF is passed. However, it is precisely because of the performance of the Bitcoin ETF that ETH has already factored all the positive expectations (75% probability of passing) into the price. Therefore, it is likely to cause short-term selling pressure after passing (first rise and then fall after passing), and the positive impact will be negative.

B: No. If it is not approved, then in the next few days, the SEC will review the Ethereum spot ETF applications of ARK, 21SHARES, Hashdex, Grayscale and other companies. If the reason for the failure is that ETH is classified as a security, then the price of ETH will go back to where it came from, because the following companies will not be approved. However, if it is for other reasons, the expectations for the future still exist, and the currency price is likely to continue to maintain high speculation expectations.

To sum up, ETH's short-term upward space is not large after the 20% surge in a single day. It is not realistic to expect a continued sharp rise. The sell orders after the single-day surge hit a new high in recent months. Therefore, it needs to be repeatedly confirmed above 3,500 for a period of time before it has a chance to move to a higher position. Don't be fooled by emotional FOMO and chase highs.


As mentioned yesterday, the market failed to rebound between 71000-71500 and fluctuated downward. It has now reached the support of 68900. If it falls below here, we will focus on the buying opportunities between 67000-65800.


Yesterday's 3360 has accurately supported the rebound, and now it is still fluctuating strongly, waiting for the news to land! If 3620 falls below, focus on the buying opportunities below 3350-3280.

Optimize the quantitative strategy configuration plan:

Countermeasures for insufficient positions:

Suspend all strategies (to avoid locking the API), and set the strategy type to conservative or extreme!

If you have a spare position, you can transfer the spare position to the spot account!

If there are positions that are released, the strategy of the currency with large floating losses can be suspended first, so that the closed positions can be used to release positions with currencies with small floating losses more easily and profitably!

Seize the opportunity of market rebound, release the currency positions, and adjust and reduce the position ratio in time!

Enable sharding strategy as appropriate! (2-3 shards)

In the current market, we can focus on implementing this practical technique (with good results):

1. After the strategy covers the 4th position, the strategy type can be adjusted to conservative!

2. When the 4th position of the strategy is closed with profit, adjust the strategy type to stable or volatile!

The information and data involved in this content are derived from publicly available materials, and we strive to be accurate and reliable, but we do not guarantee the accuracy and completeness of the information. The content does not constitute any investment advice, and you are solely responsible for investing based on it!