Investment Thoughts in Volatile Markets

As the price of coins continues to rise, the market has become more and more volatile. The recent continuous fluctuations have caused various investors to suffer losses to varying degrees. Are the project owners and platforms working together to cut leeks? If you suffer losses as a result, why would you become the "leek king" that is picked out of thousands? This article is not intended to ridicule those investors who have been "cut". I understand the anxiety and unwillingness of novices; nor is it to whitewash any project owner or platform. The development of the industry requires rationality. If the "leeks" in the market can get some help from the following text and think rationally about their investment behavior, I will be satisfied.

Believe in long-term win-win market

Many whales have bought Bitcoin since ancient times and still hold it today. This is not luck, nor is it that they forgot to hold it, but that they have watched the price rise and fall firmly without selling it. Even if the profit has exceeded a thousand times, they still have no intention of selling it. In the matter of Bitcoin, the whales have completely given up any idea of ​​making waves. The only reason is that they believe that the development of blockchain technology is unstoppable, and Bitcoin, as the base currency of the blockchain asset market, will experience an extremely long bull market. Therefore, regardless of whether it goes up or down, as long as the fundamentals of Bitcoin as the base currency remain unchanged, they will continue to hold it. If you want to participate in this market, there must be a reason strong enough for you to never sell it. I believe that the blockchain investment market will be a long-term win-win market.

Gambling is a negative-sum market, because the casino takes a cut, and the gambler's money is gradually decreasing; the stock market is an uncertain market, and the markets in different countries have different rules and characteristics; and the blockchain asset market is a long-term win-win market. As more and more blockchain assets are discovered, the impact of blockchain technology on the world will become more and more obvious. Especially after the decentralization of this market, uncertainty is greatly reduced. Please note that a long-term win-win market means more opportunities and a greater chance of making money, but it does not mean that you can make money just by playing. If you insist on chasing ups and downs, you should not participate in the best market.

Don't be superstitious about any big V

This is very important and I must emphasize it again and again. The so-called big Vs are also ordinary people. Even if they are experienced, they may not be able to make all the correct judgments. If you invest only based on their words, it is essentially irresponsible for your own assets. Some big Vs are accustomed to going back on their words. If you believe that their influence on you is not smuggled, it is naive. Please remember that if you listen to the big V, he will not compensate you if you lose money. Any big V's platform for a project can only prove that he knows the project party, and nothing else can be explained. If this big V still advises you to buy, buy, buy, and it will definitely rise to a certain amount in the future, then he must have received money from the project party. If you really believe it, you can only choose the wrong path. Don't be superstitious about any big V, including myself. Independent thinking is the basis for profit.

Don't try to profit from every market move.

The characteristics of the hardest-working investors are very obvious. They don't have much money, but they are unwilling to miss any fluctuations and opportunities in the market. They hope to buy low and sell high in every fluctuation. To this end, they can stay awake for 36 hours and keep their eyes open for 72 hours. The 24-hour global trading tortures them so much that they can't sleep at night and can't eat during the day. There are three thousand rivers, but you only need to take a scoop. Make an investment that you can understand and seize a big opportunity, which is enough to change your understanding of this market. There is a rule that has been repeatedly verified in the market: independent research, low-frequency trading, greater chances of winning. Once the correct investment concept is established, as long as there is no leverage, short-term gains and losses are not important. The person who makes a wave for three days and the person who only pays attention to the position once every three months will definitely win.

Ask yourself a dozen questions before investing

Why did you invest in this project? Is the person in charge of this project reliable? Does he have any historical achievements to prove his ability? Is the logic of this project reasonable? Does blockchain technology really need to be solved? Can the speed and throughput of this blockchain meet the needs of this project? How big is the market for this project? How difficult is it to promote this project? Why does this project ask you for money? Why do you have the opportunity to invest in this project? If you participate in the investment of a project, just look at the K-line, or even don’t look at the K-line, just look at the atmosphere in the group and invest money, is your money stolen? Make investments that you can understand. If you don’t have enough knowledge, go to make up for it. There is no free lunch in this world. Even if you invest in a good variety by chance, you will definitely not be able to hold on to it.

Differentiated investment in white horse and dark horse

There are white horses and dark horses in any market. The same is true for the blockchain asset market. What is special is that the white horses in the blockchain asset market are so obvious, but many newcomers turn a blind eye to them. Bitcoin itself is the biggest white horse, but many people watched it run all the way, but never got on the bus. Ethereum was also a big white horse, but few people rode it from the starting point to the scenic spot. If you want to invest in this market, you must think about which variety will be the big white horse of the present and the future. Turning a blind eye to white horses is not color blindness, but greed for higher profits. I love looking for dark horses in the dark, not because I have bright eyes, but because I want to get rich overnight after reading too many tomb-robbing notes. I have not missed the big white horse opportunities, which are the main component of my investment results. I have also ridden crazy dark horses, but in my revenue results, the proportion is not worth mentioning.

If you want to die, go all-in

If you think of the market as a casino, all-in only has a 50% chance of survival. The outcome of gambling is not determined by the odds, but by how many chances you have to play. In some gambling, more money can really crush less money. Even though the blockchain asset investment market is a long-term win-win market, it is full of traps and scams. If you are naive enough to think that you can change your life with just one bet, why not go to Las Vegas? Anyway, you only have one chance. Configuration, configuration, configuration, the article I wrote about configuration more than half a year ago is still valid. I suggest that novices go back and take a look. However, the basic configuration part has changed. Please learn the logic of configuration instead of copying the configuration suggestions at that time.

Control risks, accept defeat, and avoid conspiracy theories

It is possible that some projects are no different from scammers, but please keep your eyes open and make a clear judgment. There is still a difference between a team that really does things and a scammer. Since you have invested, you should give the team time to grow and develop. If you hope to make money and leave in three days, the same thing applies: why don’t you go to Las Vegas?

Love life, understand logic and cause and effect

Years of investment experience have made me feel more and more that investment, like life, is also about logic. Sunrise and sunset, flowers in the morning and evening, sowing melons and reaping melons, this is a natural process. No matter how fast the blockchain market develops, it must conform to the laws of the world, but the speed is many times faster than other fields. Understand the market in the way you understand the world, manage your investment like you repair a garden, give up those weeds, arrange the red flowers and green leaves, read books in your spare time, and go for a walk far away. Life itself is the most important. I wish you to become a successful "life master" in investment as soon as possible.