Sun Ge bought billions of dollars of ETH not for staking and airdrops, but for a deeper purpose. Don't be fooled by the surface phenomenon, let's reveal it to you today.

If ETH plummets in the later period, will that airdrop share really make up for his losses? This is obviously unrealistic. Secondly, as a shrewd businessman, will Sun Ge easily give his principal to others to earn interest? This is obviously impossible. Finally, although Sun Ge may not be able to obtain inside information, he is absolutely capable of obtaining accurate information. For a person worth tens of billions, his information channels are absolutely beyond your imagination. So, Sun Ge, what is the real reason for buying ETH? In fact, he may have seen the long-term value of ETH and think it is a project worth investing in. At the same time, he may also hope to expand his influence in this way and attract more attention and fans. After all, in this era of social media, having more fans means having more resources and opportunities.

Sun Ge bought ETH not for simple staking and airdrops, but for a deeper purpose. We need to keep a clear mind and look at every investment decision rationally.

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