Let's talk about some common routines in cryptocurrency trading:

1. Don't buy because of a big drop

2. Don't stop buying because of a big rise

3. Opportunities come from a drop, and risks come from a rise

4. Don't consider where you fell from

5. Don't consider those that have been hyped up within an adjustment cycle

6. Don't buy if you can or don't buy

7. Chasing high is the best way to buy the bottom, choose a good profit and loss ratio

8. For deep callbacks, wait for the volume to climb, and then buy after the volume is adjusted

9. Think about K-line and trading volume from multiple angles, and calculate the main position building cost

10. If it is weak, it must be strong

11. If it is strong, it must be weak

12. Good coins are not washed deeply, and the cycle conversion continues to pull up

13. Good coins are not washed for a long time, and the cycle supports the adjustment of the volume to make a bottom position

14. The more you dare not buy, the more it will rise, find a standard K to do T

15. Pay less attention to the news and more to the fundamentals

16. Don't be afraid of mistakes, the more you setbacks, the more courageous you will be. The market has abused me thousands of times, but I treat the market like my first love.

17. Be strong, not weak, follow the funds.

18. Don't rebound in the downward trend. Rebound is not a hard demand. Don't hesitate to stop loss when it breaks.

19. High volume, no price increase, volume and price divergence, it is a signal of peaking, decisively stop profit in batches.

20. Start small steps at the bottom, followed by a big positive line.

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