I have been busy all day, so I will write about it now.

We are currently in the middle stage of the bull market. Since most of the altcoins are Ethereum-based, we have to look at their big boss Ethereum. The exchange rate of Ethereum to Bitcoin is expected to reverse around the end of the year. For details, you can look at an Ethereum exchange rate judgment written at the beginning of the year. Therefore, it is not that the altcoins are not good in this round of bull market, but that it has not yet started to explode. In addition, after the liquidation leverage of the bull market is over, it generally means that the adjustment is nearing the end. This time, the basic 2x leverage has exploded, and the liquidation is particularly thorough. Since the liquidation has ended, it is disrespectful to the bull market to be bearish again, so it is better to firmly hold long positions. Moreover, it has been adjusted for such a long time and space. If you move blindly later, you may be thrown off the car. If you lose money in the long-term, you will cut short-term. If you don’t make any money in the short-term, you will do long-term again. Entering a death cycle, a round of bull market is played in vain. It is better to go all the way and firmly believe. In short, it is useless to say more. See you in the future. #BTC走势分析